Tuesday, May 13, 2008

okie, to conclude.

today is a DAMN SUAY DAY, basically its SUCK TO CORE.


i almost loss my wallet at MOS burger.

lucky the staff are GOOD. thanks MOS.

than laterly is my driving lesson, i damn sianz. the instructor of mine, is like testing water of my temper. knn, keep saying those lj wei. siben dulan, do wrong do wrong la, knn need to say until like tt ah, FUCK UP ! i dun mind u shoot me back, but knn u say in a sarcastic way, cb like u no fault like tt.

simi lj, ask me go bus lane. than kana caught, say my fault, cb, u ask me change lane than i change leh, tok cock ah, still ask me pay with you oso. siben dulan, say simi lj will let me see the receipt of the fines.


damn piss off.


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