Saturday, April 30, 2005


Hmm.. not in e mood to update recently.. and kinda busy oso.. haiz sianz.. well.. currenly my mind was really blank!! no kiddin.. dunno wat to type oso.. to share my views? or to share e my daily works? or my un-decide-able-mind of my yr specialist course? Haha.. i tink i starts wit my daily work first..

Thur, as usual sching at 12pm.. went sch to do e stupid survey.. math lesson at 1pm. lotti , index no.15 & dz index no.10 run away. HAHA!! but we helped them to mark attendents. Hmm.. went home wit peter , jio bball in e evening.. Onz!! After home, went to TM again for my connection, as pacnet nv receive my $$ & suspended my acc e day before which is on wed. "THANK" to them, i spending time playing CS wit e dumb bots juz to kill e time.. idiot!! After showing e pacnet stuff my bankbook which showed e date tt i had withdraw e $ from e bank.. Took bus back to houg again.. meeting peter at e CC. shooting ball as usual , than 2 guys jio 2on2.. hmm.. e score was we win by 21-1. tt is first set.. but e guys dunwan continue second set le.. sadd sadd..

Fri, take back my AEP paper, failed.. damn sianz.. haiz.. than e teacher like damn dulan.. cos whole class so mani ppl failed.. Went to work after tt.. Whitesand John Little.. return goods, e staff there damn nice & friendly.. helped mi alot.. haha.. After work, went for cut hair at PS kimage. OMG!! totally cannot make it.. spolit my day.. SAD!! summore quite exp oso.. argh!! went taka to work.. haven ate my meal since morning.. damn hungry.. makan wit roy & bh. working was boring.. went to play pool wit roy after work & ate supper at BK, im damn careless.. I withdraw $$ but i forget takes e $$!! Rush back to e atm, but ofcos cant see e sight of $$.. bo bian, lan lan press again.. Return back to BK, roy say e $$ will "swallow" back to e ATM if e user nv took e $$ at a time of period, which im wondering, how long is e period.. damn it la!!

Sat, reported to work on time. im e earliest for noon shift.. haha.. roy came ard 1, bh worst. 130.. she said she tot she working 130.. OMG~ but nvm la.. haha.. As usual, workin was boring.. but able to see babes.. not bad =X Hmm.. went eating alone cos of some reasons.. haha.. searchin my ear piece.. but too exp!! $40++ kinda not worth it.. But roy say buy a better sound quality de.. Hmm.. see how ba.. bank left ver little le.. & suddenly roy suggested to Marche.. damn it la.. im tempting sia.. haha.. in d end, jio bh , weishan & ya lun to Marche.. treated bh tis time for her belated bd, Roy add in too. Hmm.. Last train home.. damn tired.. tml morning shift.. sianz..

Well, currently im lost in choosing which specialist for my yr2, headache. haiz.. & thanks those ppl whu advised mi for it.. thanks Peeps!! Well.. actually i noe which course i shld go.. but im.. well.. indecesive is e word.. hurhur.. tt e weakest point i have!! Well, i hate it to e core!! but curable? haha.. Hmm.. another of my weakest point is lack of confident, but i tink tt is becos of my pimpes. which i HATE it to e core oso!! Mutha-f**ker!! haiz, i juz hope it will be cure after my NS.. hopes..

Monday, April 25, 2005


Im stress!!!!



Sunday, April 24, 2005


Hmm.. not in e mood to update recently.. and kinda busy oso.. haiz sianz.. well.. currenly my mind was really blank!! no kiddin.. dunno wat to type oso.. to share my views? or to share e my daily works? or my un-decide-able-mind of my yr specialist course? Haha.. i tink i starts wit my daily work first..

Thur, as usual sching at 12pm.. went sch to do e stupid survey.. math lesson at 1pm. lotti , index no.15 & dz index no.10 run away. HAHA!! but we helped them to mark attendents. Hmm.. went home wit peter , jio bball in e evening.. Onz!! After home, went to TM again for my connection, as pacnet nv receive my $$ & suspended my acc e day before which is on wed. "THANK" to them, i spending time playing CS wit e dumb bots juz to kill e time.. idiot!! After showing e pacnet stuff my bankbook which showed e date tt i had withdraw e $ from e bank.. Took bus back to houg again.. meeting peter at e CC. shooting ball as usual , than 2 guys jio 2on2.. hmm.. e score was we win by 21-1. tt is first set.. but e guys dunwan continue second set le.. sadd sadd..

Fri, take back my AEP paper, failed.. damn sianz.. haiz.. than e teacher like damn dulan.. cos whole class so mani ppl failed.. Went to work after tt.. Whitesand John Little.. return goods, e staff there damn nice & friendly.. helped mi alot.. haha.. After work, went for cut hair at PS kimage. OMG!! totally cannot make it.. spolit my day.. SAD!! summore quite exp oso.. argh!! went taka to work.. haven ate my meal since morning.. damn hungry.. makan wit roy & bh. working was boring.. went to play pool wit roy after work & ate supper at BK, im damn careless.. I withdraw $$ but i forget takes e $$!

