Wednesday, July 27, 2005

shopping ; empty hand.

e ribbon i do for sch. ( credits: dz,leng,frank & mi)
bigger than roy's head.
i carrying roy's bag.

catch my hint on my title ? well, if ur IQ r slightly over 280 u should noe wat i mean !! =)
laterly im damn lazy of updating my bloggy. IM SORRY. neglected "her" kinda long, since sun i tink.

As usual, im late for morning lesson for 2 days. which included today also, I duno wat e hell im doing, hp alarm, human alarm seems like is not e right way of waking mi up. not i dunwan go sch, but mentally i went back to slep after pressed e hp alarm & replied to those human alarm. HAHA. Im weird ya ? still can reply them. Im amazed too. trust it.

mon was a suay day for mi. HAHA. "wt" u shld noe why la. one of e suay thing is becos of u, ppl like uUUUuuuUuuu.
helped teacher for setting up e ribbon-or-wat-so-ever national day stuff, time used up was 4hrs wit sweats & tiring body.
have a short grp discussion wit my classmates except dz at my room 1000pm.
session ended at 130am. but slept at 4am. insane la.
finally i gt my photoshop back, credits go to MR daizhi, e BEST GAY IN E WORLD. Opps, typo.

meet up wit roy for shopping on wed. sorry for e waiting for my lesson. HEE.
roy > me.
Well, empty handed. but saw alot nice tee, tucker cap, cargo & "label" tee.
roy was empty too. but filled wit lots of information of e com spec & price he wan. hope i did help up. this credits go to mingzhen. he is e one assisiting us for e infor. U ROCK LA MZ !! =D

Well, weekends as usual will be burn for workin. so dun expect much of updating my blog. HAHA~ try on weekdays u peeps !!


Thursday, July 21, 2005


BUSY workin.
BUSY studying.
BUSY project-ing.
BUSY sleping.
BUSY ...............

BUT currently i'm busy-ing in ......

( ontop* old workmanships. )

Sunday, July 17, 2005


blank in mind now.
i wonder y i update my blogs now as im really gt nth to updates. HAHA!
oh ya, i having stomachache since friday. ALL "THANKS" to frank's milk.
i drink almost 1lites plus of low-fat milk. HAHA.
Hmm, workin on d weekends.. life is bored. & NO LIFE!! but for e sake of my allowance, I DO IT!!


Hmm.. Im happy on friday. why?
u think i gona tell ya? NO WAY!! im gona tell my blogy instead. *wink*
after weeks of discussion of e proj, finally im DONE.
finished storyline, script, position of scenes, convasation & some effects.
i finished it wit UNCLE frank. woot.
damn happy tt day.
frank send mi home afterward, pick up vonnie's present & drove to meet her up.. after tt went to buy supper for his sick darling. haha. he is sooo caring. i bought sumthing too!! for my sisters. HEE.
Supposed to go doug's celeb on black, but its getting too late & e day after i gt workin. dropped e idea evenually.


I think this week is damn packed for mi.. workin, chalet, schooling.. ARGH~ need a breathe !!
postponed e shopping day to next week. sorri roy, will make it next week k =)


Thursday, July 14, 2005


as usual, my blogger is always e best to mi.
hear my laughter ; my sarcastic remarks ; e shoulder that hold my tears.
I starts blog from, and im addicted. cant leave my bloggers alone.. always update ma "LATEST" on it. when i read back all those entries, its sooo interesting.. lts like a story book of myself, sumtimes i duno wat im typing oso, juz roughtly type out watever in my minds. HAHA, weird ? well, tt my ways, HEE. But those past entries reminded alot things.. things tt i wun make mistake again.. make mi more strong ? nah, i doubt so. HAHA but indeed it kept alot of my memories, those harsh/sweet/tired/anger/...etc.

Hmm, sch days were as usual, nth much special or exciting tt spice up my life. except of proj i guess. Proj kept mi damn busy nowadays, straight after sch stays back for e discussion althought sum of e team-members r packed wit their time, i appreciate their appearance/attendents of cuming for e discussion. As i stated on pervious entry, e conflicts r still there, im not sure whether when e stuff will be faded off, but i hope tt e conflicts now, r e sources that make us more stronger in d future. i really HOPE.

