Friday, May 27, 2005


Im juz tryin to vex now la.. haha.. cos i work wit 2 newbie today.. & spolit my day. Not i dun like them or bully them.. Its juz tt their face like kinda im owning them $ ? -.-" whole day gib mi face.. she tired i not tired meh ? kaoz.. i carry all e stocks leh.. bring e stock to them, they juz need to pack or display in order can le.. Kaoz.. still say tired.. com'on im e earliest promoter reach e place leh.. whu more tired ? KAOZ !! keep saying tired here tired there.. gib tt attitude face.. see liao oso sianz..

Somemore when i do e stocks to them liao, they can just leave it there un-touched.. i can understand if they gt customer but e fact is they dunno go where?! hurhur.. Ended up i kana scold say i block e way.. say i dunwan do stocks.. say i lazy.. I WAS LIKE WTF ?! getting e same pays yet i do all e stuffs? So wat is gers? have rights to ask mi carry this carry that ? SLAVE AR ?! -.-" im easy-going onli.. But I feel like im treated for granted !! suck la..

E most sucks thing is e return time.. i duno y uncle richard let her do e paper works oso.. haiz.. make until so messy.. & do double jobs oso.. make mi damn dulan.. i was thinking since they r still new, suan le la.. I tink tt is their first job oso lo.. hurhur.. but anyway i controlled my temper oso.. but i tink my mum & kohwee were e suay kia.. haha.. cos i was kinda dulan tt time doing double job & uncle richard & anutie gina say mi, make kinda buay song liao.. tt time they called mi.. i ji tao talk not more than 5sec, i hang up liao.. feel kinda bad when i recalled back.. apologise kohwee by sms.

Oh ya, i tml buying a tee !! $100 !! =( BROKE !! haha.. and i tink its e exp-est tee tt i bought among those tees hanging on my hangers haha.. but i tink its worth it.. cos e usual price cost more.. & difficult to get in spore oso.. & tis is my first time ordering by Hp than meet up e buyer tml to collect e tee.. haha.. special thanks to Grace !! thanks dudette !! HAHA!! tml work full again.. nite !!

Thursday, May 26, 2005


well.. a few day nv update le.. juz kinda bored la.. everyday same routine.. juz eat different foods nia.. Next time go bugis , i noe wat shld i intro my friends liao.. haha.. cos i tried different dishes everday.. hurhur.. not tt exp, sum dish $2 nia.. mayb is e market environment.. haha..

Today supposing enjoying my OFF day, but sumthing cock up & i ended up back to workin.. lucky my boss dun mind abt it.. & she told mi next week timetable oso.. i gt 2 days off !! haha.. Tts oso e reason i cancel my off today.. cos next week i can rest 2 days.. hurhur.. Well.. im kinda sick of tt place la.. sianz.. heard alot of gossip from those cashiers.. & gt 1 ger told mi "OG" stand for "Old Girls".. woot !! 100% BINGO !! cos really all old girls.. customer, cashiers, sum promoters.. =X haha.. Lucky e cashier tt near mi was quite friendly & crappy.. arbo i really duno how shld i pass my time there.. Gt 1 india ger is a mixed of chinese, her chinese damn power.. haha.. fluents than some orginal chinese lo.. she noe english, chinese, indian, cantonese, little bit of teochew.. hurhur.. multi-language sia.. haha.. she watched guess3 too.. & e anutie there treat mi not bad oso.. everytime treat mi sweets, snacks, choc those stuffs.. haha.. make mi so SINFUL!! =X ..

Juz received a bad new from my manager, she say tml i reported back to CP robinson.. haiz.. sianz !! i dun like tt place la.. & i thought im BANNED ? Hahaha.. I cant imagine to see tt ass manager whu banned mi there de face, when she see Im back.. LOL~ but kinda early sia.. 9am reach.. sianz.. i duno can make it anot.. it been weeks since i 7am woke up.. -.-" .. My tagger seems quiet sia.. sianz.. was thinking of removing it. see how ba.. Tml meeting victor for supper & rounding.. haha!! hope he can make it tml.. sweet dreams!! & pray for mi to wake up early tml !! =X

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Woot!! finally haf time to blog !! haha.. im a gd boy today , cos i managed to cum back home after my work.. heee.. another words means tt my past 2 days were really came home late !! hee..