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Woke up at ard 730 but nua on bed, rollin, rollin like a bo pian~ haha!! until 815am than step on my FIRST step on d floor on sat ~ hee.. Met roy at last cabin , happened to meet guowei.. so qiao... he going to work oso. cartlon if i not wrong.. Reached taka in time.. having a short brief than dismissed.. damn messy lo e counter.. & edwin keep giving mi pressure, non stop saying,
" U noe wat to do de la, work so long liao.. "
i was like wtf? It been months since i last stepped to e staff entrance & now he like tt say.. -.-" O well~ I ask roy to be "admin" to day.. haha.. write price tag all e while.. hurhur.. i tink he love it? haha.. summore he requested tml oso same job? NO WAY!! tt is too relax for ya!! haha.. hmm.. planning stuffs & there e whole day.. serving.. haf my pity-ful 30mins break for a lunch? God shoot mi wit ur arrow pls, Im kiddin ofcos =P haha.. Hmm.. met 3 person in taka, actually weekends in taka shld be met alot of ppl.. 3 counted little liao.. haha.. Firstly, its edmond.. my pervious temp job manager, he offered mi a weekend job.. but onli 4hrs.. hmmm he indirect hints tt he need ppl.. haha.. i told him i after may will rang him up.. at least after my exam first.. hurhur.. Well, he agreed & bought 1 of my bed set.. haha.. thank dude ~ Secondly, i met Ah sheng, my cousin.. he was surprised tt he saw mi there.. infront of his eyes. haha.. helping him wit e pillows & he might came back on next weekend wit his family for e pillows or stuffs.. But paisei sia, i stopped tok to him due to doing stocks + serving customer.. lucky his frenz came in time.. haha.. hmm.. lastly is sheena, she shocked mi.. u noe wat? she BANGED e glass wall while im serving? HAHA!! e customer was shocked when a lady banged e glass tt hard? keke..
E crowds was gd, haha.. seriously.. ofcos hit e target of sat.. =X hmm.. kinda much lo.. but i expected tt amount.. Well, e most sianz part was shifting.. i set up a new "island" & putting up stuffs on it.. damn jialat.. cos im e onli 1 doing ( roy was doing pillow session & e 2 anutie were useless -.-" ).. & there were so much things to shift!! Luckily simon from bed section helped mi alot during tt shifting.. hahaha.. & we dun need to stay back late!! hee.. ard 10pm, we can go off le... Went compass pt meet up wit jl & slip for coffee session.. in d way saw jiancong again.. haha.. He seems like everyday went to town.. keep banging on him.. i went town for work, so its different case tt i went town often.. Hmm.. Durin e chats were quite interesting.. haa.. we forever tok abt 3 women.. onli we 4 ppl noe whu is e 3 women.. =X but tt was a disgrace to mention e 3 women name.. LOL!! Tml workin late.. cos change shift wit beehar.. hee.. thanks dude & my internet DATELINE IS TML!! gotta pay e bills b4 work.. arbo tml no net to use.. =(
Oh ya.. i saw melissa oso.. sheena's peep.. but she dun seems like remembering mi? kinda sad..
nite peeps!!

Friday, April 22, 2005


Haiyo.. today really mixture of gd & bad moods sia.. >.<" Late for PE in d morning.. finally able to attend e PE.. & my first time to see my PE teacher.. haha.. cos middle of sem, changed to another teacher.. hmm.. During AEP, damn sad lo.. teacher say i will kana debar. cfm. hur. which spolit my mood... TOTALLY SPOLIT!! went for break wit a confused feeling.. cos im e one whu din attend his lessons.. my fault ba.. haiz.. But e teacher did mentioned tt he can see tt im showing improvement in work & attendends tis few weeks.. which is a gd sight. hurhur.. After break, went back to class.. He called mi out again.. say plan changed.. i was like
" WTF ?! "
Hmm.. he said tt if i cleared my homeworks & came for his lesson from today starts... he will depend on my attitude & send a "gd" reports up to e HOD to save me.. Well, since he giving chances.. i shall cherish it liao.. cant afford to debar!! After lesson, went for PE test.. yah.. PE TEST!! i was like wtf again.. PE oso gt test? summore she said tt 4 papers took 40% of e marks? hurhur.. faster finshed it in 1 shot & off to work..
Mood-less do works.. summore crystal nv come.. instead a anutie take over her for e time being.. w/o her laughten & craps, life was bored there.. I saw her again!! haha.. a promter whu work there, everytime after work we will took e same bus home. but halfway she will dropped & took 55.. hmm.. but i dunno her name , dunno her at all ?! LOL~ & i received a so-called bad or gd news ba.. im transfered to Taka tml.. gd is taka gt alot babes.. bad is i wun be seeing her again. duh.. haha.. =X oh ya.. another worst thing is i will be workin wit roy.. for 12hr?! OMG!! kill mi ba sumone !! =X Well.. after work liao, took e same bus again.. i sit beside her? damn qiao. but i dun dare to approach her.. & she is readin a book !! omg. nowadays, seldom gt ppl readin books.. except exam or study period. =X hmm.. i damn hum ji la !! haiyo.. until she logged off e bus, i still nv kai ko.. hurhur.. blame it for my hum-ji-ness ~ wun be workin there liao.. hai..
oh ya, i having a interesting convasation wit peter in d class.. e topic is " poser " , well.. peter view is he dun like those ppl took part e singing competition singing other ppl songs.. he say its like poser lo.. y must act like e whuever singer? cannot juz sing e song e whu or there created? I explained to him tt its depend on e organizer ma, cos they set e rules. & they wana it in tis way.. than peter continued tt going thru competition is neccessary as if gt shi li.. nomatter sing on where, oso will famous de.. i half agree half disagree.. haha.. cos being a star haf 2 points, 1 is fate another is singing skills.. haha.. if e person is talented, but he no fate wit e audience, e.g no ppl buy his/her album.. i doubt e singer will haf next album oso.. e company might cancel e contract.. hurhur.. haha.. but anyway it juz a interestin convasation tt peter haf pop out.. or is mi? i cant rem oso..LOL~ But anyway all e best to those ppl haf ming xing mong~ =D
Tml meeting roy at 840am, i can wake up ? i tink can ba.. sianz.. taka ~ here i cum! haha!! nite peeps!!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


