Saturday, April 23, 2005


Woke up at ard 730 but nua on bed, rollin, rollin like a bo pian~ haha!! until 815am than step on my FIRST step on d floor on sat ~ hee.. Met roy at last cabin , happened to meet guowei.. so qiao... he going to work oso. cartlon if i not wrong.. Reached taka in time.. having a short brief than dismissed.. damn messy lo e counter.. & edwin keep giving mi pressure, non stop saying,
" U noe wat to do de la, work so long liao.. "
i was like wtf? It been months since i last stepped to e staff entrance & now he like tt say.. -.-" O well~ I ask roy to be "admin" to day.. haha.. write price tag all e while.. hurhur.. i tink he love it? haha.. summore he requested tml oso same job? NO WAY!! tt is too relax for ya!! haha.. hmm.. planning stuffs & there e whole day.. serving.. haf my pity-ful 30mins break for a lunch? God shoot mi wit ur arrow pls, Im kiddin ofcos =P haha.. Hmm.. met 3 person in taka, actually weekends in taka shld be met alot of ppl.. 3 counted little liao.. haha.. Firstly, its edmond.. my pervious temp job manager, he offered mi a weekend job.. but onli 4hrs.. hmmm he indirect hints tt he need ppl.. haha.. i told him i after may will rang him up.. at least after my exam first.. hurhur.. Well, he agreed & bought 1 of my bed set.. haha.. thank dude ~ Secondly, i met Ah sheng, my cousin.. he was surprised tt he saw mi there.. infront of his eyes. haha.. helping him wit e pillows & he might came back on next weekend wit his family for e pillows or stuffs.. But paisei sia, i stopped tok to him due to doing stocks + serving customer.. lucky his frenz came in time.. haha.. hmm.. lastly is sheena, she shocked mi.. u noe wat? she BANGED e glass wall while im serving? HAHA!! e customer was shocked when a lady banged e glass tt hard? keke..
E crowds was gd, haha.. seriously.. ofcos hit e target of sat.. =X hmm.. kinda much lo.. but i expected tt amount.. Well, e most sianz part was shifting.. i set up a new "island" & putting up stuffs on it.. damn jialat.. cos im e onli 1 doing ( roy was doing pillow session & e 2 anutie were useless -.-" ).. & there were so much things to shift!! Luckily simon from bed section helped mi alot during tt shifting.. hahaha.. & we dun need to stay back late!! hee.. ard 10pm, we can go off le... Went compass pt meet up wit jl & slip for coffee session.. in d way saw jiancong again.. haha.. He seems like everyday went to town.. keep banging on him.. i went town for work, so its different case tt i went town often.. Hmm.. Durin e chats were quite interesting.. haa.. we forever tok abt 3 women.. onli we 4 ppl noe whu is e 3 women.. =X but tt was a disgrace to mention e 3 women name.. LOL!! Tml workin late.. cos change shift wit beehar.. hee.. thanks dude & my internet DATELINE IS TML!! gotta pay e bills b4 work.. arbo tml no net to use.. =(
Oh ya.. i saw melissa oso.. sheena's peep.. but she dun seems like remembering mi? kinda sad..
nite peeps!!


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