Monday, July 11, 2005


my right leg pain was killing mi. Never expect that to be sooo pain. Mayb its e angle of e wound.. whenever i stand up from sitting ; sitting to standin. E pain juz strucked mi.
Missed my sch today. expected. e wounds seem like having blue-black, its not easy to walk.
After an injection from e doc, seem like my wound r not tt pain & can walk more freely; at least better than before. HAHA!! and tt bloodly doc dun approved for my MC, cos of e time. i went there during e sunset. DAMN.

"wat e pt of giving u MC at this time ?", doc.

and after arguring, mission failed. DUH!!
went town for few hrs to settle stuff. happened to met up wit bh & ws. Went separate way after tt.
glad to hear from my dad tt his leg pain had reducded. Seems like my dad & mi having same prob ya. But different pain la.. i noe his more pain.. cos its from e internal.. see his walk, i juz cant do anything, except of askin him how is e pain? hao le ma? Those r e onli question i can ask him..

Well, my weekends was great. visited sentosa on sat wot gugucc's peeps. Although there is onli 6 members going ( included mi le ! ).. but we really having fun there. however, i admited tt i having a short moody/mood swing. HAHA! cant find a gd words to express my feeling. so either 1 ba. But i overcome it fast. credits go to weili =), thanks bro.
We win alot teams tt day. Wit our "tong xing yuan" power. HAHA!!! We noe new peeps there.. there r bunch of crazy peeps. as insane/mad as gugucc chairman & vice-chairman. HAHA!! But they r still fun to be wit.. & one of my frenz found $50 ON D FLOOR !! damn lucky rite ? HAHA!! he treated us drinks. vice-chairman ordered 2. =X OPSS.
sat's night went to meet up wit jianhua's peeps. ver long nv meet up le. althought im damn tired & having bad headache, i still insisted to go depesite i will be staying for onli few hrs. Every peeps look same to mi, except hk look like uncle now. HEE. went up for pools, ver surprised tt i nv won any of e rds. hur. & most suay/lucky, i saw huizhen. hurhur. juz right beside my table.
smiled at her.
bid gd bye to her when she leaving. HAHA.

Went to pick up V8 from 3th aunt hse on SUN. e rain was REAL HEAVY. lucky im wit my adidas jacket.
went up to ah gong hse,"shao xiang" for my ah gong. cos really feel bad for not visiting them even since i start workin on d weekends. e usual visits was every sat. Went town after tt, meet up wit frenz. shopping. than went to bugis for dinner. e foods not bad, but e services sucks. Send one e fren home. damn far. Happened to see jenny. haha, forget to bid gd bye to her. SORRY JENNY =)


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