well.. damn shiok sia today.. 1 lesson nia.. summore 2hr nia.. haha.. sumore starts at 1pm!! hee.. SONG!! hmm.. sms tai for tiu.. he say ron's peeps going town.. anything lo.. than meet up at mrt cabin ard 6pm i tink..
Meet e peeps at Far east.. ronnie damn lame lo.. he ask jintai to find them.. instead of not telling e actual place where they are.. duh.. But we easily spotted them.. lol.. din expects so mani ppl.. plus mi & tai gt 9 ppl sia.. haha.. hanfong & wewe nv join us.. sadded ~ haha.. and damn funny lo e grp.. onli 1 ger, liting & while we shopping.. she walk middle.. like we "gangbang" her like tt.. lol.. mayb she small size ba.. than walk ard for bh present.. she tml bd.. or infact now? haha.. than i suggested go Afterlife.. looking for their new design.. hmm sadded leh.. haven arrive.. in d end, jiaming & guangle bought 2 t-shirt from e shop & i bought nth ~ HAHA!! They say im e parttimer of e shop.. "lure" them to e shop & earn commission of each purhase.. i really bow to them.. this kind of thing can oso link to mi.. Went Lido for movie. "inflection" well, i gib 3.5/5.. but not really scary la.. so-so nia.. hmm.. basil say still gt part 2 & 3 for e show.. mayb e storyline will be nicer at part2 & 3?
After sum discussion of where to supper.. chomp chomp will be e place.. haha !! hmm.. ate porrige ( spelling error!! ) haha.. & dofu.. e recommdation when i ate wit kevin tt time.. hmm.. not bad la.. eat 1 chicken wing for fun.. accompany benny haha.. & my another table having feast sia.. ronnie ( dad ) , liting ( mum) , mingzhen ( da er zi ), basil ( xiao er zi ) duh.. damn lame.. haha.. they ordered sting ray, hokkien mee, & fry oyster.. so hungry meh?! lol.. went home by cab.. cos no last bus liao.. sadded.. oh ya.. u wan see e pic pls click here!! , linked to liting blog, haha.. she upload e pic.. lazy to take from her.. =X Tml workin.. sianz..nite!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Woke up late sia today.. haha.. but still managed to reach for IFT ( dunno correct spelling anot ).. than was kinda bored la.. 12pm went for makan at e canteen.. hmm.. quite hungry.. went wit robin & peeps.. ate e stall tt sell noodle.. bad choice.. cos i lao sai when im back home.. LOL!! dunno issit e foods.. or i ate 3 box of porky today.. =X maddness.. but it tasted so nice..
Supposed to go home at 3pm.. but teacher say those attendents ver jialat de stay back.. i 60+% nia.. ofcos stay back la.. lotti stayed oso .. but i duno y he stayed.. cos his attendends 80++% sia.. hurhur.. dunno la.. gt ppl accompany oso gd.. hee.. e teacher teach damn fast lo.. 1 hr finsih 1 chapter.. & he gave alot of tips.. & impt notes to rem.. quite worth it la... 1hr stay back.. duh.. slep on bus from tamp to houg.. really tired i tink.. This is e pic that dz play wit e OHP.. doing shadows!! hurhur.. =X
Hmm.. prepare awhile & went out again when back home.. haha.. went for bball session wit peter at houg CC.. long nv exercise.. summore my fav shoe kana throw away by my mum.. -.-" So i wear e shoe tt are no meant for bball.. foot damn pain.. i missed my shoe.. hurhur.. think i gona buy a new pair of bball shoe.. but i prefer track shoe for it.. more comfortable.. & can wear go out oso.. LOL!! =x
Recently aim alot stuff to buy sia.. a t-shirt from 77th street, a shirt from topman, a jacket from fragile, levis jean ( $189!! ), levis tee.. kaoz.. no $$ liao la.. temptation!! LOL!! but i tink i will buy it 1 by 1.. 1 month settle 1 stuff.. =X arbo ver xiong.. lucky im single!! haha.. no "burdden" !! hee.. but really wish to end my single life.. hurhur.. but.. no fate huh?
tml 1pm lesson!! shiok!! haha.. damn happy sia.. first time can slep all i wan & dun need afraid for lateness!! yeah!! but 2hr lesson nia.. idiot..

