Tuesday, August 30, 2005

late for sch again.
well, learn my new lab stuff.
e teacher doubt mi when i told him i teach my frenz e steps & ways. damn.
than helped e class to do a poster, hurhur, kinda not e best la. but since e leader say ok, than ok ba.. juz find tt can be improve la. damn =(
anyway meet roy in simlim after sch. search for his com stuff, & update of my knowledge of new stuff oso. haha~ i found a dope !! ATI x800 , cool !! but dun tink will upgrade so fast. mayb ard end of yr ba. so went ard shopping in bugis ard. we went up to e new national library.
ITS DAMN COOL THERE !! haha.. awesome la. bring ur ger there when u wana sum private moments wit her.. at level 8 !! =X

well gotta go slep. im suffering heavy headache now. damn.


Monday, August 29, 2005

okie, time to update my bloggy~ been workin 2 days for COMPLETE. wat shld i say abt e job.. hmm.. overall, its kinda easy money.. haha.. but leg ver pain nia, need to stand ver more time.. cant eat snake like in KK~ hmm, anyway i work wit a guy hu worked 4yrs for e brand. well, my impression for him thruout e 2 days is CMI =)

i dun like his attitude la.. im new. yes i admit. he kinda demanding.. & e way he do.. i really wana FCUK HIM UP~ he go dinner break for 1hr45mins++ & im there in e station alone starving.. yet he is eating dinner wit a ger.. gd rite this kind of senior, nv thought of ur situation. HAHA. when he back, he ask mi i gt sell anot. i told him NO( wat he expect sumthing from mi when im damn hungry ? ) he ji tao say,


at tt moments i wana fcuk him up liao. knn. i nv do sale b4 ar? u think u work 4yrs big fcuk? sumtime even whole day down oso no sale de lo, more of all its juz A HOUR. and he still gt face say 1 hr, cos he noe how long he went for his dinner. HAHA. so i din tok much to him after tt, & i decided to take A HOUR break oso. =) u tink im dumb? can easily pushover? LOL~ than when i ask him how to pack e thing, write e thing, he keep repeating.. " i will teach u later ", wtf ? cannot say now ar? will die ? say liao will kana lighting? jiao wei lo.. gib mi fcuk up attitude. summore he gt a gf whu is workin in plane de. u tink i gib a damn ? HAHA. hmm.. sorry for e fed up, im ver easy going in workin de, but for those fcuk up attitude ppl sorry than, =)

well, i saw MELISSA~ hee!! she still so cute & pretty !! happen to see her when im workin, she shout, " OEI !" i shouted back oso. HAHA~ anyway asked her did she seen sheena, she replied no. hmm i tink sheena seldom meet her up nowadays le. esp when she is back wit her bf.

well, meet han they all after work. we played CS in lan. haha.. 2 v 2 than 4 v4. damn fun la.. sumtime play awhile on lan oso not bad sia~ haha..

late for sch for e first day after holis. haha. dad called mi to wake up =X.
frank & leng came my hse juz now. we having sum boy talks la, juz 1 thing to say.
my frenz,leng is single now, anyone interested can leave mi a msg =)


Friday, August 26, 2005

no workin is killing mi.
but time flies, my HOLIDAYS GONA END.
damn. i have slackkkked so mani days. HAHA.
If u thinking tt im doing nothing at home... YES U R RIGHT. LOL!! okie la, dl-ed alot anime + movie + varity show to watch.. not bad.. juz having a slight chat wit roy, i guess he is into LABEL oso. haha.. wana buy alot thing from Bape. damn. its damn exp lo.. actually not tt exp la, but not really willing to buy it sia.. hurhur.. rather spend more on eating? HAHA!! but, i still going to buy =X

anyway will be workin tml at suntec for COMPLETE. hurhur.. since KK there no work for mi, i guess its time for mi to work other oso.. haha.. rely on one job, i guess i will eat grass for next month. summore e managers' attitude isnt tt gd either, haha.. wat for workin in such a boss. Need u than call u up, dun need u, heck care watever u say. HAHA~ nvm la.. my tis month commission oso quite alot la.. hurhur. =X

next month my wanted list will clear one ba.. hee.. gona buy tt pouch bag le.. damn exp ar.. my frenz all discouraged mi to buy, " its sumthing for wan, not need " . haha.. one of my frenz say tt, and i 50% agree, cos i already tot of how to use it le.. instead of puting all my stuff in my pockets, make my pant quite tight, LOL~ =X anyway wil settle tt next month. Hope it will still be there.. HEE!!

