Sunday, October 09, 2005

hoho, im updating again. seldom update so fast. heee.. but whu cares. anyway my working place was damn cool ! =x saw alot of babe, ate sum cool foods, last but not least wonderful SALES~ hee.

tt place was damn cool except of e shops ppl. sum was totally giving a face, in short "unfriendly" LOL~ but sum r cute. hee.. will tok to be when they r free.. which sum how i passes my time kinda fast. ohya i went book shop oso. read 2 books.. actually not FINISHED e book la. but read a few pages of it.. hmm kinda like e story.. haha~ still thinking whether wana buy e 2 books anot.. well.. 1 books is abt a kid whu was born in this world becos of her sister whu suffered "xue ai", and this kid was meant to save her sister.. cos e doc say sibling donor will be better & faster. and e story all abt e kid, e mum.. whether e mum have did e right way or not? cos e kid have started doubt her pressense in this world, issit bcos of her sister than she will be born? if her sister nv kana e illness, will e kid able to see e world? hmm nice story rite..

another book abt r/s.. toking abt a thirty-over guy & a ger whu need a book to carrying on their life. e book so call abt guide? guide e guy & ger to led to their life or r/s. haha.. this book i read abit onli.. cos my breaktime is limited. but e story kinda interesting. heee.. hmmm dunno wana buy e book anot.. cos i dun have reading habits except comics or magazine. and my english status.. hmm JAM in O level i tink. =X

hmm.. while im eating today in e food court.. a family was eating rite beside of mi.. and e little boy was so xin fu, his dad que damn long so his noodle and in d end, e convasation goes:
boy: i dunwan mushroom !
dad: okie, still gt wat dunwan?
boy: i dunwan vegi !!
dad: huh, dunwan tt oso ar.. still gt wat?
boy: i dunwan e soup oso.
dad: k, i drink than.
boy: daddy, help mi mix e mee.
dad: k
mum: dun do everything for him, let him do himself.
dad: nvm la.

wah~ e boy is damn pamper lo.. now than i realised how e kids survive now.. kns.. there is no way to compare from my times. LOL~ its phrase may sound "retro", esp from e elder rite? =X Anyway if tt little boy is my sister, i oso will do e same thing, mayb.

well.. my holidays coming. 3 more days.. hmmm.. but my pay still not yet reached !! argh.. EAT GRASS~~

anyway its my first time updating my blog so early. HAHA~ gd habits?



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