wearing peter sweater.. haha.. *box*
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I woke up early sia today.. haha.. early for class summore.. i tink mayb is my early slep.. hee.. tt pretty gd.. teacher was surprised to hear my voice.. & ask
"huh?! did i heard weilun voice?"
thats lame lo.. hurhur.. hee.. but anyway i finished 1 module liao!! yeah!! haha.. next thur can slep until 12pm le.. =X Today after sch, went to town.. saw jiancong again.. haha.. damn qiao.. he skipped lesson for 2days.. damn sart.. summore no warning letters? i tink e teacher cover him or mayb gl help him wit e attendents ba.. hurhur.. lucky guy.. hee!!
Jj & roy cutting their hair. But in great disappointment of roy's frenz recommandation.. HAHA!! Jj's hairs was okie.. but roy's one seem like nv cut? haha.. went shopping ard.. saw tt ass, Robin!! haha.. tt giant foot!! <--( click this to see his foot ).. he wit a ger.. =X sweet huh.. hmm.. than went play billard.. after tt home sweet home.. dunno wat happen.. my headache seem like back? hurhur.. damn pain now.. feel like going slep liao.. now 1am le.. tml 630am again.. hurhur.. WISH MI GD LUCKS PLS!! hmm.. happen to see weiming & jason on e same cabin.. haha.. weming spotted mi & rang mi up.. tt ass.. =X Well.. alot craps in e cabin.. abit xia suay.. but HECK LA!!
sianz sia.. how cum no online again.. everytime open msn.. e first time is looking for e nick.. hurhur.. but everytime disappointed.. HAHA~ nite peeps!! =)

Monday, April 18, 2005


haiyo.. We seem like no fate huh..
but wo hui jia you de..
sick now
not love sick ofcos.
not even in love =X

e late pictures of my chalets..

Posting e pictures on my chalet.. cos multipy seem like giving mi prob.. keep cannot upload.. so bo bian.. upload sum here.. hmm.. there is sum prob over here.. If u nv see e pic mi wit weili or blar blar.. u need to go my "Link park" -> scroll down to "Archives" -> click on "april 2005" .. paisei for e troubles =)

My family.. i carrying my baby sister.. cute hor!! =X
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mi & han's peeps.. e 1 stand on my left is my 10yrs frenz =)
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my peeps!! =)
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Gugurians!! actually still haf a few more.. but too mani ppl liao.. haha..
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Asrians.. too bad w/o jianliang, arbo full team liao..
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huiling & mi..
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weili e yandao & mi
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basil!! he too tall liao, he blendin his leg to match my height
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koh tt a**hole, i look like rabbit sia >.<
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hanfeng & mi!! haha.. his smile so fake =X
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tai making face.. -.-" HAHA
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Sunday, April 17, 2005



Saturday, April 16, 2005


Well.. im damn tired now.. started workin recently.. its not e workin loads.. its e gathering after e work "killing mi".. HAHA.. i juz back from K-box, pang seng roy, jh & slip.. They must be ver full now.. haha.. While i waiting for my hair to dry, so i will update tis shit.. hee..
Hmm.. friday mine time was damn packed.. Morning i went to sch.. 12pm ended, than took mrt to Bugis for interview.. Fucking nice view lo e place.. This & This pic.. haha.. Than after e interview, went back to Tamp mall to report work.. than craps alot wit crystal & ricky.. haha.. But tt place really bored.. damn BORED!! After my work, i went down to town to meet up wit han they all.. While waiting for mel & chin.. i waiting outside e sparks building.. saw alot ah lian ah bengs went in.. LOL~ Sparks is back? hurhur.. kinda alot babes.. but no mood to club leh.. summore techno? hurhur.. Than han pick up kai & we went gelyang lorong17 ( i tink so ) makan dim sum.. haha.. almost every angles of mine i can see babe.. hurhur.. no kiddin.. THAT PLACE IS FULL OF BABES!! But dun tink too much.. cos gt bf liao.. HAHA!! Mel treating us.. & han ordered alot.. summore he orders all x2.. mean he order double la.. cos we gt 5 ppl.. & e dim sum kinda little.. haha.. but really hardcore.. cant believe tt we managed to finsh it tt fast.. hurhur.. But e foods there really nice.. But kinda all in prawn? Han say "dim sum = Prawn" , haha.. & mel more power.. he say " u noe y call dim sum?" continue " Cos they dim e foods " We all LOL~ cos e foods really ALL COME IN ONE SHOT!! hurhur.. but really nice!! =)
Went back to town as han meeting his frenz to MU & after tt to Sparks.. mi , mel & chin went play billard at far east plaza.. On d way saw jiancong.. haha.. so qiao.. talk awhile than went separate way.. Played 4 frames of billard i win 2 nia.. 3am, played Cs at e lan shop, ver long nv play tt tgt.. than Dota.. until abt 530am.. took cab back home.. Bath & K.O!! haha..

Sun, workin at 130pm.. late 10mins.. hurhur.. cos of ricky la.. aiyooo dun say liao.. But today damn qiao lo.. i met 3 ppl in a shot while i changing bus.. First, i met weihan.. took e same bus.. Than on e bus i saw VONNIE!! haha.. she was shocked oso.. After i log off e bus by 1 stop.. than i saw SHAR!! haha.. mine classmate.. damn qiao lo.. he going to CP for cutting hair.. cos teacher gib warning to those long hair de.. & he is malay, so hair may look short.. but gt curly lo.. so actually quite long ( i guess ) Hee.. & Shar's job damn song lo.. gd pay~ haha.. envious.. but he instructer leh.. mai siao siao.. today workin was damn damn damn sianz!! =( but lucky gt customers can serves.. haha.. hmm.. TM was packed.. so mani ppl!! somemore e time is abt 1pm onli.. shen jin de sia.. madness.. & almost all teenages.. haha.. Supposed to go dinner at Marche.. than Mr Koh cancelled it again.. "THANKS HUH!!" wasted mine sms to inform e rest, in d end cancel.. f**k ya hard!! Instead, went to Kbox.. hurhur.. & tt ass went off halfway.. left mi , jj , roy & slip.. damn him la.. Pang sen kia!! Hmm, kinda moody today.. Oh ya, met zx's peeps b4 went to ktv.. haha.. paisei zx, i PS u peeps.. hee.. next week than "pay back" haha.. Hmm.. tml 1pm.. dunno can woke up anot.. recently i seem to be WEAK? tired easily.. hurhur.. & mine pimples out burst sia.. i tink lack of slep + stress of exam casued it.. haiz.. SADDED!!

