Wednesday, January 18, 2006

while waiting for my hair to dry, i shall blog sum now ~ =X hmm i sound CC? HAHA! juz back from a KTV pub, Dungeon. dunno gt spell wrong anot, anyway was celeb hm enlisting NS on this fri, 20.1.06 haha.. after such a long waiting, finally is his turn ! hmm, aloy e mighty mice send mi, tai, shun, wonderful and zx to e destination ~ btw zx was late ! LOL!! we 5 ppl waiting for him !! =X Step in e place, like quite little ppl leh.. not as happening as last time we came. we open 2 CHIVA + 1 jug wit 3 mugs i tink.. but i din touch any beer ~ =

Ohya ! Qiming was in again !! TOP 6 !! haha.. this time rd he was damn fast confirmed, usually he will be last 2 to b confirm.. =X hmm, he came wit Kat, nic, 1 ger and tan yan. than follow on cumming in is alicia, jac, chen wen cong, william and etc. haha.. cant really rem e name. =P almost all e star idols went ! was kinda funny, but e grp of stars r not soo friendly in e first place.. quite dao ba.. after e happening king, haoming started to go find them for drinkin.. they suddenly becum ver high.. haha.. john and his frenz came oso. but they leave quite fast oso.. haha.. i tink they kinda sianz ba.. but at least john's frenz saw alicia ! his idol ! =X ever since e first day star idol was lauched. hmm.. shun vomiting after those ta session..

qm send shun and wonder home wit his SWIFT ~ haha, new car from his dad. and ofcos not forgetting his left sitter, kat ~ =X While aloy send mi, tai , hm and zx.. tai was quite drunk.. zx surprisily wasnt tt drunk, lol.. hm was quite high but was not drunk.. juz.. u noe.. those normal craps from his mouth when he started to get high.. =p

hmm, tml going CMPB ! sianz.. first timer check up.. mean tt NS is cumin soon ! WOOT ! better end better still.

eh, recently i msg XX in my msn list. XX's nick showed tt her ex bf was wit another ger. so i juz msg her to confirm or watever.. im not tinking of start a convasation at tt time as its kinda late.. but juz msg as she is my frenz. she suddenly reply, " if u wan to use my nick as an opening, pls save it. " -.-" i was thinking ya u r pretty but doesnt mean tt im wooing u or watever. im juz purely wana msg a frenz whu was down at tt time. turn out to be like tt.. hao xing mei hao bao. im not xiao qi or wat la, if u happen to see this entry, juz read le jiu suan le. i can understand e feeling of urs tt time, so i juz treat it as u r having bad mood. But juz dun try every guy as bad guy can le. keep thinking tt we msg u like wana have sumthing from u back in return like tt -.-" zhen de la, quite shi wang. anyway nite ! vexed finish liao ! song !



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