Wednesday, July 27, 2005

shopping ; empty hand.

e ribbon i do for sch. ( credits: dz,leng,frank & mi)
bigger than roy's head.
i carrying roy's bag.

catch my hint on my title ? well, if ur IQ r slightly over 280 u should noe wat i mean !! =)
laterly im damn lazy of updating my bloggy. IM SORRY. neglected "her" kinda long, since sun i tink.

As usual, im late for morning lesson for 2 days. which included today also, I duno wat e hell im doing, hp alarm, human alarm seems like is not e right way of waking mi up. not i dunwan go sch, but mentally i went back to slep after pressed e hp alarm & replied to those human alarm. HAHA. Im weird ya ? still can reply them. Im amazed too. trust it.

mon was a suay day for mi. HAHA. "wt" u shld noe why la. one of e suay thing is becos of u, ppl like uUUUuuuUuuu.
helped teacher for setting up e ribbon-or-wat-so-ever national day stuff, time used up was 4hrs wit sweats & tiring body.
have a short grp discussion wit my classmates except dz at my room 1000pm.
session ended at 130am. but slept at 4am. insane la.
finally i gt my photoshop back, credits go to MR daizhi, e BEST GAY IN E WORLD. Opps, typo.

meet up wit roy for shopping on wed. sorry for e waiting for my lesson. HEE.
roy > me.
Well, empty handed. but saw alot nice tee, tucker cap, cargo & "label" tee.
roy was empty too. but filled wit lots of information of e com spec & price he wan. hope i did help up. this credits go to mingzhen. he is e one assisiting us for e infor. U ROCK LA MZ !! =D

Well, weekends as usual will be burn for workin. so dun expect much of updating my blog. HAHA~ try on weekdays u peeps !!



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