Saturday, October 04, 2008

okie, im supposed to go for outlets visit now, but... *ahem* HA !

yest.. or mayb just now, i slept onli at ard 6am, duh ! damn tired la.. but yest was a fruitful day ! woot.

start of the day i went to office for conducting small meeting wit my promoters, everything kind of smooth as plan. than buddy jio me for lunch after his work. dunno where to eat, so just wander ard. haha

ohya, inbetweent during the meeting, edlynna rang me up, asked me to visit her hse for dunno simi house warming. than as plan, go makan with buddy first, ended up at sakae sushi. after dinner buddy go dunno where and i continue my visiting of outlet. i had my hair cut at lala, hair damn light now ! haha..

than go home changed and rushed down to ed house. kao, almost lost my way. there tooo big liao.

anyway alot of her relatives was ard, so imagine im e onli chinese there. Ha! anyway they are really friendly, and the satay is godlike !! so tok to some of her close frenz try to keep me accomopany as she need to do her duty as socialbutterfly among her family members. anyway she have mixed feeling la. haha. oh ! ed's mum do make nice coffee ! damn. LOL

after a short chat wit her ard 11pm, i left the place to mj session with han & co. han called me up, and meet him as his hse so that he will longbang me over to mel hse. i think i did a 2km walk to his hse. LOL ! all thanks to him !

reached mel hse, knn tong still play dota. waited for him to end his game, while i take a short nap at mel hse. omg, im sweating like hell. mel hse no air-con ! partly he oso nv open his window one. siben heaty.

finally start the game at 1am ! played 1po and 1 tong till 4++ am. biggest winner is me ~ =D siben lucky.

panda charmin do works ! haha ! thank panda ! u gt free meal liao. LOL,

home and K.O


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