Wednesday, August 17, 2005

10yrs brotherhood.

hmm.. juz back from a supper session wit my 10yrs buddy, han. we noe each other since pri 4 until now nv lost contact.. & wit kai oso.. another new buddy for abt 4yrs. hee.. well, i din expect i will still contact han despite we having different sec sch, different life. Its kinda difficult to maintain a friendship in this situation.. i guess u guys shld have sum exprience in it.. Hmm.. actually we did have a short term "break" for abt 2-3yrs.. but sumhow we contact back again.. haha.. & becos of him, i noe his bunch of peeps until now.. =)

actually today i have no intention to call him out.. but sumhow my brain like auto tell mi to contact him cos quite long nv seen each other le.. haha.. weird.. contacted him & we meeting up at his hse.. he say his ah ma & dad keep mention abt mi.. haha.. it have been so mani yr le, they still rem mi.. im kinda honour sia.. so went up his hse to wait for him.. & shun bian visit his ah ma & his dad.. they all still e same lo.. like no changes.. except of sum tv shifting or sofa different =X OHYA!! and han room gt a bed.. haha... =D

drove to suntec for his gf present.. hurhur.. went to play pool afterward.. ard 10pm go pick up kai from his workplace & off we went to jalan kayu~ haha.. ate alot sia.. & im damn full now!! hurhur.. luckily nv order more.. arbo LI~ after drop kai, on d way home.. we having sum man talks la.. hurhur.. im abit fan oso. HAHA~ but i guess its okie de.. gona organise another wit e rest of e peeps, chin & mel they all.. =p

well.. say abt this 10yrs++ bro, i really have nth to say. =) & saying now abt another buddy.. whu is far away now.. ( not dead !! ) i have really no words to say abt her.. haiz.. sent her mail, i dunno she gt read or wat. when she came back, i dun tink she called mi oso. even her hp change, i oso dunno. wat a best pal im. HAHA~ soooo sad... but i noe friendship will fade off cfm if not takin any care.. i think i done my part & done wat i shld do to maintain.. all is up to her now. she have my best wishes, always.

tml no SCH!! SONG!! =X damn happy.. hee... lesson cancelled!! wan go out ? rang mi up k =)



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