Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mayday - zhi zhu.

hmm.. went mediacorp today to support STAR IDIOT IDOL, M1 LINCOLN. Its my first time been to mediacorp inside. haha.. anyway was kinda fun.. but i was sitting in e first rd.. holding e banner.. wahahha.. all i wana complain is e spotlight damn BRIGHT. hmm.. seen e 10 idols performing, qiming perform quite good. haha.. alicia was soo pretty ~ ^^

and i heard "LJ" from e 93.3FM de dunno whu. =X

eh, juz now i was thinking abt a topic.. haha.. which is kinda bo liao.. but sumtime i will tink of tt.. hmm, its abt e gift. Sometime i will think of things like eg. X grp gib mi one present, it might be sum cheap thing or watever, but i dun mind. its e heart that counts, but when e same grp gib present to anyone of e same grp a better presents, mayb a branded tee or wallet. and its not e first time.. almost everytime mine gift seem to be tt un-... i will be thinking, " cos im not impt? so my gift onli worth this amount ? " althought its kinda childish la, but i do admit i will think abt it once a while.. hai.. suay le.. sumtime tis feeling hurt la.




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