Sun, late for my work again.. sianz.. as usual, so so so many anuties.. imagine tt i cant even stand beside my counter.. LOL~ & e air-con seem like spolit ? i cant feel a single COOL feeling or breeze from e air.. -.-" INSANE!! SO HOT!! im sweating inside a SHOPPING MALL!! NO JOKE !! argh!! After work , i took cab to meet up zx & co. Hmm.. they all makan liao.. kao, all watching mi eating.. haha.. but really long nv see xian tt si botak liao.. haha.. went to par billard, but i din play.. watching video instead.. keke.. bo lui la !! cfm broke if i spending like WATER!! Second thoughts for my bag & tees , i will preserved !! haha!! Go back to houg plaza slack awhile.. eat roti prata.. than suddenly tai siao on.. wan drink hard liquord ( spelling error ).. hurhur.. xian at first say dunwan, in d end oso drink !! LOL !! chatted wit him under e void deck, while tai ride gl to his hse take vodka.. When they reached, WOOT!! so mani ppl !! haha.. gt jesper , weiming & jason.. haha.. we decided to play "zhong ji mi ma".. at first i thought im e lucky 1.. cos after rds im still e surviver.. but nv expected tt.. in d last few rds i keep kana.. -.-" Summore i drink "neat" cos i dun like gassy drinks.. there onli haf coke & sprite.. POWER LO!! e vodka resberry.. WOOT !! When u drink, u smell it.. ver nice smell.. than when u drink.. ( drink all ) u will feel tt ver easy to go in throat.. after awhile, throat burning liao. We all agreed tt e vodka power than normal vodka.. DUH!! & ofcos.. I K.O !! LOL~ gl ride mi back home.. i vomited in e stairs 2 times !! back to my room, lie down K.O !! haha.. juz feel like sleeping.. i nv turn off e light or switch on e air-con lo.. duh.. mum nags again. sianz. HAHA!!

Mon, can u believe tt i woke up at 9am !! woot !! mircale !! haha.. expected hangover but NONE!! hee.. my brain damn refreshing !! no kiddin.. took my own sweet time to work.. haha.. cos F**king early lo.. haha.. but workin sianz again.. i slackin inside e toliet.. listen to my mp3.. =X keke.. at there i cannot use HP lo.. damn restricted. sianz. But e toliet ver peaceful.. cos tt floor onli 2-3 guys.. than e top of e toliet is air-con damn cooling than outside lo.. summore gt radio to listen oso.. song rite.. my best slacking place.. & tt place no smell at all.. ver ver ver clean.. After my work, took cab again !! damn xiong la this weekend.. haiz.. i met up wit han & co. at holland V.. cos melvin bd.. bought him a tee hope he like it.. we settled our dinner at breko.. i feel so bad.. cos i order fen yi's order wrong.. ended up she like no mood to eat.. & eat ver little.. Aiyo.. feel ver bad lo !! duh.. Than kai joined us after his work oso.. In time to celeb melvin to blow e cake !! hee.. a small slice of cheese cake from NYDC.. not bad.. i choose de.. haha.. Than send fen yi home at AMK.. headed back to town to meet qing for KTV.. gona spend like hell sia.. haiz.. lucky han is driving.. arbo cab fare damn xiong ar.. heard tt qing waited for us 1hr++.. hurhur.. anyway we sing till 3am nia.. than all go home liao.. han 1 by 1 send them home.. woot.. yishun -> hougang -> seragoon hurhur.. 3 places.. & he is VER tired.. gd brother sia.. cos i tink he noe tt melvin they all no $ liao oso.. take cab xiong.. hurhur..

Tue, not enough slep ar.. hai.. no customer at all.. i sell 1 thing nia.. duh.. i saw sharon at OG !! holding a guy hand.. haiyo~ qm cfm sad liao ~ hmm.. After work i go straight home.. lol!! arbo cfm tio nag again.. hmm.. thur taking off liao !! wee !! can shopping ~ HAHA !! hmm.. i saw my ex at OG oso.. haiz.. so long nv seen her le.. i haf eye contact wit her.. but i dunno she rem mi anot.. no contact at all.. dunno wana ask her contact num. anot leh.. sianz.. nite peeps.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Lust or love ? creation by lunnie =) Posted by Hello

liquid room.

