Tuesday, October 16, 2007

hi, back from my MIA.

ha, been a long long time since my last updates. well... my last entry are kind of short & sweet. so this time rd, i shall make it LONG AND SNAGGY. =X

usually weekends work still go on, weekday will held up in camp by work. never endless papers works to do, since like never end. N-E-V-E-R, read together wit my lips ! LOL ! well, life are contented ba, thou workin, but still spend quality time with my frenz and family as well. esp dun need think much abt $, and everything will be COOL. but something come across with thoughts that my life seem bored now. work & work, nth entaintment. told li abt it, she suggest me to take up course, but all those need $ sia. join le oso sad. pocket one hole. HA ! how shld i deal wit it man, i juz lose the feeling of spending necessary $ on other stuff, even ktv tt i used to like sooo much, now.. seems like onli once a month or mayb longer. MJ is another game tt i played often now.. almost all weekend i will be playing.. din lose much so far, hahaha ! lucky guy = me. !! hmm, even win, i oso end up treat my mj kaikis go makan breadfast or cab on me. in d end, oso no win no lose, end up mayb need to top up -.-" HAHA ! but i always feel tt MJ is juz a source for me to see my peeps, those winning $ aint really impt thou. at least is my views =)

well.. retail therapy still e best. i din really spend at all for the past 2 months, but when i start spend, my $ burn damn fast. ha.. now my pay half gone liao, less than 5 days man, i spend abt 500. really wan to faint. but those mostly is my internet, fone bills. HA and my air ticks as well.. i still gt thailand trips man, MUST SCRIMP !! luckily another pay coming in soon to top up, AHHA !

hmmm, recently know quite a few new peeps thru frenz or works. like darran, "sweet" little thing Fiona (HA!!), estella & lincoln from freshkon, li zhen and lastly mich from .. LOL~ dunno how to list her, juz knoe her thru friendster. but cool frenz with nice height =D seems like mostly of ppl i listed here, all kind of younger than me by 5yr oso have. FAINT. im getting old man. SHARE A THOUGHT OF ME. LOL !

well, rcently went out wit li with mike for haji shopping, and bit of bugis. ha, that day was damn tired for me. went to town for my watch fixing. $30++ flies. than went down to look for li. bought a belated + early bd present for her since i owned her ver long le. HAHA, glad tt she like the wallet. =) eh, went for dinner, billed from her, and after that to a dessert shop for dessert OFCOS LA!!, dun need explain liao rite. KAO! LOL~ anyway mike bill-ed it. COOL MAN ~ hmm went to buy alvin (li's bf) wallet, and off me and li home sweet home. met leslie ong at hougang, acc him makan at 805, and he poured his prob.. ha, y so mani ppl so surpise when they see me with li so close? LOL actualy i dunno oso. juz tt she will find me to pour xin shi, than i oso console her somtime oso, and shopping kaikis as well.. so we juz TAG ~ duh. but last time we aint tt bond ofcos la. dunno y oso.. things juz soooo weird =)

tue was a SICK day. DAMN SICK, and i spend total of 170 for my MC !! kAO !! did a blood test.. mayb gt prob wit my lung or dunno wat shit la. HOPE NTH WENT WRONG. the doc gave me strong medication tt will feel ver ver, yes i mean VERY dizzy, but i feel okie sia, im like damn awake now. KAO !! is my body strong or the medication useless ? HAHAHA. now msn no ppl wana reply me sia. SO SAD. aiya nth la. doesnt matter oso.. tink i going to turn off soon oso..

zy is cute. she smsed said dinner or lunch other day. but the inital plan is she supposing cfm wit me today noon can anot. she waited until juz now ard 10pm smsed me. LOL~ really damn long nv see her. she seems like ver busy, and whenever she is free, i cfm gt things on. nth juz went correct between us. HA ! gona forcast a day to meet her.

alrite man, im damn tired le.

my new aim. Bell & Ross watch. ha !! damn exp can. but i really like it sooo much !!


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