Saturday, April 30, 2005


Hmm.. not in e mood to update recently.. and kinda busy oso.. haiz sianz.. well.. currenly my mind was really blank!! no kiddin.. dunno wat to type oso.. to share my views? or to share e my daily works? or my un-decide-able-mind of my yr specialist course? Haha.. i tink i starts wit my daily work first..

Thur, as usual sching at 12pm.. went sch to do e stupid survey.. math lesson at 1pm. lotti , index no.15 & dz index no.10 run away. HAHA!! but we helped them to mark attendents. Hmm.. went home wit peter , jio bball in e evening.. Onz!! After home, went to TM again for my connection, as pacnet nv receive my $$ & suspended my acc e day before which is on wed. "THANK" to them, i spending time playing CS wit e dumb bots juz to kill e time.. idiot!! After showing e pacnet stuff my bankbook which showed e date tt i had withdraw e $ from e bank.. Took bus back to houg again.. meeting peter at e CC. shooting ball as usual , than 2 guys jio 2on2.. hmm.. e score was we win by 21-1. tt is first set.. but e guys dunwan continue second set le.. sadd sadd..

Fri, take back my AEP paper, failed.. damn sianz.. haiz.. than e teacher like damn dulan.. cos whole class so mani ppl failed.. Went to work after tt.. Whitesand John Little.. return goods, e staff there damn nice & friendly.. helped mi alot.. haha.. After work, went for cut hair at PS kimage. OMG!! totally cannot make it.. spolit my day.. SAD!! summore quite exp oso.. argh!! went taka to work.. haven ate my meal since morning.. damn hungry.. makan wit roy & bh. working was boring.. went to play pool wit roy after work & ate supper at BK, im damn careless.. I withdraw $$ but i forget takes e $$!! Rush back to e atm, but ofcos cant see e sight of $$.. bo bian, lan lan press again.. Return back to BK, roy say e $$ will "swallow" back to e ATM if e user nv took e $$ at a time of period, which im wondering, how long is e period.. damn it la!!

Sat, reported to work on time. im e earliest for noon shift.. haha.. roy came ard 1, bh worst. 130.. she said she tot she working 130.. OMG~ but nvm la.. haha.. As usual, workin was boring.. but able to see babes.. not bad =X Hmm.. went eating alone cos of some reasons.. haha.. searchin my ear piece.. but too exp!! $40++ kinda not worth it.. But roy say buy a better sound quality de.. Hmm.. see how ba.. bank left ver little le.. & suddenly roy suggested to Marche.. damn it la.. im tempting sia.. haha.. in d end, jio bh , weishan & ya lun to Marche.. treated bh tis time for her belated bd, Roy add in too. Hmm.. Last train home.. damn tired.. tml morning shift.. sianz..

Well, currently im lost in choosing which specialist for my yr2, headache. haiz.. & thanks those ppl whu advised mi for it.. thanks Peeps!! Well.. actually i noe which course i shld go.. but im.. well.. indecesive is e word.. hurhur.. tt e weakest point i have!! Well, i hate it to e core!! but curable? haha.. Hmm.. another of my weakest point is lack of confident, but i tink tt is becos of my pimpes. which i HATE it to e core oso!! Mutha-f**ker!! haiz, i juz hope it will be cure after my NS.. hopes..


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