This is crystal.. she acting cute & in her stomach is her baby boy~ haha..
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005


woot!! i went shopping alone!! power ma?! haha.. actually did tt b4 last time.. but really long nv shop alone.. LOVE E FEELINGS!! can do watever i wan.. go watever i like.. do watever i wan!! hee.. hmm.. Wit frenz is gd oso.. i din say tt bad.. but sumtime i dun like to talk too much.. & alone shopping i wun be talkin ya? unless to e staff or wat la.. tt different case!! Hee.. set off ard 4pm.. i too nua liao.. u noe wat im doing? im browsing chiobu pic thru friendster.. i go to e "search" -> enter age 18-21 -> female -> done!! haha.. now than i realised s'pre is full of babes!! Hee.. gt 1000 gers.. i search to abt 70pages i sianz liao.. too mani.. hurhur.. & tt 1000 gers juz under mine 2nd degree of friends.. which mean there r MORE OUT THERE!! OMG~ ok!! stop e chiobu things.. Lucky i set off in time.. its abt to rain ard 4pm.. hurhur.. took bus to e interchange.. than walk to take mrt..

Went to PS first.. cos tt mine main intention of cuming town.. bought mine facial wash recommanded by shuli.. haha.. happen to see sumone!! WEIMING!! tt ass.. he workin in PS.. i everytime forget he works there.. hurhur.. tok to him awhile.. than he asked mi to wait for him & dinner later.. agreed, than go back to e shop.. happened to saw junfa.. been long since i last saw him.. his hair dropping sia.. so ke lian.. & he repeated 1 module.. which happen to be his main module.. so late grad. He asked mi for jobs.. i will help him look out.. im now helping hx , wewe & even ting for e job hunting.. hurhur.. hope i wun screwed up.. haha.. After e dinner at long john, walk ard PS, accompany him to see clothes & gib him views.. hee.. Than his break ended after a hr.. And i set off to Topshop.. haha.. walk there.. lucky e weather was okie.. quite breezing.. hee.. Topshop no nice clothes sia.. but i saw 2 shirts.. one is this.. another is this.. hmm.. dunno wan choose which 1.. haha.. gona fully use e 20% discount.. hee.. Went to far east to see new design from After Life, but sad to say, they CLOSED!! so early sia.. its ard 7++ tt time.. hurhur.. went to coffeebean & tried a flavour tt i nv drink b4.. quite nice!! heee.. Than went to Ck tang.. u guess i saw whu? i saw DELIN!! omg.. he workin there.. & he seem cold to mi.. hurhur.. i asked him question.. i dunno he gt listen or nv heard it la.. but he juz keep on walkin? nv stop to talk to mi.. hurhur.. suan le.. i go on shoppin oso.. he wan like tt, i can oso walk away equally.. than went to taka, happend to see some old frenz workin there.. so tok tok abit.. & went down to B2 for sum snacks!! haha.. so long nv see e foods liao.. Than i walk back to PS.. i was walking on e lane opp. center pt & new OG.. e quiet path.. i love tt way.. so breezing!! & not much crowds oso.. If u gt time.. u look opp. , u will realised tt opp. of e lane ( which is e lane of center pt & new OG ) was so busy!! so packed.. everyone walks so fast.. hahaha.. interestin image.. & im 1 of e crowds sumtime!! so amazing.. hurhur.. than walk to PS find weming.. he say until 10pm than he can go off.. haha.. after i read ss's blog, noe tt she meeting weiming at PS!! hey weiming!! cunning huh u!! HAHA!! nvm la..

In d mrt, i saw a ger.. when i look at her, she was looking at mi too.. hurhur.. make mi paisei.. i was thinking do i noe her? hurhur.. than she sit down.. e 2 seater sits... i was thinking wan to sit anot.. but damn paisei!! HAHA!! in d end, i stand until NE 14!! hee.. & u noe wat.. she logged off at e same station.. hurhur.. when i logged off, i saw her watchin again.. -.-" i really dunno her sia.. but she quite chio la.. HEE!! Went home & help jolynn wit her com.. hurhur.. y everyone no protection de ar? so mani ppl kana virus.. mine com gt 3 scans for virus + 1 scan for spyware.. & daily scanning.. LOL!! kiasu? Mayb.. but i dunwan kana virus!! hurhur.. its damn troublsome.. more jialat than scanning e com.. haha..


Ahh !! am i okie? im dun even noe her , din even chat to her , din even haf her hp no. , din even gt e courage to say hi to her.. and now im waiting for her to online. hurhur.. sound idiot. I guess its juz a crash. or mayb not even a crash. LOL~ i dunno wat issit.. she juz now came online.. but log off damn fast? LOL~ im crazy la.. im really maddie.. juz like wat vonnie everytime said to mi.. but im shy.. some words dun easily said from mine mouth.. althought i will cherish, but i believe it more on fate.. Seem like a few guy were crazy on her too.. LOL~ i guess i stand no chance.
Im juz lack of confident. Will it back by tml? I hope.. really hope..