Damn tired ar.. im now waiting for my hair to dry !! argh.. juz hope i can juz lying on my bed now.. wit my cosy quilt !! argh !! haha.. anyway i shall updates my days up !! =X
Thur, i havin a busy timetable !! haha.. i woke up ard 1pm i tink.. wit alot of MISSED CALLS !! duh!! But i din even heard a single sound while im sleeping.. OPSS!! =X haha.. call back 1 by 1 when im half-awake.. duh.. meet ah de for studying.. but bedok.. duh !! kinda far.. but wei le my math , I GO !! haha.. Lucky i did go, cos i learn quite alot things.. hee.. thank guys !! million thanks !! =) So i went home wit ah de & rang kevin up, he cuming my hse to study & staying overnight.. Hmm.. we did study la.. helped him wit questions tt ah de teached mi fews hr ago.. haha.. while im teaching, im learning oso.. infact.. i rem everything !! hee !! thanks godness.. & franky speaking, we r not tt stress as taking AEP & FOC.. perhaps, wat we r thinking was,
"Is there possible to fail our math?"
Haha.. So after hrs of revision, we stopped.. & we PLAY GAME !! LOL!! relax rite.. "yi te!! yi te yi te!!" HAHA!! i tink this onli we 2 knows !! keke.. we slept ard 4am..
Friday, We went sch tgt ard 10am reached.. & i tink we r damn kiasu.. cos e paper starts at 230pm.. DUH!! but e trips was not wasted ofcos.. i learn a fews thing oso.. thanks to my wonderful classmates' helps!! Inbetween, i having a short mood-swing. OMG!! NO MOOD AT ALL.. & all formula GONE!! duh.. im not kiddin.. kevin asked mi to drink "ji jing" e chicken essense ( error spelling ) .. haha.. my first time drinking tt.. e smell suck !! e first taste SUCKS !! but when u drink it.. its okie.. acceptable.. duh!! haha.. 230pm, here go my last paper !! hmm.. i kinda confident tt i wun fail !! haha.. not la.. from my doings, i onli dunno 2 sums from section A, which each ques is 4marks nia.. duh.. =X GIVE TEACHER LA !! hAHA!! went home first than go worked for 2 hrs.. duh.. i go wrong place sia !! damn MALU !! lucky e wrong place is kinda near.. or else....................
Sat, DAMN TIRED !! supposed to reach working place at 11am, i went at 145pm.. -.-" HAHA!! e whole day was so so so bored.. so mani ANUTIE !! argh !! OG IS FULL OF ANUTIES !! OMG !! Even e songs oso retro.. in chinese de.. listen liao oso sianz half.. =( , Until night time.. meet up wit guoliang.. than wait for qy than heads to Liquid room.. duh.. my first time there.. its SOOOO SUCKS !! e service was too "PROFESSIONAL" , WHY ?! cos when we drink finish e drinks, e waiter will clear cup rite.. But this bloody-mutha-fucker waiter was soooo kiasu tt he "snatch" away e cup from gl hands when he notice tt e cup was empty.. OMG !! i dun like tt service from him.. We pay to enjoy, not treats like we own anyone there.. -.-" Damn it la.. spolit my mood there.. sianz.. i met william from sec sch.. he nv dance, cos e reason is... he dunwan dirty his new shoes.. tt his excuse.. i dunno issit real or not.. HAHA!! Anyway e music were nice.. & alot of remix by e young DJ.. but he kinda kp la.. HAHA!! Overall e place i gib him 2 out of 5 !! cos service is damn impt !! & e service is TOO OVER !! OVER !! argh !! haha.. went supper wit gl & qy than headed home liao.. damn tired.. i tink my hair dry liao.. NITE GUYS!! =)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

To sumone.

