Wednesday, September 07, 2005

finally have time to update. my days were all soooo fun~ haha.. quite happening.. & yah.. wit tired body.. HAHA~

well, i shall not update everything each days.. hmm.. watched 2 movie "herbie" & "san ge hao ren" not bad.. herbie storyline was kinda bored but quite funny la.. 3stars for it. san ge hao ren was really a nice show.. i almost cry la.. eyes wet sia.. hurhur.. 4.5stars for tt !! haha.. anyway 5stars is e max! =X ehh, went haoming's hse gamble, haha.. lose until siao~ e MOST loser tt day.. hurhur.. but nvm la, not tt big amount oso..

than i juz back from kai's bd celeb on his hse, thanks for invitation!! =) hee.. & yah!! i spend alot this few days.. OMG !! =) damn alot la.. almost my 1 month pays.. hurhur.. damn heart broken.. nvm la.. not everytime like tt spend oso.. hurhur.. i most happy is finally i bought my stuff ~ hee.. e tee & e pouch bag !! *BIG SMILE*

oh ya, i taken part of a anti drug competition.. abt animation de.. haha.. hope i can win !! WOO !! $750 is MINE !! ( ofcos will share among my teammates !! ) =X



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