Tuesday, January 03, 2006

well, i decided to use back e old type of blog skin. cos im really dun have time to search for any blog skins. actually i did go find, but doesnt appealing to mi. =p

hmm, i shall update my stuff from xmas all e way to day. will be a long entry, if bored, juz go to top right hand of ur screen click "x" =)

24th dec, went GRAPEVINE wit H20 & co. well, first time there, e atmosphere was quite gd.. everything there charged extra 20% for e xmas. and e waitress caught my attentions =X haha.. shall bring ASR there one day too, if gt chance.

25th dec, after work went to GU GU's house for my fav food, than headed down to Sembarwang to meet up wit hans & co. They changed e time w/o inform mi, so i ended up waiting for them for another 1hr, lucky my ipod is wit mi and i quite sum time nv been to causeway pt. so walk ard for my shoe.. hmm expected, din bought anything. HAHA. went KTV e peeps.. Well, they bought xmas food for mi.. but i makan at my gu gu hse le.. so juz imagine how full im tt day.. after tt sent melvin home, than we off to roti prata at yishun, recommended by DJ chin. LOL! e prata so-so la.. juz tt its 24hrs, so quite a num of night cats eating. hee.. send han's gf home and last will be me.. LOL~ next day was damn tired on workin.. imagine i almost everyday late..

26th-31th dec, went to expo fr KK, crowds were there, sales not tt bad oso.. juz tt alot things happen on expo. turned mi off. Well, i have a so called "in-charge". she is a damn "loyal" staff to KK, everything like to go by books, i din say tt go by books isnt gd, but if can really cover.. try to cover rite ? more or less, workin at EXPO r all her frenz. she juz dun gib a damn we r frenz anot, and juz called up e manager tell her tt my this frenz was late.. and changed his punch-in time. I mean, ya, responsible is gd, but to d extent ma ? He in need of $ for buying his bike, tt in-charge oso noe, but y cant she juz close one eye for e matter ? Actually from e first time of workin wit her, i sensed tt she is this type of ppl liao.. so i tried to stay away wit her whenever involved in works. She is okie outside of work, i juz dun understand why when workin she will turned out like tt. SO DIFFERENT. my VIEWS was she trying to act like sumone in e same company, one of her bestie in e company, a senior too. she is doing everything, almost exactly like her. Aiya, i juz wana shout out la. no offense to anyone. IF tt who who tink tt im saying of YOU, well, im sorry i make u tink in this way =)

31th dec, finally until e day of meeting ASRians, but bad day ! e gathering was called off, due to tired excuse from e new NS guys. -.-" i sumtime really wana exprience e feeling of NS tt how tired it will be for not even to cum out meet up wit frenz where they onli have 2 weekends !. if e excuses was accompany family, well im damn okie wit it. go ahead, but tired? dun turn mi on la.. =) went to geylang as plan wit roy. onli we 2.. go eat dim sum than watch abit fireworks at there.. yah, gelyang can see e fireworks. ver nice. than off to grandlink for pools, than home sweet home.

1th jan, woot first day of e yr ! DAMN TULAN? LOL !! tt "in-charge" wanabe showed attitude. e incident was.. we sells rugs too.. was all folded in a cover, nasty customer tend to open e cover and take out e rug, end up we have to fold back which is wasting of time. I decided to unfold e rug and leave one there as sample. Which mean there are 2 sample wit different design, one wit scripes, another wit design. Tt wanabe asked mi y i open e rug, i explained to her tt leave it there will be a gd idea.. mayb my words was hasrh tt time, i said "toopid" or watever, she pissed off gib mi tt attp face. i asked her "attp ar ?" she say " u than attp !!" i was thinking.. " hey im helping u leh.. u tink fold everything up ver easy ? wasting of time." watever. anyway if can, i dun wish to work wit her anymore in any fair. ENOUGH.

4th Jan, sch reopen. im still late.. not xi guan to e time slot. but will change back e time slots. anyway.. im DAMN PISSED OFF NOW. below will be msg for my teams, its not going against to anyone. juz my vexed.

Okie, u tink its fun all e way travel from houg to tamp , raining and carrying e video cam. reach e sch and e first thing u told mi is cancel e filming ? u tink its FUN? yah i noe tml gt test. SO? u test i dun need test ? i juz need 4hr of ur blood hell time to finish e scene. do i ask for more ? and u tink e bloodly batt will last until ver late than u cant even study ? Com'on u r living damn near okie. after e shooting u take less than 10mins to reach home, while i need to spend another 30mins or more for travelling. u tink its fun ? i dun ask for more today, juz at least clear sum scene will do. cos our dateline was damn near. i dunwan anyone failed e module.. and u KNN juz replied mi " NO , tml gt test i wan to study. "


i shouldnt put in so much effort in this proj, im damn tired.



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