Hmm.. well, read 1 of my friend's blog, he noe whu he is.. Hmm.. okie.. i will begin my speech ya! haha.. Yah, indeed im dulan of those action from both of u, mayb or not tt u r e victim too.. But wat abt mi ? I waiting under e hot sun, waiting like an idiot, wat abt mi ? Hmm.. mayb im selfish, but im not xiao qi or attitude.. Its like, i dun deserve a simple apologise from ur acts? Its juz my principle of doing. mayb u r e victim too.. yah i noe.. wang haf told mi everything.but i din gib u fucking attitude as im preparing my exam.. u saying tt i gib attitude, wat attitude did i give ? and im e first whu start to sms u ask u abt things. wat abt u ? did u put in anything efforts in it ?did u msg mi in msn or wat? HAHA~ no rite.. fiendship dun 'clap' wit 1 hand. & if u wan, u can ask wang, i even told him tt its juz a misunderstanding.. it will cleared after time passed. I even told him abt e trips, & discuss abt e infor to let u all noe or watever.. u can clarified(spellin error) wit him if u wan. So dun write as if im a 'big enemy' or watever. as i stated in my past entry, Whuever treat mi as their frenz, i will cherish them.. nomatter wat.. and u r one of it tt im cherish. Unless u dunwan to hold on anymore, i respect ur decision =) E purpose of this entry is mainly to clear ur doubts if u dunno. Im not trying to shoot u back by blog, im explaining my words.. & ya, mayb sum of ur 'questions' from ur blog.

And added tt i juz finished my AEP & FOC STUDIES!! woot!! damn shiok !! mi & kevin was really turning our head up-side-down-or-wat-so-ever to crack those stupid question. HAHA!! And we realised tt , there is sum achievement ya!! haha.. Tml big day!! wish mi gd luck pls dude!! AHHHHH !!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Yest was really insane!! I kept eating non-stop.. Firstly, i went to suki sushi wit ronnie & co. Than after dinner , i meet my classmates, lotti & kevin. they came to my hse for grp studies.. Hmm.. ard 10++, kevin ordered pizza!! i ate 1 piece nia la.. but stilll ver FULL!! OMG!! SINNFUL!! LOL!!
Anyway yest was really great.. at first were juz 3 of us.. suddenly 'pop' up 3 more guys.. which is doug , gregroy & uncle frank.. haha!! During our breaks, we prank call ppl.. HAHA!! cos my hse no. is private.. =X but tt guy deserved prank call lo.. he rang lotti, but nv tok.. & not once.. but A COUPLE OF TIME.. duh.. dunno is he accidently call or wat.. but if he accidently call, y lotti fone book dun haf his name ? hmm.. still a mystery..
Lotti went home ard 130am.. wit his private 'car' haha.. & e rest of e peeps stayed till 6am & went off.. inbetween, doug was e cheif.. he cook maggie meee wit alot ingred. tt found in my kitchen.. hurhur.. ok, im juz being lame.. cos e ingred was chicken stock, ham & eggs.. tt all.. its not 'alot' HAHA!! slept on 7am, juz woke up now sia.. 3pm.. duh.. & kevin is cuming soon.. duh.. tml exam starts le.. im kinda scare sia.. haiz!! & i have a gd news to share!! I can take exam!! haha.. nv kana debar !! yeah !!

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Woot!! im juz back home!! Its Sunday, May 15 8.15am.. Ofcos i did my showering & those stuff.. currently waiting for my hair to dry.. Hmm.. Yest ard 5pm chat wit my cousin, Ah sheng.. e cousin tt dose mi alot.. hee!! He say his movie was cancelled due to 1 of his frenz stomachache or watever la.. so called off.. & he dunwan go clubbin, so he stayed at home.. & i was browsing e webby abt a street wear tees.. & SG HAF!! Onli fareast haf it.. So i asked him along to fareast since he is bored.. haha.. I reached in time & i went up to look for e shop.. I FOUND IT!! its kinda deserted ? Unless ppl will put in efforts to walk in deeper, than they will find their "teasure" or wat-so-ever.. haha.. IM IN LOVE WIT THEIR TEES!!

