Friday, September 14, 2007

sum up for this week.

- quite smooth in the office. hope can maintain until i ORD. thanks.

-late for driving lesson, but uncle is GD !

-play mj wit teck & co. no win/lose for me.

-sat going bukit pj plaza again. gt customer called up.

-eyes always pain. esp right eye.

-and out of no-where, i kind of miss her, altot we nv contact since than, or so call she choose not to contact since than, but she still have a significate in my mind. weird thou. but impact memory. hai~ i guess she kind of enjoy her life now (from her friendster pic).

-im really tired. very.. i realised tt every entry i wll CFM type tired. but truth yes it is.

-thinking of selling away my ipod. (30gb gen3 thick version white.) or (30gb gen4 thick black version). feel like buying ipod touch. but the memory bo hua sia. -.-"



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