Saturday, October 11, 2008

okie man, this week was a sweet week =)

your laughter, your smile, your holding ears action, your bomb ba hair, your understanding, your ke ai de pi pi !!

haha, reason of loving you are more, and i believe more to come ! can u help me fill in those blank more? HEE

hmm, sat was a superb tiring day. im almost running to outlet, okie not running, but rushing there and fore. but gt one mission on-going, luckily it went smoothly. haha i was afraid tt her family go out makan lo. duh. than mission will be fail. not bad, but korkor of her wan bao yu, okie i try to go find next time. LOL ! than mummy invited me to.... HAHA~ *sensed danger* *siam*

and omg, when we were at e station, another paparaizzi appear ~ gosh.

and i really love her msg. sweet dao! haha. my frenz wana beat me. for that XIN FU on my face. LOL funny de.

din really slep tt nite.. cos we had a long tok on fone.. and said alot stuff.. its ver nice to hear from her afterall she nv really tok to me abt this issue.. appeaciate it !!

she is changing rite nw. while i blog.. okie y i sound like she is at my hse. hahah ! opss.

afterall.. H-A-P-P-Y.

*holding your hand, together..*


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