Friday, April 22, 2005


Haiyo.. today really mixture of gd & bad moods sia.. >.<" Late for PE in d morning.. finally able to attend e PE.. & my first time to see my PE teacher.. haha.. cos middle of sem, changed to another teacher.. hmm.. During AEP, damn sad lo.. teacher say i will kana debar. cfm. hur. which spolit my mood... TOTALLY SPOLIT!! went for break wit a confused feeling.. cos im e one whu din attend his lessons.. my fault ba.. haiz.. But e teacher did mentioned tt he can see tt im showing improvement in work & attendends tis few weeks.. which is a gd sight. hurhur.. After break, went back to class.. He called mi out again.. say plan changed.. i was like
" WTF ?! "
Hmm.. he said tt if i cleared my homeworks & came for his lesson from today starts... he will depend on my attitude & send a "gd" reports up to e HOD to save me.. Well, since he giving chances.. i shall cherish it liao.. cant afford to debar!! After lesson, went for PE test.. yah.. PE TEST!! i was like wtf again.. PE oso gt test? summore she said tt 4 papers took 40% of e marks? hurhur.. faster finshed it in 1 shot & off to work..
Mood-less do works.. summore crystal nv come.. instead a anutie take over her for e time being.. w/o her laughten & craps, life was bored there.. I saw her again!! haha.. a promter whu work there, everytime after work we will took e same bus home. but halfway she will dropped & took 55.. hmm.. but i dunno her name , dunno her at all ?! LOL~ & i received a so-called bad or gd news ba.. im transfered to Taka tml.. gd is taka gt alot babes.. bad is i wun be seeing her again. duh.. haha.. =X oh ya.. another worst thing is i will be workin wit roy.. for 12hr?! OMG!! kill mi ba sumone !! =X Well.. after work liao, took e same bus again.. i sit beside her? damn qiao. but i dun dare to approach her.. & she is readin a book !! omg. nowadays, seldom gt ppl readin books.. except exam or study period. =X hmm.. i damn hum ji la !! haiyo.. until she logged off e bus, i still nv kai ko.. hurhur.. blame it for my hum-ji-ness ~ wun be workin there liao.. hai..
oh ya, i having a interesting convasation wit peter in d class.. e topic is " poser " , well.. peter view is he dun like those ppl took part e singing competition singing other ppl songs.. he say its like poser lo.. y must act like e whuever singer? cannot juz sing e song e whu or there created? I explained to him tt its depend on e organizer ma, cos they set e rules. & they wana it in tis way.. than peter continued tt going thru competition is neccessary as if gt shi li.. nomatter sing on where, oso will famous de.. i half agree half disagree.. haha.. cos being a star haf 2 points, 1 is fate another is singing skills.. haha.. if e person is talented, but he no fate wit e audience, e.g no ppl buy his/her album.. i doubt e singer will haf next album oso.. e company might cancel e contract.. hurhur.. haha.. but anyway it juz a interestin convasation tt peter haf pop out.. or is mi? i cant rem oso..LOL~ But anyway all e best to those ppl haf ming xing mong~ =D
Tml meeting roy at 840am, i can wake up ? i tink can ba.. sianz.. taka ~ here i cum! haha!! nite peeps!!


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