Actually i intended to order by shipment.. but it cost abt $54, $32 of e tee & $22 for e shipment.. But that will need helps from my cousin friend in Japan.. haha.. ask him help mi buy =X But in SG.. its cost $49.90!! or $49.. i forget.. BUT ITS CHEAPER!! WOOT!! I searched Hongkong price.. it cost $50 , haven includes e shipment.. which cost abt $72? NO WAY MAN!! haha.. Their design is really nice.. Ofcos not all.. but most of it suit my eyes u see... heeeee!! Finally my cousin reached.. He is complaining abt his hunger.. & we went to Ajisen makan.. on his house.. =X i din ask him to bill.. But he inisited.. hurhur.. Next time i gona treat him gd food.. he everytime treat mi makan de.. duh.. damn paisei.. We went up e shop again.. But i din buy!! cos i no bag.. later going chinablack.. bo ko leng ask mi put $2 for tt Tee ? althought its cheap, but not worth it.. So i tink i next time go down buy.. & franky speakin, e tees is kinda exp.. but i decided to each month buy 1 tees frm there.. so i wun be tt xiong.. =X heeee.. But THAT IS JUZ PLANS!! IT MIGHT TURN OUT BACKFIRES HAHA!! We went to hereen for his dvd searchin.. & i learn sumthing.. So DVD have ranking oso.. code 1 , 2 , 3.. Code 1 is better quality & have more infor such as some addition actions tt kinda cut & we wun be seeing it on movie.. & behind scene of wat e actors doing.. alot la!! ofcos.. more EXP!! haha.. some-sort like hidden infors.. so u need to pay more to define e infors.. =X

We walking ard hereen.. & we buy drinks from a shop at hereen.. u noe wat? i feeeel so insult.. we was talking abt holy stuffs, & Im doing e "in-d-amen-of-e-son-holy-spirit-amen" e handsign.. My cousin said i did wrong.. Im from holy innocents' high, how can be wrong!! 7yrs there leh!! kao!! haha.. see e priest do until sianz leh.. So i showed him again & he realised tt he wronged.. okie nvm.. suddenly e shop staff ( a guy ) "r u from christan" We replied "no" ofcos.. & u noe wat he say next?

"U r insulting christan." & walk off.. OMG!! i was like.... WTF ?! WAT TT GT TO DO WIT INSULTING?! & com'on IM FREE THINKER!! WAT WRONGS WIT TT ?! Explaining oso wrong?? SUCKS SIA!! He think he is ver devoted.. i guessed he must be SINNED!! Misunderstanding a guy whu tryin to correct sumone mistook abt e hand sign.. HEY!! Im teaching okie!! Ass.. He tink he ver sart!! Anyway, everyone haf their own ways of thinkings, we cant interference..

Meet up wit Gl's peeps.. Im kinda feeling bad, i pangsen my cousin.. i dunno where he go next.. he said he findin his frenz.. but i duno his frenz ard town anot.. IM FEEL SO SINNED!! omg.. Anyway, Chinablack no que. =X haha.. Met xuelin again!! on fri i saw her too.. & now saw her again.. lol!! so qiao.. We dance ard.. playing 5 , 10 , 15.. aiming qy, cos his bd.. haha.. jason finally came, wit shufen.. woot.. i sooooo long nv saw her le.. Kinda moody , she said she dun like CB.. hurhur.. i dunno y she came since she dun like.. haha.. anyway they left ard 3am.. & mi , qy & gl continue to CB.. jesper, weiming , jason & shufen went home.. played till 5am, we left.. saw sancia!! haha.. so qiao.. i saw Kelvin oso.. hmm.. than chitchat until 6am.. wanted took cab but so mani ppl waiting.. so took bus instead.. ate our breakfast.. chitchat again.. than reached home.. haha.. but i not ver tired leh.. duh.. dunno y.. LOL! anyway gotta force myself to slep.. Later evening studying wit gl & jiancong.. hurhur.. NITE!!

Friday, May 13, 2005


Hmm.. e ktv was call off.. & i slep till 2pm.. damn refreshing.. But my mood was kinda in e way of strange? Anyway chated wit 1 of my msn frenz online.. she having great stress on her route-to-poly.. feel kinda sad of seeing her like tt.. Oh well, hope i did help her by listening to her xin shi.. & she juz said thanks to mi.. haha.. a gd deed a day.. =X hmm.. Cheer up ger k!! u still haf e time.. dun worry of ur target.. u will achieve it de.. Give urself more confident.. =)

And say abt consoling her for more confident.. im lackin too.. haha.. well.. its always easy to say out, but difficult to handle u see.. & i truthly understand wat she thinking.. imagine.. i retain 2yrs in my sec, seeing all 84s' grad.. and yet im still in tt sucky sch.. who will exprience more than mi..? haha.. unless those ppl whu sits under my chair noe how i feels.. =)