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Tis morning im really like PIG!! why? e reason is.. i set mine alarm at 630am.. i woke up in time!! but i go back slep.. expects to slep till 7am.. than see my hp, set e alarm again.. 10mins more, 10mins more.. haha.. in d end.. 8am woke up!! omg!! im really in dead-meat.. hurhur.. lesson starts at 8am, Mr siew lesson.. he aim mi ver long liao.. hurhur.. faster go sch do finish mine 2nd last course work.. finally done!! hmm during e process of doing.. im kinda no mood or serious mood. Dz keep craps & say joke.. When e topic aimed to mi, i kp him back. hurhur.. kevin say i dulan liao.. haha.. i nv explained juz silently do my works.. Sometime dz really say wrong things in e wrong time.. althought he trying to craps to entain.. but sumtime dun works on mi. hurhur.. sorri dz, =)
Anyway dz left to work after tt.. skipped noon lesson.. hur.. e usual grp went e kopitiam to makan.. I ordered e same noodles again.. but i order wrong again!! hurhur.. nvm la.. it still tasted to nice.. Went to library to slack for 30mins.. played game wit Robin.. lose him sia.. hur.. nvm, i will win him some day!! hee.. went up for C+ lesson.. hurhur.. damn difficult.. but managed to understand wat e teacher saying.. & tried out e programs.. 1st assem was succeed, but 2nd failed.. hurhur.. seeked helps!! haha.. Than teacher explained ver long than i roughtly understand.. but still blured on 1 part.. Hope next week dun cum out tis question.. arbo i die le.. Well.. i called for interview for a new job.. fri going down.. hurhur.. hope can work smoothly..

Well.. now than i know tt waiting for sumthing to happen is so difficult.. & e feelings of waiting was not good either.. duh.. as fate ba.. im shy do such things.. when it occured, i really dunno wat to do or handle it well.. Im not sad now.. juz abit helpless.. hahaa... Hope things turn out well tml and follow on!! hee.. tml mayb going town alone, for sum purhase .. hee.. i tink it will be a short journey.. ofcos i wish to haf sum accompany tml.. but seriously, mine mind was blank.. lol!! im not hinting wat la.. friends, u guys r not forgotten.. but.. aiyoo.. dunno how to phrase it. duh.. k ba.. gotta end.. exam cuming fast.. stressed!!

Monday, April 11, 2005


Went late for sch today.. CAD test.. gosh.. cant afford to late.. faster wash up & off i go.. within 10mins i tink.. haha.. fast rite.. duh.. but im still late for e test.. 30mins late.. sorri teacher.. & i done mine test~ hee.. thanks to mine classmates.. i din copy la.. but i asked for e names. =X hee.. than lesson ended straightaway when i passed up mine question paper.. went Kopitiam for breakfast or lunch la.. hurhur.. i ordered e wrong noodles.. but it still taste so gdddddd simply love e foods outside my sch.. so nice.. & cheap!! haha.. save alot, although sch canteen more cheap, but e foods.. really sianz la.. & really not tt up to standard.. normally we settle our breakfast there due of e time.. haha..

Went library & slep.. yeah.. slep!! hee.. but woke up by e peeps.. they having a strange topic.. which make mi wonders too. haha.. well.. e topic was " Animals Sex " .. they saying abt how chicken hatch eggs , how tis animals fuck, how they gib birth.. LOL~ amazing topic.. duh.. Keep everyone awake.. & durin e discussion.. i heard from ah ping tt he going off to poly in a month times.. all e best to him.. to NYP. hmmm.. e lesson today was really bored & sianz.. dozed off durin lesson.. haha.. damn tired.. but did woke up for sum copying notes.. 5pm than off sch.. 8-5.. mahciam office hour like tt.. went home online awhile.. than vonnie sms said she will be late.. hurhur.. from evenin switched to 7pm than switched to 720pm.. haha.. so busy huh ? keke.. meet her up finally.. she passed mi e present.. a slipper & sumthing tt i dunno wat issit.. she mentioned tt " dunno will spolit anot leh " haha.. must be sumthing can eat de.. hurhur.. accompany her walk to huogang plaza than separate way le.. still so shy as last time.. duh.. after she go off , i bought mine dinner & see wat e present is.. really is a slipper.. which i really need 1 now.. althought sh buy mi slipper oso.. but kinda small.. mine foots damn pain.. & vonnie 1 juz nice.. hee.. + a cookies from famous amos, her fav flavour.. she say she feel like eating it b4 she pass to mi.. pig sia!! lucky she didnt.. haha.. but if she mentioned earlier, i can gib her e cookies.. hur. nvm la..

On d way home.. branda smsed mi.. calling help for her com.. haha.. i hope i did help her in it la.. hurhur.. than watchin tv all e whiles.. i tink i sleping early today.. hopefully la.. & i mayb changing job.. see how its go.. well.. i received sum comments from roy yest tt e pic was rather too big to see from e pervious entry.. i tink mayb cos i using e new uploader for e pic.. & quite new in it.. e prog seem like wun reducts e file size to fix mine blog.. hurhur.. i will do sumthing for it.. paisei for e BIG pic to browse.. haha..

