Friday, August 26, 2005

no workin is killing mi.
but time flies, my HOLIDAYS GONA END.
damn. i have slackkkked so mani days. HAHA.
If u thinking tt im doing nothing at home... YES U R RIGHT. LOL!! okie la, dl-ed alot anime + movie + varity show to watch.. not bad.. juz having a slight chat wit roy, i guess he is into LABEL oso. haha.. wana buy alot thing from Bape. damn. its damn exp lo.. actually not tt exp la, but not really willing to buy it sia.. hurhur.. rather spend more on eating? HAHA!! but, i still going to buy =X

anyway will be workin tml at suntec for COMPLETE. hurhur.. since KK there no work for mi, i guess its time for mi to work other oso.. haha.. rely on one job, i guess i will eat grass for next month. summore e managers' attitude isnt tt gd either, haha.. wat for workin in such a boss. Need u than call u up, dun need u, heck care watever u say. HAHA~ nvm la.. my tis month commission oso quite alot la.. hurhur. =X

next month my wanted list will clear one ba.. hee.. gona buy tt pouch bag le.. damn exp ar.. my frenz all discouraged mi to buy, " its sumthing for wan, not need " . haha.. one of my frenz say tt, and i 50% agree, cos i already tot of how to use it le.. instead of puting all my stuff in my pockets, make my pant quite tight, LOL~ =X anyway wil settle tt next month. Hope it will still be there.. HEE!!

i gt too much to buy.. hurhur.. i really scare tt i cant save much for my '06 HK trip. HEE~



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