Din went to dlb O today. Not money issue.. juz tt.. well.. not mood for clubbin?? Im like rejecting alot clubbin kakis invitation.. until they wun ask mi anymore now.. HAHA!! Sorri peeps!! Enjoys urself there.. hmm.. i recived a surprise when im online in d evening.. i met ed !! she online.. & msg mi straight away.. duh.. we haf a super-duper-long-ever chats.. haha.. endless topic.. as usual.. i miss her alot.. & she oso.. =X tt wat she told mi too.. keke.. looking forward of meeting her up on june.. well.. she surprised mi by explaining wat is used in pencil.. there goes her explaination..

" do you know why they use graphite in our pencils? they call it lead, but it really isnt Lead. its graphite. you see, graphite is made up of layers of molecules. and because it is pure (ie ALL graphite molecules), the layers of molecule slide over each other easily. and the bonding forces between the layers are weak, thus when it is being rub against a surface (ie write), the layers get stripped and appear on the paper. and we use graphit ecus its easy to write and erase, because the same theory applies. "

Long? haha.. that her explaination.. which impressed mi.. & she said tt is common knowledge of pure science.. which she is now studying on it.. haha.. All e best for her papers hours later.. =)

And sumhow.. we exchanged views of each others.. make mi more understandin of MYSELF haha.. thanks dude.. i will catch ya ard june!! having a slight headache now.. i guess after a slep, will helps.. i hopes.. =

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

House Of Wax.

hmm.. ard 1pm, le ye msg mi in msn.. jio mi go movie.. agreed & meet him up ard 5pm.. slacking in town until siben sianz.. cos waiting for zhenyin & mingzhen.. duh.. So After we have our lunch at MAC.. we walk ard shopping.. topics were all abt fashion wear.. haha!! guangle noe quite alot sia.. aisay~ haha.. Than we walk until siben tired... wanted find sum place to sit.. in d end, we par billard.. LOL!!

Played 2 frames.. in e meantime, zy finally arrived.. sitting there, waiting for us to end e game.. Woot.. gl was gd sia.. he keep say he nv wear his lens, so skills will be slightly weak.. but as i can see.. Seem like no different ~ haha.. i cant imagine he put on his lens, how will his skills be.. duh.. Okie.. went to meet up wit mz than heads to e cinema~ Saw kelly from HIHS.. wit her bf~ haha.. Oh ya, i saw bertina oso.. but she seems like kinda cold ? hurhur.. suan le.. Overall e movie was not bad.. onli a few pts tt make mi feel slepy & sianz..

1. NO SUBTITLES!! OMG!! Not tt my angmo tt poor.. but sumtime their english was soooo slag tt i cant catch wat e hell they r talking abt.. duh..
2. E EXIT LIGHTS!! kaoz.. so bright tt i can see clearly wat e hell my front seats ppl doing.. w/o using my hp light.. !!
3. SO SMALL E SCREEN!! argh..
4. SO EXP!! e rates increased!! hurhur.. wo de tian!! bth lo..

After e movie, im still kinda lost.. cos sum of e story im still blur-ed & need sum guides.. Went kovan meet up wit ron & basil.. ron watched tt movie oso.. we discussed abt e storyline.. haha.. cos PS haf subtitles.. i still dunno y LIDO dun haf.. -.-" ARGH!! Ate sumthing than talk craps.. haha.. Went to basil hse to pick up mz VCD than walk home.. yah.. WALK HOME.. but kinda near la.. hee.. 10-15mins road.. And zy was send home by ron & gl.. Tml liting jio KTV.. but until now haven cfm -.-" haha.. see how tml ba.. nite peeps!!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

Phew~ juz back from Hougang plaza playing billard wit guoliang.. haha.. win him a few frames but he put mi 20pts in e first place.. hee.. Hmm.. saw qy & his cousin oso.. playing FT.. they intended to play till 6am.. -.-" Gd luck boys!! haha..

