Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Yest was really insane!! I kept eating non-stop.. Firstly, i went to suki sushi wit ronnie & co. Than after dinner , i meet my classmates, lotti & kevin. they came to my hse for grp studies.. Hmm.. ard 10++, kevin ordered pizza!! i ate 1 piece nia la.. but stilll ver FULL!! OMG!! SINNFUL!! LOL!!
Anyway yest was really great.. at first were juz 3 of us.. suddenly 'pop' up 3 more guys.. which is doug , gregroy & uncle frank.. haha!! During our breaks, we prank call ppl.. HAHA!! cos my hse no. is private.. =X but tt guy deserved prank call lo.. he rang lotti, but nv tok.. & not once.. but A COUPLE OF TIME.. duh.. dunno is he accidently call or wat.. but if he accidently call, y lotti fone book dun haf his name ? hmm.. still a mystery..
Lotti went home ard 130am.. wit his private 'car' haha.. & e rest of e peeps stayed till 6am & went off.. inbetween, doug was e cheif.. he cook maggie meee wit alot ingred. tt found in my kitchen.. hurhur.. ok, im juz being lame.. cos e ingred was chicken stock, ham & eggs.. tt all.. its not 'alot' HAHA!! slept on 7am, juz woke up now sia.. 3pm.. duh.. & kevin is cuming soon.. duh.. tml exam starts le.. im kinda scare sia.. haiz!! & i have a gd news to share!! I can take exam!! haha.. nv kana debar !! yeah !!


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