i gt too much to buy.. hurhur.. i really scare tt i cant save much for my '06 HK trip. HEE~


Tuesday, August 23, 2005


FINALLY. im done for my multi-media solo proj. damn.. all e credits go to uncle FRANK. haha.. he damn gd in it. summore nite time cum my hse help mi till 6am. kaoz.. was totally insane.. i tink he oso damn tired liao.. im oso.. see until eyes ver pain.. haha.. after do finish, u read thing words rite, will have 3 "images" of each words. haha. damn jialat.. but finally its done. im really contented le.

anyway yesterday juz received a bad news from han, his father kana stroke was send to ICU. im kinda shocked sia, cos i last week juz visited him & nw i heard abt e news.. kinda cannot believe it.. so today i went down to visit him.. i tink tt e onli thing i can do now.. but this morning he send mi a sms tat e operation was a success, woo.. i guess he have a hard time yesterday nite outside e opeartion room. went there ard evening la.. almost lost in Tan Tock Seng. haha. i tink his dad getting better le.. still can talk le.. but need alot rest.. At e same time, mel call mi up say he oso at TTS, his mum kana stab while workin.. luckily kana hand nia.. but i guess its a deep cut oso.. aiyo.. like alot ppl injured sia this month.. im not "mi xing" la.. but y must at this month, kinda qiao la.. u guys go out better take gd care !! =)

hmm.. after visiting his dad, he drove his relative & mum go home first than we go have makan at 805.. ordered mix gill. haha.. song !! damn long nv eat tt le.. han's 2nd sister follow us oso.. she is damn hungry. LOL! & like no changes from her since 10yrs ago. =X

sianz ar.. this week holiday like cum in a wrong timing.. i totally dunno how to spend my day sia.


Monday, August 22, 2005

new skin.

im juz boerd. =)


Sunday, August 21, 2005

OFF day.

well, actually im kinda sianz la.. dunno wat to do in this hr now.. so might as well update blog.. if u notice, i seldom update e day after another entry de.. abt 2 or 3day will update once.. hmm. anyway not impt la.. im juz trying to kill my time.. =(

okie, i woke up ard 10am. went to ponggol CC for bball session wit my frenz. haha.. turned out quite fun.. shot alot in oso. =) & e sky keep rainnig wit drops of rain, on off rains. haha.. played until its getting heavier, well makan at e kopitiam wit teck. e rest of peeps all went off after e bball session.. so gd, all gt thing to do.. actually i oso have de.. but sumhow.. cancelled. haha.. im a hao ren la. =) go out nia.. studying is more impt. but seriously, i dun tink i can take another off day on my weekends le.. hmmm.. see how ba.. luckily gt weili to cover mi today, but he is DAMN late for e work. haha.. but i appeaciate it la, thank bro for e effort to cover mi.

hmmm, after e makan session, i went home intially first thing is slep. HAHA!! cos heavy rain. weather was so tempting. & its kinda rare for mi to stay at home in e weekends. hee =X even my mum ask mi whether im sick or wat.. juz told her i took off today. and i design a logo for ASR. haha.. but wun post here first, cos its still not e best.. anyway chats wit tai juz now oso, we decided to set up another branch, " SBhood ". HAHA~ sianz la.. tml will be busying doing my mulit media.. sianz.. my symbol all cannot work.. im damn fed up liao =( ARGH!! lucky tml uncle frank will cum my hse to help!! woo!! my superstars!! HEE.. =X

im damn bored la.. keep dling movie.. but i nv watch at all.. but i watched alot taiwan varity show.. haha.. damn funny~ =X & alot BABE LO!! WOOT !! i guess u all dunno abt hei ren at taiwan gt one show abt BABE de.. than e ger all ard 14-19.. damn chio~ =X if gt chance i send u all e bitcomet. =)