Hmm.. i slept till 3pm today.. woot!! dunno y oso.. mayb e cool weather.. keke.. Than ard 7pm went dinner wit my family by bus.. E dinner was really a disappointed.. e main dish nv came.. & e side dishes all arrived liao.. damn spolit mood!! when we intended to call off e main dish, it arrived in time.. but e anutie was damn attitude.. Im not showing in-respect wit elders, i can understand tt e crowds were really alot.. & i noe therefore there r sum forgotten dishes.. But her attitude.. WAH!! Even my dad was really annoyed by her words, he shoot her back.. LOL!! she lan lan & walk away.. Really spolit my mood. duh.. Tml lotti will be cuming my hse for studying.. hmm.. At night studying wit gl, woot.. packed timetable!! But at least i got planning in studies!!


Saturday, May 07, 2005

put plane.


Friday, May 06, 2005


Finally its rain!! summore continuely 2 days!! heee.. e weather is freakin hot.. lucky it rain on time.. Went sch in d morning for PE & last lesson of AEP, study week from today starts.. But actually i started it last few weeks.. Hmm.. Went home in time b4 e heavy rain.. Phew!! but was damn cooling.. hee!!

Oh ya.. i watched 1 anime "Bleach" & a korean movie which i dl-ed yest.. Its abt a-going-to-be-priest wit a ger.. inbetween them is sooo funny.. 5stars for tt movie. If anyone interested i can send u e bitcomet file.. & dl urself... hee... If i not wrong , its haven laurch to Spore.. hee.. E views were so nice.. At first i dl becos i see e female artist so chio.. =X but when i watched e movie.. Im really touched.. ( btw, if u scroll down to d end, there r more pictures down.. u need to go to my "link"--> scroll down to "may 2005" and click.. and go back e entry.. u will see e pictures.. sorri for e inconvience.)

OK.. continue now.. its abt 3am now.. haha.. juz watched e movie "Be cool" , have been dl-ed it for weeks, but nv touch at all.. or infact forget tt i actually haf tt movie in my D drive.. haha.. hmm.. having a short & small gathering wit jl & roy in e night time at CP again.. Headed to jl hse cos he need helps in his maxonline stuff.. & i chats wit peiliang.. he turned meaty ya.. keke.. & tml will be going to town for jl shopping speer !! nite peeps!!

e movie picture.. chio rite e ger?
Posted by Hello

soo sweet !!
Posted by Hello

LOL!! "Tiger" or "Cat"?
Posted by Hello

she thinking of mi?? =X
Posted by Hello

fierce driver =X
Posted by Hello

Another poster
Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

This scene quite touchin.. =D
Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

wewe's birthday.

Hmm.. long day for mi.. playing bball at 6pm-730++pm than rush home bath, din even haf time for makan.. straight to superbowl. Luckily everyone were still playing games, so i went alone for my dinner, chicken rice. haha.. separated into 2 cabs & off we go to "The One" .. first time there, e atmosphere was great. e onli fault i can find is ver little of new songs.. & e toliet kinda small? hmm.. but e place was great!! haha..

Played daidee wit benny,guangle & tai.. haha.. i win quite a few rds.. mayb my "hao peng you" miss mi too much.. every rds cfm see "them".. LOL~ Hmm.. kelvin was there too.. wit his gf ~ he damn funny lo.. haha.. & careless!! spilled e beer on e floor.. & almost spilled on mi.. duhz!! haha.. hx & his gf arrived late.. he sit awhile than go off le.. haha.. dunno y oso.. mayb he wit his gf ba.. anyway yest he like weird~ haha.. not in term of looks, juz.. dunno how to explain. keke..

After rds of "battles", guangle drink e last 2 slips.. haha.. ta ar !! & we ended our games. Kelvin went off wit his gf oso.. so left H20 peeps nia.. liting say she hungry.. haha.. After rds of discussion.. 106 will be e place.. roti prata ~ My cab damn suay lo.. keep kana red lights, dulan.. but i tink ronnie they all more suay.. kana road block!! LOL!! benny say its becos there is a female on e cab.. hmmm... dunno la.. i juz want to say, " E PRATA WERE NICE!!! " KAKA!! ronnie highly recommandation, cheese prata.. really solid!! Tok cock awhile there.. haha.. until ard 4am than go off.. phew, was damn tired. Summore i cant slep, cos next day sch-ing.. more jialat.. kaoz!! SD wit ricky in d morning.. hee.. he help mi up lvl.. damn fast!! thanks dude!! and lastly...


