Friday, October 26, 2007

alright man, this entry rite now.. mayb will be only abt my another circle of frenz, from sec sch.

Seem like we are not as bond as b4? i dunno y, issit becos of never meet up often cause it ? everyone seems like not making any efforts on it. Like Money issue ? this one borrow from another, and turn out ver long nv return the $, cause both of them to have dispute, and i have to be the middleman to know wat is really going on, despite im in my NS, sleeping already, already have so mani troubles/probs on my brain. i still have to help them to solve. cos i dun wan to see them quarrel becos of this. its might be onli a trivial matter, ends up blow out the whole thing.

another one is starts to be his poly mates mroe often, mayb rounding more often as well. proj or sch works together. ended up we meets lesser and lesser, when i make efforts to organise a meet up for KTV, pre-plan for 5 days, still.. on the day it self, send me a sms than he not going. pissed off. but wat can i do ? gib in still, cos i still think tt puting plane are small matter. but still, went small remarks was given to him, he make shld a sentive comments which kind of hurt me. its show tt he dun really care much abt them, mayb he ask us to attend, is onli ask for the sake of asking. altot i dunno wat they mentioned to him. but still i guess they are juz shy in the sense of so mani ppl will be at his hse, even is me, i oso will. let alone them. skin damn thin. but still, cant blame them much, i juz dun understand y they can think things more deeper ? more into feelings? always blames the surface and neglect the innner part. its is really soo difficult ? i really wonder.

another is dun even wana fork out money, and calcutlative as well.. we went to club, he late, we open a bottle expect we all share the money. he juz shoot back, i nv say tt i wana drink wat. so he is not paying. end up i have to pay behalf of him. i understand tt he dun have much money. but he make shld a comments really hurt. as if i wana cheat his money like tt. another is the above mentioned bd, sharing a present aint really cost much. he one word say he not going to share. end the case ? cant he suggest tt i pay for him first, and next pay day and return to me ? hai. im all fine wit tt, but still if they are not interested in the bond. i cant do anything as well.

haiz, my this grp of frenz, really.. i dunno wat to say to them. they are fun in a way, but ....

thats all ba, im really tired. tired of the issue. tired of settling there and fore.

losing smile.


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