Thursday, October 30, 2008

okie, i do admitted that im really very tired now.. and i guess i gona slep soon (guess so..) haha ! but before i do so, i gona praise my little-sweet-pie. =)

bascially, she always make my day soooo sweeeet and comfy with her.. ya altot she always like to bite me (which i dunno y !!) but its juz sooo hard to show anger to her.. haha!

yes, we almost see each other every day, but whoooo care.. haha ~ we are enjoying our honeymoon period wat. =) which she always say its doesnt last.. and i gona prove to her.. its does last =) HEEE !!

and she juz being sooo understanding tt she noe im having some prob.. and she requested to sent me home LOL !! brought her to eat the XO fish head bee hoon, i think she totally INLOVE in it. HAHA!! and she juz sooo love my neighbourhood, as i say always, more to come baby.. =)

i juz ended the call wit her, she juz soooo funny. she is sooo tired.. but she juz wanted to tok on phone awhile wit me.. kao~ make me nua on my bed awhile, and im now MORE SLEEPLY ! thanks baby !! *bite*

well, we realised that we always walk.. and we really walk long distance.. but we are so fan jian.. haha !! gt transport dunwan take, and we choose to WALK. but i really enjoy the sticky moments wit her.. and we exploring those back alley which she always wanted to visit but dun dare to.. hee !!

overall, i *ahem* you !! HAHA !!


tml will be a long day for me.. phew ~ gona update tioman trips when i receive the photos from leslie ong soon !!


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