Yesterday( thurs) was really insane. after sch went proj discussion until 11pm. tt e time i reached home & i stayed for 30mins, im OUT again for ktv wit tai, gl & shun. HAHA. was damn tired la. & ofcos naturally my mum nagged again. LOL~ Hmm, yesterday while discussion, we talk abt topic of religion. haha, was damn fun !! e topic was so sensitive !! lucky im still free-thinkers, mayb not forever but at least for e time being. I once rem a christain told mi abt this,

"You might not have reached e moments to believe on religion, so no rush to believe on one. At e moments, look at each of e religion & find e one tt suited u e best.. "

I always thought tt christian is kinda forceful on asking ppl to join their side( no offense k , its juz my causal thoughts ). But im suprised tt this guy infact told mi to look at others religion than make a choice. I noe tt currently im not really keen on join any, as wat he say my " moments" have not reached, even i joined, i wun trust fully. and i find it truth. HAHA. Amen.

i missed my sch today(fri). due to e ktv until 3am. i 5am slep. 630 supposed to wake up, but i screwed it. HAHA. meeting frank later for gym in d noon, after tt we will finish up e storyline of my Proj. than ard night time will meet up wit vonnie !! haha, gotta pass her e belated present. damn long liao. i oso paisei to hold on so long. LOL~ sorry vonnie !!

Monday, July 11, 2005


my right leg pain was killing mi. Never expect that to be sooo pain. Mayb its e angle of e wound.. whenever i stand up from sitting ; sitting to standin. E pain juz strucked mi.
Missed my sch today. expected. e wounds seem like having blue-black, its not easy to walk.
After an injection from e doc, seem like my wound r not tt pain & can walk more freely; at least better than before. HAHA!! and tt bloodly doc dun approved for my MC, cos of e time. i went there during e sunset. DAMN.

"wat e pt of giving u MC at this time ?", doc.

and after arguring, mission failed. DUH!!
went town for few hrs to settle stuff. happened to met up wit bh & ws. Went separate way after tt.
glad to hear from my dad tt his leg pain had reducded. Seems like my dad & mi having same prob ya. But different pain la.. i noe his more pain.. cos its from e internal.. see his walk, i juz cant do anything, except of askin him how is e pain? hao le ma? Those r e onli question i can ask him..

Well, my weekends was great. visited sentosa on sat wot gugucc's peeps. Although there is onli 6 members going ( included mi le ! ).. but we really having fun there. however, i admited tt i having a short moody/mood swing. HAHA! cant find a gd words to express my feeling. so either 1 ba. But i overcome it fast. credits go to weili =), thanks bro.
We win alot teams tt day. Wit our "tong xing yuan" power. HAHA!!! We noe new peeps there.. there r bunch of crazy peeps. as insane/mad as gugucc chairman & vice-chairman. HAHA!! But they r still fun to be wit.. & one of my frenz found $50 ON D FLOOR !! damn lucky rite ? HAHA!! he treated us drinks. vice-chairman ordered 2. =X OPSS.
sat's night went to meet up wit jianhua's peeps. ver long nv meet up le. althought im damn tired & having bad headache, i still insisted to go depesite i will be staying for onli few hrs. Every peeps look same to mi, except hk look like uncle now. HEE. went up for pools, ver surprised tt i nv won any of e rds. hur. & most suay/lucky, i saw huizhen. hurhur. juz right beside my table.
smiled at her.
bid gd bye to her when she leaving. HAHA.

