Monday, August 01, 2005


being alone is kinda strange ; its not w/o frenz or ur family.
its like u r surrounded by ur peeps but u r doing ur stuff alone & no one crossover to disturb ya.
sumtime i feel alone. esp when im down. thinking of having a gf beside mi & pour every single shit to her will do. but sumtimes even u 'owned' a gf, she might not be by ur side when u r down & most needed. haaa.. weird indeed. so having a gf doesnt mean sweet all e way, its like sumone entering ur life, having responsible wit watever thing wit her or wat she do.

but ofcos, having so much negativs pt, there r still so much ppl wana to escape from their single life & seeking for e one to enter their & messed up. HAHA!!

ofcos or mayb, im one of them. DAMN!

As for my life now, im quite contented. w/o thinking of extra things e.g wooing process, datin skills, wat should i do during e date or wat-so-ever etc.. hee, i more seeking in a nature way tt it happened in nature way.

nature ways as in - pleasent chatting, enjoys e time wit her, feel comfortable, i guess u peeps noe more than mi. HAHA~ so find it out urself k !

I kinda pleased la, cos i spend wat i earned, do watever i wan, go out w/o reporting, clubbing w/o second thoughts, but whu care ? haha.. i dunno la, mayb there is sumone whu care out there in my life, juz tt i dunno her exist. & ofcos my time is all packed wit works, sch, sports ; so tt explained y im still single, HAHA~ no time for dating =X
whu will wan their bf whu works every weekends w/o fail, no one like, even i oso dun like. HA~ but its a MUST for mi to burn my weekends. haiz~

i have really no intention to write this kind of topic in e first place, but when i touched my keyboard, my fingers intially typed out it, w/o second thought of e grammer, haha.. so tt y if there are any grammer errors pls treats it naturally k ? hee.

sunday having a short gathering wit haoming, mz, guoliang & tai at hm hse. drinking session. turned out i missed my sch for monday. HAHA~ guoliang worst, he woke up ard 3pm where his lesson start at 8am !! at least im better, i woke up ard 12pm =X



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