Saturday, August 20, 2005

cannon in d.

well, wana to starts this post, but keep ended up chating on msn.. haha.. chatting wit 2 peeps, yukki & my cousin. hurhur..

anyway, back to e topic.. workin in OG albert again.. sianz.. summore still let mi listen to this song.. " cannon in d ".. kaoz.. make mi stunned/daydream for abt 5-10mins.. haiz.. i guess onli a few ppl noe e reason y.. haiz!!

sun will be my off day.. requested for it.. will be going out wit my frenz. Hope it turned out fun & no boring session pls!!

dunno y turned out ver moody.. & now im listening to tt classic song again.. i tink this is e onli classic song i have.. ARGH!!



Wednesday, August 17, 2005

10yrs brotherhood.

hmm.. juz back from a supper session wit my 10yrs buddy, han. we noe each other since pri 4 until now nv lost contact.. & wit kai oso.. another new buddy for abt 4yrs. hee.. well, i din expect i will still contact han despite we having different sec sch, different life. Its kinda difficult to maintain a friendship in this situation.. i guess u guys shld have sum exprience in it.. Hmm.. actually we did have a short term "break" for abt 2-3yrs.. but sumhow we contact back again.. haha.. & becos of him, i noe his bunch of peeps until now.. =)

actually today i have no intention to call him out.. but sumhow my brain like auto tell mi to contact him cos quite long nv seen each other le.. haha.. weird.. contacted him & we meeting up at his hse.. he say his ah ma & dad keep mention abt mi.. haha.. it have been so mani yr le, they still rem mi.. im kinda honour sia.. so went up his hse to wait for him.. & shun bian visit his ah ma & his dad.. they all still e same lo.. like no changes.. except of sum tv shifting or sofa different =X OHYA!! and han room gt a bed.. haha... =D

drove to suntec for his gf present.. hurhur.. went to play pool afterward.. ard 10pm go pick up kai from his workplace & off we went to jalan kayu~ haha.. ate alot sia.. & im damn full now!! hurhur.. luckily nv order more.. arbo LI~ after drop kai, on d way home.. we having sum man talks la.. hurhur.. im abit fan oso. HAHA~ but i guess its okie de.. gona organise another wit e rest of e peeps, chin & mel they all.. =p

well.. say abt this 10yrs++ bro, i really have nth to say. =) & saying now abt another buddy.. whu is far away now.. ( not dead !! ) i have really no words to say abt her.. haiz.. sent her mail, i dunno she gt read or wat. when she came back, i dun tink she called mi oso. even her hp change, i oso dunno. wat a best pal im. HAHA~ soooo sad... but i noe friendship will fade off cfm if not takin any care.. i think i done my part & done wat i shld do to maintain.. all is up to her now. she have my best wishes, always.

tml no SCH!! SONG!! =X damn happy.. hee... lesson cancelled!! wan go out ? rang mi up k =)


Sunday, August 14, 2005


this is my 102th entry for my bloggers~ haha.. now than realised it. anyway it will be a damn short entry for today.

finished my suntec fair finally. can u imagine juz now tt "finally" spelling took mi how long to type? it took mi at least 10+ of typo error. i suddenly cant rem wat e spelling is.. GOSH.

juz did a quick workpiece juz now. took mi less than 2mins. hurhur. leave comments in my tagger if u wan =)


Friday, August 12, 2005


my new workpiece.