Went to pick up V8 from 3th aunt hse on SUN. e rain was REAL HEAVY. lucky im wit my adidas jacket.
went up to ah gong hse,"shao xiang" for my ah gong. cos really feel bad for not visiting them even since i start workin on d weekends. e usual visits was every sat. Went town after tt, meet up wit frenz. shopping. than went to bugis for dinner. e foods not bad, but e services sucks. Send one e fren home. damn far. Happened to see jenny. haha, forget to bid gd bye to her. SORRY JENNY =)

Friday, July 08, 2005


its rare TODAY *ROAR*
haha.. cos im not workin in d weekends !! *cold*
K la, i noe its cold, but for mi its like a break or "OFF" day for mi ya.
took a nap for 4hrs.
REFRESHED. Went out for hair cut but sad to say, e UNCLE FAKE MI. he said he will closed at 7.15pm, but i reached e place at 7.14pm, e door is SHUT. =\ damn IT!. So wasted my trip ofcos. Went 805 for dinner, ban mian.
Turned out stomachache, damn pain. ofcos went toliet twice. HAHA!!
Roy becum DJ ya? haha.. keep up e gd works baby. Well basically went CB on wed again. e crowds was COOL!! alot babes, as least better than last wed. Pucks. Left alone for 7-11, stomach hungry la. few mins later, my peeps went down look for mi & home sweet home.

THUR NO LESSON. haha.. but was tied down by my proj "LOOTS", went for discussion again. & im extremely late although e time was SET BY MI. haha. damn tired la. Well, disussion turned out gossip & ball games. Used bball to play soccer, damn insane. & f**king pain. My team have alot conflicts sia.. haiz. headache. hope all will be faded off.. & score well for e proj. i smsing whole day. GOSH. its twice days i smsing like hell. HAHA!! =D

and tml is SENTOSA DAY !! woot. after weeks/months of unattending GUGUCC's sentosa outing. Finaly i gt e time.. & im kinda sorry of not attending another meet up for leslie they all.. Im sorry dude.. will make it up next time k.

Monday, July 04, 2005

packed DAY.

Juz viewed e pics of jiaming's sister wedding..
taken by tai camera.. damn funny !!
link is
Check it out ya ? Im juz lazy to upload e pic up.. haha..

Btw, skipped lesson on today. Went meet up wit my classmates for e proj discussion.
wasted 4hrs for chatting & gossips. HAHA! yah, guys do gossip ard la. tt not ger's RIGHT oso.
Finally done sumthing. went home & met up wit peter at hougang CC for bball.
im late. Quite bored la. HAHA!! most probably no ppl to play VS. Than play wit peter sum games. i lost 2 rds in a row. damn it. ran 3 rds, peter accompany mi.
In d end, he ran 10rds. LOL~ training - tt wat he said.
Went walk ard at e palsa malam near his hse, clraving for fishballs. HAHA!! but taste sucks. shld have bought BURGER.

ARGH~ After back home, still need to go weishan hse to pick up my mp3s.
damn it.
Anyway its a short trip. 5mins.
i dunno high wat fark la. HECKS.
Finding foods time !!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

wedding dinner.

haoming drunk.
Police cars arrived.
Just back from ron's sister wedding that i've juz attended, but seriously say, after e dinner, all screwed up. Mostly is all bcos of haoming drunk, after drink 'tons' of hard liqurd, he is half-dead.

Really thanks for jialing's frenz whu send us back juz now.. & im really sorry of e mess in her car. REALLY MESSED. haoming was totally K.O, vomited. Reached his hse, but shouts like insane wit "NBCB PCB..etc" to whuever stranger try to stop him. Wake up all e neigbourhood, Haiz. In d end, police arrived. attended to beat police & snatch their gun. reason - seekin of death.

WHAT FOR SIA ?! for a ger? tt aint e onli way to solve e matter. & seekin death like avoiding. at least to mi. In d end, he was handculted. ( error spelling ) & send to e AMK Police HQ. Im juz hoped tt he will not kana charged, or least really jialat. Summore he scolded e ambulance senior officer oso, hope no reports from her too.

Ron's & co. went double O instead, having fun. HAHA~ tt really a different matter. as they r playing at e moment, & at e same moment, haoming was handculted. Haiz.

BTW, IM HAPPY !! COS............................ HAHAHAHAHAHA!! =)

prays for haoming. hope u r okie DUDE !!

some pic below.