Thursday, October 30, 2008

okie, i do admitted that im really very tired now.. and i guess i gona slep soon (guess so..) haha ! but before i do so, i gona praise my little-sweet-pie. =)

bascially, she always make my day soooo sweeeet and comfy with her.. ya altot she always like to bite me (which i dunno y !!) but its juz sooo hard to show anger to her.. haha!

yes, we almost see each other every day, but whoooo care.. haha ~ we are enjoying our honeymoon period wat. =) which she always say its doesnt last.. and i gona prove to her.. its does last =) HEEE !!

and she juz being sooo understanding tt she noe im having some prob.. and she requested to sent me home LOL !! brought her to eat the XO fish head bee hoon, i think she totally INLOVE in it. HAHA!! and she juz sooo love my neighbourhood, as i say always, more to come baby.. =)

i juz ended the call wit her, she juz soooo funny. she is sooo tired.. but she juz wanted to tok on phone awhile wit me.. kao~ make me nua on my bed awhile, and im now MORE SLEEPLY ! thanks baby !! *bite*

well, we realised that we always walk.. and we really walk long distance.. but we are so fan jian.. haha !! gt transport dunwan take, and we choose to WALK. but i really enjoy the sticky moments wit her.. and we exploring those back alley which she always wanted to visit but dun dare to.. hee !!

overall, i *ahem* you !! HAHA !!


tml will be a long day for me.. phew ~ gona update tioman trips when i receive the photos from leslie ong soon !!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

yeah, im soooo excited, another 10 more hrs i will be enjoying my short getaway to tioman ! woot.

well, this few days was like a roller coaster for me. ups and NO down ! LOL~

i think things are going on great, and i really love like her accompany for this few day.. ha, seem like her mummy are getting used to it, gonna booked her in advance. =)

we met almost everyday ba, morning sent her to work and nite time meet her after work for dinner or jalan jalan. ha~ seems sticky huh, but no choice ~ LOL !!

i gona accompany her when im free this period, once nov starts, i will be damn busy.. gosh.. hope she understand, :)

and the funniest part is.. we always walk. LOL !! from A to B, B to A, C to... etc.. haha!! we are so sticky, we sweats, but the moment was.. unable to discribe.. juz smile =D

i gona miss her alot when im in tioman.. damn.

time for some packup !!

Monday, October 20, 2008

im down with superb-duper-lao-sai.


but i dun get the little concern from..

somehow rather..

i think im tired..

cos i nv slep much at all yest..

ya just tired.. =)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

okie man, im soooo tired.

time for some updates, to keep some memory in my bloggerhead. =D

alright man, juz a quick update of me during the week.

was having a sweet morning, meet frenz at vivo for light dinner as frenz's mummy bought dinner. sent frenz home, got for a short bball session. nite time went for jog to vex.

office in the morning, noon go down to harbourfront to conduct interview.
stayed till 9pm at retail outlet. go down to clemeti to meet frenz.
saw frenz's boss and colleg, together took mrt, dropped on ghout station with frenz, and we went to eat beancurd, luckily frenz say not bad. =) sent frenz home since frenz wearing heel HA.

MC + homely boy.
went to play bball on the nite time.

office whole day, meet frenz after work for dim sum at 126 gelyang. madnessly from there walked to frenz hse, curse from frenz was heard. gosh LOL! but luckily frenz still able to see the nice bridge tt i wanted let frenz see initially.

late for work. office till late noon and went out for visiting outlet. meet han & co. to msia for dinner/supper. back to sg ard 1am.

whole day office training. gosh.
meet frenz for dinner, but frenz kana nag by mummy as mummy bought frenz share. HAHA! hmm, settle dinner at lavender food centre. no cash, and running ard for atm. sweat like hell. frenz laugh @ me. =( bought whole stack of tissue but actually wanted use one packet for frenz's flu LOL, crazy de. walked back frenz hse. and bought frenz's bro snacks.

that all for now ma.
im pretty tired la thou. but canot slep.

*un-tied the knot*

Monday, October 13, 2008

跑啊跑,只听着 “李玖哲 - 想太多”, 回忆一点一滴的,吞噬着我的心情。


“我的不安那么沉重, 只有你不懂"

"是我想太多你总这样说, 但你却没有真的心疼我"

"是我想太多我也这样说, 这是唯一能安慰我的理由"

"虽然你不说, 都是错在我"
suddenly feel sad.

