Saturday, July 14, 2007

a full 5 days in camp, no OFF, no MA, no DESPATCH, no LEAVE. cool. ha !! was kind of tired, or mayb is sick of my NS life. luckily jogging at nite, ard my camp relieved my stress. :) i left 11 MTHS MORE !! woot.

This week receive a freq question by those going ORD on Sept, "wat u going to do after u ORD?", ha ~ actually i nv really tot of tt. i really wana study, but dunno wana take wat course. 24yr old. mid twenty alr liao lo ! damn. but im cfm tt i will get my class 3 license within my NS life. and for my study.. actually i wana try the safety officer tt my dad mentioned. but somehow.. if i step in to tt field, or rather study tt cse, i will be no turn back, basically tt cse is ONLY related on safety stuff. ha~ wat other field will needs tt sia ? im really considering la, cos the starts pay was damn tempting la!

well anyway have 2 sales for this month ! woo. 1 from my Sir, ha ~ but i gib him damn gd offer la. 3 more to go !! hmm.. actually intends to go KTV today wit roy & co. but !! not enough ppl !! haha.. and i damn malu, sms wrong person. -.-" damn keen to sing la !! ROY ORGANISE ANOTHER KTV PLS !! THANKS YOU VER MUCH !! *and rem to bring extra helmet for me, chee bon !! HA !*

in d end for supper at xing wang. gt a sofa sit! cool. order drinks and the waitress order WRONG !! :( i wan yuan yang she gave me another. -.-" somemore the worst part she say, " aiyo, wo yao pei qian le la. " i have a gd heart, i say nvm, suay le. duh ! will i strike 4D on sun ? HAHA !! =D

saw a DKNY watch. damn like la. but.. i dunno shld i buy anot. hai ~ 25% discount wor !! and the tiny line of lime green on the surface make the watch surface damn nice la!!

I WAN KTV !! :( anyone going pls jio me along k ? THANKS ! HA..!

JULY will be a long mth for me. despite onli left 2 weeks. LONG STORY LA ~

shall continue my training on next week. i feel the strain on my body sia, damn shiok ! means tt my muscle are growing !! WOOT



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