Monday, November 05, 2007

song listening : 李玖哲 - 快点来爱我

okie man, 1 more day to my thailand trip! ver excited !! hmm this few weeks was quiet cool ba. managed to met up with all my 3 grps of buddy ~ haha.

met up roy & co. during roy bd, onli koh nv attend. stay until 10++pm and onli me, jj, jl and slip went for some drinking. quite madness la that day. after so long, its nice to meet up with them. altot their comments abt me kind of funny. they all have the same thinking/feelling tt im actually ORD, working fulltime now. HAhA ! actually i do agree with tt, i work 7 days a weeek, onli nite time met wit frenz. so.. its abt there man, BUSY PERSON, i cant imagine another commitment come across now. i will.. HAHAH !! DUNNO LA. :)

another is meet up wit guoliang & zx as well.. altot par mj onli. but not bad la, at least still noe how each other doing, like zx is free now, and gl sign-on police and oso ATTRACHED to ger. quite cool huh. well, that day mj was really a down pour for me. 1st po, i lost like HELL. and 2nd rd, i won 2 swee swee one. end up won 4 dollar. really DAMN HENG. =) than they after tt go pub, while i go home slep. Ha!! damn tired.

3rd met up wit mel & co. more often. mayb due to the thai trips. haha. anyway, have a ver deep talk with mel, kai and tong.. well its great to listen to everyone pouring their probs out. and at least noe how they feels of certain issue. how they are sensitive in which issue oso. well, altot i noe abit le, but its gd tt they say it out, to cfm my pt. =)

hmm, than meet up with keng & co. for mj session oso... won the most. quite lucky ba.. hong keng keep guarding me. but yet i still can get cards i wan. and zi mo as well.. i think laterly his luck getting low. but his skill still damn zai. luck low still can have 1 set qing yi se. damn solid. LOL~ hmm i think he gt planning for marry as well sia. asking for how mani sq feet form albert. haha. RED BOMB AR !! but i feel happy for him =)

hmm, nina hong come find me for dinner this weekend, actually sabo by Mr goh la, send me the stocks. LOL~ she keep swearing on me la. KAO ~ but however nice chat wit her during the dinner. she paid this rd, and she say next time i paid, she gona eat something gao la gao la de. AHAH ! 1 shot let me die. tt wat she say la. anyway nice frenz she is =)

hmm, and recently sms ver freq. altot i din really ke yi to maintain wat. but juz let nature be. jiayu's phobia is still with me. BEST ask me to really get over. but.. i tell her, "ask u get over dan u can anot ?" she ji tao say "NO!!" HAAH !! tts e reasonn man. hai.. supposing meet up for botal jones, but no reply to cfm it. so i shall cancel it.

anyway i going out now. to town for some meet up with one of my customer. hope can deal this customer. =) wish me gd luck man..

my recent fav song.

南拳妈妈 - 原来



原来我也怕寂寞 因为不懂
温度是你给的手 回忆在彻夜守候
原来我也怕寂寞 现在才懂

原来我也怕寂寞 孤单游走

actually is this phrase make me like this song.. "原来我也怕寂寞.."


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