F**k that title !
i love the surprise in d morning. that was as sweet as chewing the honey ! >.<


i love the bread you bought la. omg, okie, i "stolen" two as well, pls dun tell my meimei-s

and no, you din bribe them. =)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

okie man, this week was a sweet week =)

your laughter, your smile, your holding ears action, your bomb ba hair, your understanding, your ke ai de pi pi !!

haha, reason of loving you are more, and i believe more to come ! can u help me fill in those blank more? HEE

hmm, sat was a superb tiring day. im almost running to outlet, okie not running, but rushing there and fore. but gt one mission on-going, luckily it went smoothly. haha i was afraid tt her family go out makan lo. duh. than mission will be fail. not bad, but korkor of her wan bao yu, okie i try to go find next time. LOL ! than mummy invited me to.... HAHA~ *sensed danger* *siam*

and omg, when we were at e station, another paparaizzi appear ~ gosh.

and i really love her msg. sweet dao! haha. my frenz wana beat me. for that XIN FU on my face. LOL funny de.

din really slep tt nite.. cos we had a long tok on fone.. and said alot stuff.. its ver nice to hear from her afterall she nv really tok to me abt this issue.. appeaciate it !!

she is changing rite nw. while i blog.. okie y i sound like she is at my hse. hahah ! opss.

afterall.. H-A-P-P-Y.

*holding your hand, together..*

Thursday, October 09, 2008

okie man,

im damn dirty nw, haven bath yet. but feel like blogging it. so gona do a chop chop one, and off to pom pom.

okie.. i met a special one, we haven be contact for very long i guess.. and until recently we are back to contact, as first im still oh okie, hi and chat ard those kind, cos u noe, old frenz liao.. wana noe how things goes... and turn out.. i think im kind of fall in her.. its not those love type.. but ya just.. have feeling..

she juz got back her single life not long ago, after a end of r/s for 5 yrs. gosh.. thats alot man.. initially i tot that i will receive her red bomb. ha..!!

well.. i juz wana said.. i dun make a habit to tell every gers of those ai mei stuff.. and infact.. i dun remember i did to anyone.. even my ex-gf. i dunno why i will say tt to u.. but im really sincere. its nature tt u will afraid tt i might say this to others as well... ha,

but i can tell u, BO KOR LENG =)

i never did that to anyone.. and im pretty surprised tt i will say that to you, and it seems pretty often huh. LOL ! seems normal to say out. duh.. i really dunno la, dun bomba me asking me~

i just wana say.. i will be there with you till this badfall period are over. =)

to that kor ai de pi pi =)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hi, this topic will be about L.O.V.E, of my views. Suddenly feel like writing it down. actually last few days when im on the bus, i have this xiang fa le.

well, juz had a tok to one of my coll regarding of her love life. complaining that the guy was childish and dun understand her feeling. sending msges to irraties her. she say if she noe tt will be the prob after tgt, she might as well dunwan, so xin ku.

my views in relationship are .. i totally truth my gf, and i will cfm respect her thinking. Although she might be given a chance, and i dun like the idea of it, i will still leave to her for the final decision. but i will calming break down the pro and cons of the idea. final say is still her. i think in r/s, two ppl from stanger, to frenz, to close frenz, to gf/bf or even marry. all stages are not easy to maintain. if they are in the last two stages, they should cherish one another more as its not easy to find such a ger surrounding u. If any quarrel apply, i think peacefully settle and talk will be the better way, than shout here shout there, end of the day watever come from mouth are so hurt to whoever. and miscommunication started.

i dun really like quarrel and usually when started to quarrel i will walk away. cos i dun like and i dun think its the correct timing to say cool. ha~ but quarrel is really a gd way to more understand ur another half. i think i really lack of tt. cos i dun like quarrel ( in the past), but i now i guess i can handle the case. =) but if shout on public is really a NO for me. i dun like. its like not showing any respect to another. mayb i cant stand the looks from stranger oso ba, paisei.. haha~

when apply on work, i will like my gf to give me fully support and high understanding. cos when i work, i really work, i might forget to eat or reply sms/call. or mayb in a dulan tone LOL! but watever its is, i feel tt during working, we should respect one another working attitude. its not like they are doing crime or cheating mei mei, im really working. so thing like "y u like no time for me?" those blar blar, im sorry. i could only tell u that if i have the time. i will go to the extend to acc u every moments, even im very tired. but when trying to make me difficult, than i have no choice, i need freedom and i will gib her freedom as well. i dun mind my gf see my hp, but pls ask for permission. i had nothing to hide, cos when im in r/s, i onli have u in my heart. anyway i oso dun flirt ard one, hahaa.

