Tuesday, August 30, 2005

late for sch again.
well, learn my new lab stuff.
e teacher doubt mi when i told him i teach my frenz e steps & ways. damn.
than helped e class to do a poster, hurhur, kinda not e best la. but since e leader say ok, than ok ba.. juz find tt can be improve la. damn =(
anyway meet roy in simlim after sch. search for his com stuff, & update of my knowledge of new stuff oso. haha~ i found a dope !! ATI x800 , cool !! but dun tink will upgrade so fast. mayb ard end of yr ba. so went ard shopping in bugis ard. we went up to e new national library.
ITS DAMN COOL THERE !! haha.. awesome la. bring ur ger there when u wana sum private moments wit her.. at level 8 !! =X

well gotta go slep. im suffering heavy headache now. damn.



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