Friday, May 06, 2005


Finally its rain!! summore continuely 2 days!! heee.. e weather is freakin hot.. lucky it rain on time.. Went sch in d morning for PE & last lesson of AEP, study week from today starts.. But actually i started it last few weeks.. Hmm.. Went home in time b4 e heavy rain.. Phew!! but was damn cooling.. hee!!

Oh ya.. i watched 1 anime "Bleach" & a korean movie which i dl-ed yest.. Its abt a-going-to-be-priest wit a ger.. inbetween them is sooo funny.. 5stars for tt movie. If anyone interested i can send u e bitcomet file.. & dl urself... hee... If i not wrong , its haven laurch to Spore.. hee.. E views were so nice.. At first i dl becos i see e female artist so chio.. =X but when i watched e movie.. Im really touched.. ( btw, if u scroll down to d end, there r more pictures down.. u need to go to my "link"--> scroll down to "may 2005" and click.. and go back e entry.. u will see e pictures.. sorri for e inconvience.)

OK.. continue now.. its abt 3am now.. haha.. juz watched e movie "Be cool" , have been dl-ed it for weeks, but nv touch at all.. or infact forget tt i actually haf tt movie in my D drive.. haha.. hmm.. having a short & small gathering wit jl & roy in e night time at CP again.. Headed to jl hse cos he need helps in his maxonline stuff.. & i chats wit peiliang.. he turned meaty ya.. keke.. & tml will be going to town for jl shopping speer !! nite peeps!!


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