i dunno why i wana starts with this, but i juz feel like to..

alright man i gonna go for my dinner, before someone nag again. =)

Saturday, October 04, 2008

okie, im supposed to go for outlets visit now, but... *ahem* HA !

yest.. or mayb just now, i slept onli at ard 6am, duh ! damn tired la.. but yest was a fruitful day ! woot.

start of the day i went to office for conducting small meeting wit my promoters, everything kind of smooth as plan. than buddy jio me for lunch after his work. dunno where to eat, so just wander ard. haha

ohya, inbetweent during the meeting, edlynna rang me up, asked me to visit her hse for dunno simi house warming. than as plan, go makan with buddy first, ended up at sakae sushi. after dinner buddy go dunno where and i continue my visiting of outlet. i had my hair cut at lala, hair damn light now ! haha..

than go home changed and rushed down to ed house. kao, almost lost my way. there tooo big liao.

anyway alot of her relatives was ard, so imagine im e onli chinese there. Ha! anyway they are really friendly, and the satay is godlike !! so tok to some of her close frenz try to keep me accomopany as she need to do her duty as socialbutterfly among her family members. anyway she have mixed feeling la. haha. oh ! ed's mum do make nice coffee ! damn. LOL

after a short chat wit her ard 11pm, i left the place to mj session with han & co. han called me up, and meet him as his hse so that he will longbang me over to mel hse. i think i did a 2km walk to his hse. LOL ! all thanks to him !

reached mel hse, knn tong still play dota. waited for him to end his game, while i take a short nap at mel hse. omg, im sweating like hell. mel hse no air-con ! partly he oso nv open his window one. siben heaty.

finally start the game at 1am ! played 1po and 1 tong till 4++ am. biggest winner is me ~ =D siben lucky.

panda charmin do works ! haha ! thank panda ! u gt free meal liao. LOL,

home and K.O

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

alright man.

hi mr blogspot. i noe i have neglect u 45783454383times, im pretty sorry that i cant stick-mine-bum-on-my-comfortable-chair to blog, okie sorry, excuses. LOL

okie, bu hao xiao.

hahaha !

eh, im not very sure where to start of ( ya, altot i already started of, dun need remind me, ahem), so mayb i shall juz blog my recent mixed feeling ba. i guess recently i have my time being fully equipped. or mayb not. but juz packed with stuff going and going. HAHA!

jiang zhong dian !

okie la, now i try to set every monday playing bball with keng's colluege or @ ponggol cc. s0 tue mostly will play billard with keng/les. haha~ wed is my off day(mostly) i will stay at home, seldom go out, superb homely now ! haha. fri will go for dinner/movie or mayb mj if sat dun need go back office. As for sat nite, will be dinner with peeps. and sunday wit my family ! woot, i think its like kind of packed. and well plannned. AHHAAH

well that goes my planning. if nothing went wrong.

as u realised. i SELDOM GO FOR SHOPPING !! haha, totally no slot for shopping. that e weird part, usually when shopping, i will siben hyber leh. and i still have a list of thing unable to find/fancy:

a vest.

a branded card holder for my credits/licenese/ic

a branded namecard holder to put my client name cards.

a few of shirts, L/S or S/S oso can.

a pair of blink earing (for godness sake, i lost most of my earing. damn. )

a few short shorts.

a few tees. ( not a must)

a rectanglar watch mayb by armani (siben $$)

gosh, that my list. isnt its simple and nice ! hahaha

see from the list, i think i will mostly getting first 2 as plan. but i cannot find the design i like ! ahhhhhh !'

okie nvm, we shall see.

eh, i think i getting more and more homely! hahah homely boy ! i dunno y, in the past i like to go out often! yes i noe, now i still still go out often. but the feeling is diferent. last time is WILLING to go out, siao on. But now is depend of the peeps and places. if nth much, juz wanted to stay at home., hmm issit i gona get ready for married ? HAHA !! crazy.

watever the reason is. i think im cool.

okie man time for some napping. =)

a very not me pic

when i off to work i guess. cant rem.