Sunday, April 10, 2005

washin tomb.

hmm.. finally have time to update blog le!! was damn packed this weekend.. hurhur.. now i suffering slight headache.. haha.. mayb not enough slep.. hurhur.. but i slept abt 8hrs sia.. duno y oso.. yest sat i went to jurong for swimming.. damn song~ haha.. wit mine asrians.. hmm.. than after tt went to bishan for dinner.. secret recipe.. woot.. gona go try it one day if u nv been there b4.. damn nice e food.. jl & roy was insane, ate 1 and half main course.. haha.. so hungry meh ? duh.. than after dinner i went to meet zx's peeps.. haha.. happened to see jason , jesper , qy and weiming.. than went plaza play billard.. 2 on 2.. jason & jesper lose.. hmm nice try.. i play 1 cue for zx.. he went to pee.. not bad la.. shot 1 ball down.. & guard summore ? HAHA!! but im really tired.. saw a babe next to our table.. zx's gf keep say its rare to see such a babe at tis hr.. than ask mi go take her no. , duh.. i ask her help mi take.. she agreeed sia.. LOL~ but mission failed.. not yd enough la.. bo bian.. duh.. than tai lai mine hse slep..

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1pm++ wake up.. by mine dad on sunday.. hurhur.. wake up tai as i going out soon.. than off i go to Lim Chu Kang.. hurhur.. wash tomb ~ hee.. long journey.. east to extremly west.. hurhur.. than help out there.. damn hot.. & PACKED!! so mani cars.. & ppl!! i washed mine grandma tomb first.. than switched to grandpa.. ah hua treated us ice-creams.. thanks dude.. hee.. hmm.. while burning e stuffs.. i overheard a anutie scolding her son.. of e burning stuff.. wat must in process la.. din really heard properly.. but gt 1 phrase caught mine attention.. she say " so easy stuff u oso dunno.. next time how u burn for mi? " hurhur.. e phrase agar agar like tt la.. e meaning is there.. when i heard tt.. i was thinking.. i dunno e process oso sia.. if reached mine generation to do e stuffs.. dunno we noe how to do anot.. haha.. Than i chatted wit mine cousins abt it.. i told them tt there was once i told my mum tt i mine go christian.. she damn angry, say next time no ppl wash tomb for her le.. i told her.. no matter wat.. she is mine mum, i will still wash her tomb no matter wat.. hurhur.. but mine cousins said when i go into christian.. mine mind's set will changed.. than i dun even will touch e "xiang".. i dun believe it lo.. they say i will "brain wash" .. i was like WTF? E.T ar? haha.. k ba.. gotta end.. head still pain now.. -.-"

Friday, April 08, 2005

Hmmm.. im damn full now.. thanks to roy for e intro of e foods.. haha.. but its really taste nice!! heee.. Im sleeping god today sia.. damn song!! slep & slep.. sms cum.. bo liew.. continue slep.. haha.. roy bomb mine hp oso no use.. abt 6pm i call him up.. he reached home.. duh.. so we met up ard 7 at houg mrt. than on d way to PP = Parkway Parade.. Long journey i can say.. so chatting ard.. haha.. craps alot.. hmm.. ate e tom yam steamboat.. e soup.. was damn spicy. no kiddin.. hurhur..
After makan, walk ard.. din noe tt Roti boy open their outlets at PP.. hmm e smell was gd.. but im really FULL. too bad.. haha.. so walk on.. roy suggested take a scroll on east coast.. So go there walk walk.. hmmm.. than play billard.. than walked back to take e bus.. lucky still gt last bus..

Well.. now im kinda fed up. I was chatting on msn wit hx.. & he say kenny was there too.. & its okie. Wat kenny mentioned really make mi dulan.. oh well.. i haf told mine frenz tt i really hate listen abt e shit stuff.. its over!! stop toking abt it can? Im not kiddin now.. e stuff haf been a joke of mi for almost yrs.. & its time to stop it. Its not e first time i tok abt it.. I REPEAT!! if u still wana be frenz, stop e joke. Or else , not frenz anymore. If u tink im kiddin, go ahead ur acts. i dun gib a damn =)


Went town juz now wit roy.. supposed to go for shopping.. end up wendy rang mi up for mine pays r ready.. went to CP for it.. Surprised see Kenji there.. he switched to Cozy.. haha.. Than i post in mine cheque & we went to have our lunch.. "fatmama" haha.. nice food la.. Well.. We headed to hereen after it.. Mine shoe!! yesh!! finally can buy it liao... hee.. But i din bought it at tt moments.. i intends to shop ard first.. so we go on shopping.. to taka , zara , guess , levis , wulu wulu shops & finally.. we decided to par billard.. BUT!! when we cross e road.. i suggested movie " pacifier " haha.. he agreed & we took our tickets at Lido..
Hmm.. long time nv watch from there le.. one of mine fav cinema.. hmm.. sh like here too... haha.. but i dunno e reason, might ask her sumday ya? okie.. we decided to explore a place.. which is beside of chinablack building.. u guys ever went in b4? its damn GRAND =) When we went in.. we was like " WAH " haha.. like tourists, walking ard to views e decoration of it.. gosh.. u guys gona go there once!! juz once will do.. its.. so nice !! so we went on to escalator & guess wat.. we both was shocked.. did u ever been to such a long escalator? hahaha... it lead us to e highest floor.. first entry was e duty free ground.. & u do u noe tt 200cig cost $19 onli? HAHA!! i saw 1 there.. =) & its marbloro.. DUH!! but u cant smoke it in S'pore or u will be NABBED!! haha.. cos it meant to be for e tourists to take out of s'pore.. hmmm.. tt place was soooo class.. I feel kinda "small" there.. as customers there seem to be RICH? Mi & roy kinda feel e same sia.. hahaha... & e place kinda cunning ? cos we must browse e floor from e highest than slowly floor by floor down.. & there is no lift to up or down.. lol.. mean tt e customers must shop e whole selling floor than can reached e ground.. bleahz...
And damn qiao is.. when i out of e building.. i met ronnie & co. HAHA!! they r M.I.B !! all wear black sia.. hahaha.. They bought their tickets too but different movie.. haha.. after tt, i headed to hereen again.. & i cross e road to e opp. see 1 of mine online frenz workin anot.. haha.. & i saw her! hee.. i dunno she gt see mi anot.. but mine frenz say she keep lookin at mine direction? hurhur.. will confirm wit her again when she online.. haha.. okie.. than i went back took mine shoe & went MOS for dinner.
And went for mine movie at Lido.. well.. e show started exactly 9.45pm.. hurhur.. so effective.. haha.. i saw alot peeps went in late.. they thought e show will be as usual late start for e lates peeps!! haha.. And e show was NICE!! damn funny !! 5 stars for it.. =) & home sweet home afterward..

