Friday, July 08, 2005


its rare TODAY *ROAR*
haha.. cos im not workin in d weekends !! *cold*
K la, i noe its cold, but for mi its like a break or "OFF" day for mi ya.
took a nap for 4hrs.
REFRESHED. Went out for hair cut but sad to say, e UNCLE FAKE MI. he said he will closed at 7.15pm, but i reached e place at 7.14pm, e door is SHUT. =\ damn IT!. So wasted my trip ofcos. Went 805 for dinner, ban mian.
Turned out stomachache, damn pain. ofcos went toliet twice. HAHA!!
Roy becum DJ ya? haha.. keep up e gd works baby. Well basically went CB on wed again. e crowds was COOL!! alot babes, as least better than last wed. Pucks. Left alone for 7-11, stomach hungry la. few mins later, my peeps went down look for mi & home sweet home.

THUR NO LESSON. haha.. but was tied down by my proj "LOOTS", went for discussion again. & im extremely late although e time was SET BY MI. haha. damn tired la. Well, disussion turned out gossip & ball games. Used bball to play soccer, damn insane. & f**king pain. My team have alot conflicts sia.. haiz. headache. hope all will be faded off.. & score well for e proj. i smsing whole day. GOSH. its twice days i smsing like hell. HAHA!! =D

and tml is SENTOSA DAY !! woot. after weeks/months of unattending GUGUCC's sentosa outing. Finaly i gt e time.. & im kinda sorry of not attending another meet up for leslie they all.. Im sorry dude.. will make it up next time k.


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