Monday, May 02, 2005

its time!!

Haha!! After moody for quite a sum time during work juz now.. i guessed i haf to make my decision liao.. hmm.. & when im moody , a kk mattress anutie came to tok to mi.. she say " everything is like fated , no pt thinking too much , will onli gain sorrows. Now going on life is more impt " .. hmm athough i noe abt tis dao li.. but smthing when u r in a lost or proccess of thinking.. u wun be thought of tt, & its like a enlighten to mi. Thanks anutie.

So now i made my decision le.. wat past is past.. now i will be living happily!! yeah!! And for e friends, I will refresh everything.. They r still my friends ofcos. Juz tt u wana be my best frenz , gd frenz or watever, If u showed efforts, i will oso be urs, always.. endlessly.. =)

And now i will juz focus on my exam!! Kinda impt , dun wish to fail.. And whu wish to fail ? LOL!! Well , i might be seldom contacting my peeps, so if u peeps wana go out or wat.. a sms will do.. im there if im free !! THAT MY WORDS *PROVED* HAHA!!

Sunday, May 01, 2005


" Something r meant not to be know , than to know "

definite e word "friends"

well.. i entered 2 entries today.. haha.. 1 is before tis entry.. juz scroll down will do.. =) okie.. let starts!! im puzzled wit e word "friends" recently.. haha.. i started to recall bits by bits.. wat my friends did to mi in e past.. and i was thinking.. Do my friends remember mi? if so , how cum my hp was so quiet ? haha.. i really dunno.. words cant be describe-able to my feelings now..

1. person u like - sumone whu u like ver much & like to spend time wit.
2.Supporter - sumone whu supports by help or $.
3.Not an enemy - sumone whu is not ur enemy & will not harm you or cause troubles to you.
4.used to address sumone or a grp of ppl in a parliament,meeting or other formal public occasion.

thats e meaning of "friend".. or u can check it out in haha.. Dunno y i gt tis kind of feelings.. althought it been all e while surrounded mi.. but i dun dare to face it.. and now.. hmm.. i rem my dad told mi b4 "if u gt li yong jia zi, friend will be there.." & he continued " in tt case, tis friend of urs, is not ur friend. Cos he making use of you. Truth friend wun used each & other.. & we helped each other by hearts. not by ways to win e heart of tis friend in order next time can use him to do stuff" But ofcos.. everyone haf tis kind of frenz.. this is cfm, i dun believe tt NO ONE IS LIKE TT IN TIS WORLD. Its common. very. & to be frank , i haf oso. Those r juz normal frenz. But where is my truth friend? haha.. blured.
Recently, my best frenz ed, rang mi up from melbourne.. To be frank, im really surprised.. cos she din sms mi or wat of my bd , & i thought she haf forgtten mi.. but im wrong.. she took e efforts to ring mi up tis time.. we haf a nice chat.. to be frank.. she is e onli frenz tt we have endless topic to share.. can u imagine in sec sch , we chatted on fone for whole day? breakfast , lunch , dinner .. except bathing we stopped awhile.. & after bathin we continue to chat. She is like a friend of mine whu will alwasy motivates mi.. & bring mi laughters.. Actually, recently im tinking tt issit she forget abt mi ? cos after she went to melbourne, we seem like having lesser & lesser chatting session.. which make mi feels like drifting away from her. but guess im wrong? I dunno how she view mi as la, best friend? best pal ? normal friend? i heck care. cos i noe she will always be my best frenz..
& becos of her.. im thinking tt in Spore, do i haf such a friend here? actually i do haf.. but.. sumhow sumtime, thing drifting away.. which is unexplainable.. hahaha.. I used to haf alot grp of friends.. but im like extra when i joined them on outing. mayb i think too much.. but sumtime communication breakdown.. which spolit my mood instantly.. Im a guy wit mood stated clearly on face.. so sumtime it will affects e surroundings ba.. i guess.. Well.. actually tis entry is a bo liao entry la.. i wrote it cos i feel like fa xie.. but i find no way to fa xie.. & blog seem like is a gd choice to mi.. I dun need show responsiblity of my words here.. cos its all not in e reality. im selfish. ya, i am sumtime.