Tuesday, August 23, 2005


FINALLY. im done for my multi-media solo proj. damn.. all e credits go to uncle FRANK. haha.. he damn gd in it. summore nite time cum my hse help mi till 6am. kaoz.. was totally insane.. i tink he oso damn tired liao.. im oso.. see until eyes ver pain.. haha.. after do finish, u read thing words rite, will have 3 "images" of each words. haha. damn jialat.. but finally its done. im really contented le.

anyway yesterday juz received a bad news from han, his father kana stroke was send to ICU. im kinda shocked sia, cos i last week juz visited him & nw i heard abt e news.. kinda cannot believe it.. so today i went down to visit him.. i tink tt e onli thing i can do now.. but this morning he send mi a sms tat e operation was a success, woo.. i guess he have a hard time yesterday nite outside e opeartion room. went there ard evening la.. almost lost in Tan Tock Seng. haha. i tink his dad getting better le.. still can talk le.. but need alot rest.. At e same time, mel call mi up say he oso at TTS, his mum kana stab while workin.. luckily kana hand nia.. but i guess its a deep cut oso.. aiyo.. like alot ppl injured sia this month.. im not "mi xing" la.. but y must at this month, kinda qiao la.. u guys go out better take gd care !! =)

hmm.. after visiting his dad, he drove his relative & mum go home first than we go have makan at 805.. ordered mix gill. haha.. song !! damn long nv eat tt le.. han's 2nd sister follow us oso.. she is damn hungry. LOL! & like no changes from her since 10yrs ago. =X

sianz ar.. this week holiday like cum in a wrong timing.. i totally dunno how to spend my day sia.



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