Sunday, May 01, 2005

definite e word "friends"

well.. i entered 2 entries today.. haha.. 1 is before tis entry.. juz scroll down will do.. =) okie.. let starts!! im puzzled wit e word "friends" recently.. haha.. i started to recall bits by bits.. wat my friends did to mi in e past.. and i was thinking.. Do my friends remember mi? if so , how cum my hp was so quiet ? haha.. i really dunno.. words cant be describe-able to my feelings now..

1. person u like - sumone whu u like ver much & like to spend time wit.
2.Supporter - sumone whu supports by help or $.
3.Not an enemy - sumone whu is not ur enemy & will not harm you or cause troubles to you.
4.used to address sumone or a grp of ppl in a parliament,meeting or other formal public occasion.

thats e meaning of "friend".. or u can check it out in haha.. Dunno y i gt tis kind of feelings.. althought it been all e while surrounded mi.. but i dun dare to face it.. and now.. hmm.. i rem my dad told mi b4 "if u gt li yong jia zi, friend will be there.." & he continued " in tt case, tis friend of urs, is not ur friend. Cos he making use of you. Truth friend wun used each & other.. & we helped each other by hearts. not by ways to win e heart of tis friend in order next time can use him to do stuff" But ofcos.. everyone haf tis kind of frenz.. this is cfm, i dun believe tt NO ONE IS LIKE TT IN TIS WORLD. Its common. very. & to be frank , i haf oso. Those r juz normal frenz. But where is my truth friend? haha.. blured.
Recently, my best frenz ed, rang mi up from melbourne.. To be frank, im really surprised.. cos she din sms mi or wat of my bd , & i thought she haf forgtten mi.. but im wrong.. she took e efforts to ring mi up tis time.. we haf a nice chat.. to be frank.. she is e onli frenz tt we have endless topic to share.. can u imagine in sec sch , we chatted on fone for whole day? breakfast , lunch , dinner .. except bathing we stopped awhile.. & after bathin we continue to chat. She is like a friend of mine whu will alwasy motivates mi.. & bring mi laughters.. Actually, recently im tinking tt issit she forget abt mi ? cos after she went to melbourne, we seem like having lesser & lesser chatting session.. which make mi feels like drifting away from her. but guess im wrong? I dunno how she view mi as la, best friend? best pal ? normal friend? i heck care. cos i noe she will always be my best frenz..
& becos of her.. im thinking tt in Spore, do i haf such a friend here? actually i do haf.. but.. sumhow sumtime, thing drifting away.. which is unexplainable.. hahaha.. I used to haf alot grp of friends.. but im like extra when i joined them on outing. mayb i think too much.. but sumtime communication breakdown.. which spolit my mood instantly.. Im a guy wit mood stated clearly on face.. so sumtime it will affects e surroundings ba.. i guess.. Well.. actually tis entry is a bo liao entry la.. i wrote it cos i feel like fa xie.. but i find no way to fa xie.. & blog seem like is a gd choice to mi.. I dun need show responsiblity of my words here.. cos its all not in e reality. im selfish. ya, i am sumtime.


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