Sunday, May 22, 2005

liquid room.

Damn tired ar.. im now waiting for my hair to dry !! argh.. juz hope i can juz lying on my bed now.. wit my cosy quilt !! argh !! haha.. anyway i shall updates my days up !! =X
Thur, i havin a busy timetable !! haha.. i woke up ard 1pm i tink.. wit alot of MISSED CALLS !! duh!! But i din even heard a single sound while im sleeping.. OPSS!! =X haha.. call back 1 by 1 when im half-awake.. duh.. meet ah de for studying.. but bedok.. duh !! kinda far.. but wei le my math , I GO !! haha.. Lucky i did go, cos i learn quite alot things.. hee.. thank guys !! million thanks !! =) So i went home wit ah de & rang kevin up, he cuming my hse to study & staying overnight.. Hmm.. we did study la.. helped him wit questions tt ah de teached mi fews hr ago.. haha.. while im teaching, im learning oso.. infact.. i rem everything !! hee !! thanks godness.. & franky speaking, we r not tt stress as taking AEP & FOC.. perhaps, wat we r thinking was,
"Is there possible to fail our math?"
Haha.. So after hrs of revision, we stopped.. & we PLAY GAME !! LOL!! relax rite.. "yi te!! yi te yi te!!" HAHA!! i tink this onli we 2 knows !! keke.. we slept ard 4am..
Friday, We went sch tgt ard 10am reached.. & i tink we r damn kiasu.. cos e paper starts at 230pm.. DUH!! but e trips was not wasted ofcos.. i learn a fews thing oso.. thanks to my wonderful classmates' helps!! Inbetween, i having a short mood-swing. OMG!! NO MOOD AT ALL.. & all formula GONE!! duh.. im not kiddin.. kevin asked mi to drink "ji jing" e chicken essense ( error spelling ) .. haha.. my first time drinking tt.. e smell suck !! e first taste SUCKS !! but when u drink it.. its okie.. acceptable.. duh!! haha.. 230pm, here go my last paper !! hmm.. i kinda confident tt i wun fail !! haha.. not la.. from my doings, i onli dunno 2 sums from section A, which each ques is 4marks nia.. duh.. =X GIVE TEACHER LA !! hAHA!! went home first than go worked for 2 hrs.. duh.. i go wrong place sia !! damn MALU !! lucky e wrong place is kinda near.. or else....................
Sat, DAMN TIRED !! supposed to reach working place at 11am, i went at 145pm.. -.-" HAHA!! e whole day was so so so bored.. so mani ANUTIE !! argh !! OG IS FULL OF ANUTIES !! OMG !! Even e songs oso retro.. in chinese de.. listen liao oso sianz half.. =( , Until night time.. meet up wit guoliang.. than wait for qy than heads to Liquid room.. duh.. my first time there.. its SOOOO SUCKS !! e service was too "PROFESSIONAL" , WHY ?! cos when we drink finish e drinks, e waiter will clear cup rite.. But this bloody-mutha-fucker waiter was soooo kiasu tt he "snatch" away e cup from gl hands when he notice tt e cup was empty.. OMG !! i dun like tt service from him.. We pay to enjoy, not treats like we own anyone there.. -.-" Damn it la.. spolit my mood there.. sianz.. i met william from sec sch.. he nv dance, cos e reason is... he dunwan dirty his new shoes.. tt his excuse.. i dunno issit real or not.. HAHA!! Anyway e music were nice.. & alot of remix by e young DJ.. but he kinda kp la.. HAHA!! Overall e place i gib him 2 out of 5 !! cos service is damn impt !! & e service is TOO OVER !! OVER !! argh !! haha.. went supper wit gl & qy than headed home liao.. damn tired.. i tink my hair dry liao.. NITE GUYS!! =)


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