woot!! after so mani yrs of leaving suntec, i never expects tt i will be back one day workin there.. but ofcos not under as suntec's crew, under KK instead. HEE!! memories flow back when i enter e halls, e days spending in e setup, clearing, eating snake time, sitting in e hall waiting for e captain to grp us, dinner time wit endless RICE REFILL, cash & carry during e nite time.. haha.. damn funny~

hmm.. okie enough for digging back e past, haha.. sumtime thing r better lie inside my heart. =X
well, this few day im damn sianz.. totally no mood for my MMA ( multi media a.. ), i guess i skipped too mani lesson, ended up e teacher was like keep chasing me for my "stars" haha.. haiz.. juz imagine in e class im like a log head facin e com wit sigh every 15mins.. DAMN~ even frank oso ask mi wat happen.. luckily he helped mi for my "stars" hee.. daizhi oso helped mi for 1 "star" !! MUAZKSS!! =X

hmm.. juz went setup for KK at suntec hall 4. Having a health exibh on sat & sun. e products r kinda new for mi lo.. all like for those hospital ppl de.. bedsheet tt can r water-prove & blood-prove.. wun have stain de.. juz wipe away will be clean liao.. gosh. damn gd lo.. i guess one wun be tt CHEAP. haha.. cos "kingkoil" is e word.

After setup, went to look for dinner.. ended up rd & rd of finding.. finally settling in PIZZAHUT~ ordered alot lo.. 1 regular seafood supreme pan pizza wit 3 cheese, 2 soups, 2 garlic bread ( my FAV ),2 drinks, 1 side disk. GOSH~ im DAMN FULL!! haha.. really long nv eat pizza liao.. there go to jintai oso.. he oso quite long nv eat liao. After tt went to shop for his idol poster.. end up take pic wit EVO IV & bought a tee from NIKE~ haha.. went billard oso.. so qiao leh.. saw h20 wit gers. HAHA~ "tio caught in red handed" lo.. =X


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

national day.

was late for workin. 9am is mission impossible for a guy whu slept at 5am. HAHA~ time passed damn fast while workin. haha. finally expo was END. woo.. damn happy. no more workin in e damn early weekends. HEE!!

yesterday was a damn insane day. supposed to go sch in d morning, i did woke up!! but e heavy rain turned mi off. sms frank tt im not going due to e heavy rain. he replied, " ur hse there ACID rain ? ". HAHA!! din reply him, cfm more crap from him if i did. teacher rang mi up too.. rem e no. but din pick up. went to macperson for billard session ard 4pm. was damn rusty, i mean my skills.. went to town for ktv!! alot ppl turned up sia. got guangle, ron, jintai, mz, hf, benny, guoliang, li, shun, haoming(hongming), qiming, jinrong & e onli ger, si min. HAHA~ smuggled vodka go in. damn crappy, ver fast e vodka drink finish le. ordered 9 jugs of beer. hurhur.. mine most HATED.

ended up guoliang, shun, tai K.O!! haha.. e rest all still okie~ hee... went to meet ASR after e ktv.. ASR having a ktv oso. joined them for awhile than went kovan for supper. damn, was totally dunno wat im doing.. cos intends to order noodle wit soup or hokkien mee, but ended dunno y ordered lasi lemark. hurhur. mayb its "july" now. HAHA!! hailed a cab home. was damn tired to walk home.


Sunday, August 07, 2005


been "locked" in expo for almost 4days. at first was boring due to little crowds, but since fri starts, my mouth was like machine guns.. talking non-stop.. hardly have a time for a drink. hurhur.. so whenever i have time, i drink 2 cups of packet drink straight! haa.. but now than i saw how kiasu singaporean are. was totally disappointed by their behaviours. juz imagine those wearing branded formal wear office ger/guy approached u,

"hi, do u have ver cheap pillow? $5 those kind." , i thought they r not ignorance like those anutie, but im wrong. totally wrong. HAHA!! $5 of quality wat u expect? still wan cheap, firm, cannot flatten after times go by.. sometime i will tell them one thing in a joke manner, " Y don u go to e road side & take one stone to slep ? cheap, firm & CFM wun flatten for long term. " i will laugh off ofcos. to peace down e situation there. but infact im laughing at their ignorance too. =P

having lunch wit BH & kelvin or kevin ? haha.. forget which name he is.. anyway e main thing is bh suddenly asked mi how long i have been workin.. after counting, i was surprised tt i been workin for this company for 1yr8month. HURHUR. that was e longest stay in my record. time passes so fast.. tt y im bored of e life there oso.. been talking e same thing everytime to e customer.. summore sumtime i say to e wife/hubby.. she/he will pull her/his hubby/wife along and turned out i have to repeat wat i say. HAHA~ stupid indeed!!

