Thursday, July 14, 2005


as usual, my blogger is always e best to mi.
hear my laughter ; my sarcastic remarks ; e shoulder that hold my tears.
I starts blog from, and im addicted. cant leave my bloggers alone.. always update ma "LATEST" on it. when i read back all those entries, its sooo interesting.. lts like a story book of myself, sumtimes i duno wat im typing oso, juz roughtly type out watever in my minds. HAHA, weird ? well, tt my ways, HEE. But those past entries reminded alot things.. things tt i wun make mistake again.. make mi more strong ? nah, i doubt so. HAHA but indeed it kept alot of my memories, those harsh/sweet/tired/anger/...etc.

Hmm, sch days were as usual, nth much special or exciting tt spice up my life. except of proj i guess. Proj kept mi damn busy nowadays, straight after sch stays back for e discussion althought sum of e team-members r packed wit their time, i appreciate their appearance/attendents of cuming for e discussion. As i stated on pervious entry, e conflicts r still there, im not sure whether when e stuff will be faded off, but i hope tt e conflicts now, r e sources that make us more stronger in d future. i really HOPE.

Yesterday( thurs) was really insane. after sch went proj discussion until 11pm. tt e time i reached home & i stayed for 30mins, im OUT again for ktv wit tai, gl & shun. HAHA. was damn tired la. & ofcos naturally my mum nagged again. LOL~ Hmm, yesterday while discussion, we talk abt topic of religion. haha, was damn fun !! e topic was so sensitive !! lucky im still free-thinkers, mayb not forever but at least for e time being. I once rem a christain told mi abt this,

"You might not have reached e moments to believe on religion, so no rush to believe on one. At e moments, look at each of e religion & find e one tt suited u e best.. "

I always thought tt christian is kinda forceful on asking ppl to join their side( no offense k , its juz my causal thoughts ). But im suprised tt this guy infact told mi to look at others religion than make a choice. I noe tt currently im not really keen on join any, as wat he say my " moments" have not reached, even i joined, i wun trust fully. and i find it truth. HAHA. Amen.

i missed my sch today(fri). due to e ktv until 3am. i 5am slep. 630 supposed to wake up, but i screwed it. HAHA. meeting frank later for gym in d noon, after tt we will finish up e storyline of my Proj. than ard night time will meet up wit vonnie !! haha, gotta pass her e belated present. damn long liao. i oso paisei to hold on so long. LOL~ sorry vonnie !!


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