Saturday, October 18, 2008

okie man, im soooo tired.

time for some updates, to keep some memory in my bloggerhead. =D

alright man, juz a quick update of me during the week.

was having a sweet morning, meet frenz at vivo for light dinner as frenz's mummy bought dinner. sent frenz home, got for a short bball session. nite time went for jog to vex.

office in the morning, noon go down to harbourfront to conduct interview.
stayed till 9pm at retail outlet. go down to clemeti to meet frenz.
saw frenz's boss and colleg, together took mrt, dropped on ghout station with frenz, and we went to eat beancurd, luckily frenz say not bad. =) sent frenz home since frenz wearing heel HA.

MC + homely boy.
went to play bball on the nite time.

office whole day, meet frenz after work for dim sum at 126 gelyang. madnessly from there walked to frenz hse, curse from frenz was heard. gosh LOL! but luckily frenz still able to see the nice bridge tt i wanted let frenz see initially.

late for work. office till late noon and went out for visiting outlet. meet han & co. to msia for dinner/supper. back to sg ard 1am.

whole day office training. gosh.
meet frenz for dinner, but frenz kana nag by mummy as mummy bought frenz share. HAHA! hmm, settle dinner at lavender food centre. no cash, and running ard for atm. sweat like hell. frenz laugh @ me. =( bought whole stack of tissue but actually wanted use one packet for frenz's flu LOL, crazy de. walked back frenz hse. and bought frenz's bro snacks.

that all for now ma.
im pretty tired la thou. but canot slep.

*un-tied the knot*


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