and ofcos gt sum customer i really damn hate to serve.. u must be thinking that those ask alot question de customer i will dislike. but WRONG. i dun mind talking to them, e time pass fast oso. HAHA~ juz tt i dun like those customer attitude, machiam i own them a life. & doing stupid thing to my products. hee. those whu act sart i oso dun like.. dunno a shit but explain to his frenz like machiam he is pro. hurhur. tt is terrible !!

anyway while workin in expo, i saw damn lots babe. yeah DAMN LOTS!! hee. luckily i hold on to my principles, yan kan shou bu dong !! hee. & im sick !! argh!! my throat or my chest like gt road block like tt.. breathing & eating kinda abit difficult in times.. cannot too rush in eating.. & this few days i really scare of death. i feel tt if i ate too fast, i might R.I.P. ver strong feelings. drink water oso must slower.. argh.. dunno wat happen to my body!! everyone ask mi go consult a doc, but i dun wish to spend much sia.. =( summore im real packed by my timetables..

tml tai's bd celeb.. hope tt tml will turn out FUN!! =P



Thursday, August 04, 2005

my day.

poor sales,

soo cold,


legs pain,

AH~ not my day!!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

my friendster horoscope:

Love is knocking on your door, but are you ready to answer? Go for it.

haha.. when i first read this, im kinda shocked.. cos i tink im still not ready for it.. i guess i have to "tell" that person whu "knock" e door tt no one at home right at e moments.. OPPS.

hmm.. seems like 4th of August r HOT date. why? cos i gt quite a few peeps' birthday all happened to be on e same day. haha.. abt 5-6 ppl ba.. hurhur.. so concidence~ & qiao~ hee..


Monday, August 01, 2005


being alone is kinda strange ; its not w/o frenz or ur family.
its like u r surrounded by ur peeps but u r doing ur stuff alone & no one crossover to disturb ya.
sumtime i feel alone. esp when im down. thinking of having a gf beside mi & pour every single shit to her will do. but sumtimes even u 'owned' a gf, she might not be by ur side when u r down & most needed. haaa.. weird indeed. so having a gf doesnt mean sweet all e way, its like sumone entering ur life, having responsible wit watever thing wit her or wat she do.

but ofcos, having so much negativs pt, there r still so much ppl wana to escape from their single life & seeking for e one to enter their & messed up. HAHA!!

ofcos or mayb, im one of them. DAMN!

As for my life now, im quite contented. w/o thinking of extra things e.g wooing process, datin skills, wat should i do during e date or wat-so-ever etc.. hee, i more seeking in a nature way tt it happened in nature way.

nature ways as in - pleasent chatting, enjoys e time wit her, feel comfortable, i guess u peeps noe more than mi. HAHA~ so find it out urself k !

I kinda pleased la, cos i spend wat i earned, do watever i wan, go out w/o reporting, clubbing w/o second thoughts, but whu care ? haha.. i dunno la, mayb there is sumone whu care out there in my life, juz tt i dunno her exist. & ofcos my time is all packed wit works, sch, sports ; so tt explained y im still single, HAHA~ no time for dating =X
whu will wan their bf whu works every weekends w/o fail, no one like, even i oso dun like. HA~ but its a MUST for mi to burn my weekends. haiz~

i have really no intention to write this kind of topic in e first place, but when i touched my keyboard, my fingers intially typed out it, w/o second thought of e grammer, haha.. so tt y if there are any grammer errors pls treats it naturally k ? hee.

sunday having a short gathering wit haoming, mz, guoliang & tai at hm hse. drinking session. turned out i missed my sch for monday. HAHA~ guoliang worst, he woke up ard 3pm where his lesson start at 8am !! at least im better, i woke up ard 12pm =X
