Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hi, this topic will be about L.O.V.E, of my views. Suddenly feel like writing it down. actually last few days when im on the bus, i have this xiang fa le.

well, juz had a tok to one of my coll regarding of her love life. complaining that the guy was childish and dun understand her feeling. sending msges to irraties her. she say if she noe tt will be the prob after tgt, she might as well dunwan, so xin ku.

my views in relationship are .. i totally truth my gf, and i will cfm respect her thinking. Although she might be given a chance, and i dun like the idea of it, i will still leave to her for the final decision. but i will calming break down the pro and cons of the idea. final say is still her. i think in r/s, two ppl from stanger, to frenz, to close frenz, to gf/bf or even marry. all stages are not easy to maintain. if they are in the last two stages, they should cherish one another more as its not easy to find such a ger surrounding u. If any quarrel apply, i think peacefully settle and talk will be the better way, than shout here shout there, end of the day watever come from mouth are so hurt to whoever. and miscommunication started.

i dun really like quarrel and usually when started to quarrel i will walk away. cos i dun like and i dun think its the correct timing to say cool. ha~ but quarrel is really a gd way to more understand ur another half. i think i really lack of tt. cos i dun like quarrel ( in the past), but i now i guess i can handle the case. =) but if shout on public is really a NO for me. i dun like. its like not showing any respect to another. mayb i cant stand the looks from stranger oso ba, paisei.. haha~

when apply on work, i will like my gf to give me fully support and high understanding. cos when i work, i really work, i might forget to eat or reply sms/call. or mayb in a dulan tone LOL! but watever its is, i feel tt during working, we should respect one another working attitude. its not like they are doing crime or cheating mei mei, im really working. so thing like "y u like no time for me?" those blar blar, im sorry. i could only tell u that if i have the time. i will go to the extend to acc u every moments, even im very tired. but when trying to make me difficult, than i have no choice, i need freedom and i will gib her freedom as well. i dun mind my gf see my hp, but pls ask for permission. i had nothing to hide, cos when im in r/s, i onli have u in my heart. anyway i oso dun flirt ard one, hahaa.

i dunno why i wana starts with this, but i juz feel like to..

alright man i gonna go for my dinner, before someone nag again. =)


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