fake "little india temple" haha..
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e longest escalator

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e shoe i brought!!
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another pic of e decoration.. nice rite ?
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tt e 200cig tt cost $19 !! cheap rite
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Thursday, April 07, 2005


im late for sch again today.. but i gt stronge reason support mi.. hee.. hmm.. sumthing funny happen.. haha.. when i reached e sch, i cant find mine classmates.. normally they will hang out in e library.. but i cant see a single soul of them.. so i called lotti.. i said,"ni men zai nan li?" he replied mi "zai ni xing li" WTF~ haha... after e laughter, he told mi they went simei for lunch.. well.. went to canteen.. alone sia.. first time.. saw jolynn, but din say hi.. no chance.. =X
hmm.. e math class damn sianz lo.. i playing billard wit peter thru hp.. i win.. ho ho ho.. than he say he wan self training.. kaoz.. lol.. cannot play together ar.. than study time!! lotti teach mi.. i understand it perfectly!! haha.. power? FOC lesson.. e sianz-est sub in my timetable.. & e teacher wan retest.. yeah.. cos i MC on mon.. pass ofccos!! im lunnie leh.. heee.. ard 6 reached home. Supposed to meet vonnie to pass mi present, but she kinda busy.. so postphoned again.. haha..
So i editing mine blog.. no skills sia.. bo bian.. haf to wait for wewe cum back.. Special thanks to liting , fuwei & fanny for helping out in mine blog... & not forget jolynn's comments.. haha.. will take noted!! Time for mi to slep.. nite guys..

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Well.. im trying to upgrade mine blogspot.. so currently tis sites is still on construction.. haha.. Special thanks to fanny to guide mi along.. thanks dude..

Hmm.. Tis few days im damn sick.. dunno y.. keep coughing non-stop.. duh.. e medi almost eat finish.. but mine health seem like freezed by e time.. not better ; & not worst.. juz stopped.. haha.. i took cab down to sch yest... damn xiong.. haiz.. as i mentioned previous entry tt i mayb jobless.. Well.. gotta looks out for job now.. cos mine saving can onli last mi 2months!! & its provided no neccessary spending is allow!! =(

Its time for mi to set off now.. im late for morning class.. so im going to noon class instead.. hurhur.. bo bian.. 2nd letter came.. ver dangerous.. haha.. k ba.. mayb today i seek help from mine peeps how to insert song to d webby.. BB!!

wewe & mi in d chalet.. my face kinda red sia..
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took tis pic in mine chalet
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Sunday, April 03, 2005


mine ver first blog in.. im getting fed up of argh.. dunno is whose fault.. mine com or their server.. kaoz.. type so mani things , cannot save.. even copy & paste oso cannot.. wat e f**k !! okie..

i shall skip alot details liao.. short-cut it.. hurhur.. i cant stand le.. type so mani.. yet can upload.. really pissed mi off.. but i will still use for photo.. unlimted access.. fully use it !! haha.. Hmm .. fri i ended mine lesson fast & meet up wit mine anut.. i took e key le.. but alone in e room.. u until 8pm++ the guys started to arrive.. kaoz.. im alone in e room for abt hrs lo.. duh.. inbetween my dad came to bath & took nap.. we played dai-dee & winning eleven.. i vs guoliang.. 0-1 . i lose by 1.. haha.. im a newbie.. lose by 1 already ver gd le okie!! dun ever judge e book by its cover..

Well.. im e first target of them, cos im e host aka birthday.. haha.. koh specially make a drink for mi.. it included 4 hard-liqour + abit coke + alot orange.. okie.. 2 cups.. & im K.O.but actually im still okie.. but mine body no strenght sia.. haha.. e next day hang-over.. hurhur.. Ard 4pm, 6th uncle arrived.. mine mum told him to cum on 4.. but infact e actual time was ard 6.. & i forget to inform him abt e changes of e room.. he damn dulan.. he came , he left.. within 15mins.. damn sianz.. Juz heard from roy tt im might be workless le.. haiz.. sianz.. no income, die liao la..

Alot of mine friends attend e celeb.. thanks peeps.. but ofcos sum din appear.. i dun say whu la.. But some din appear, they gt call or sms mi.. but e few ppl din do anything de lo.. im really disappointed.. i see how u treat others & now u treat mi like tt.. haiz.. we will still be frenz, but rem.. im not close to u anymore.. infact.. we r not close in e beginning.. HAHA!! mine views la.. haiz.. really sad.. than during e nite time alot ppl left.. all went home.. some go out.. i slep at koh's chalet.. cos mine chalet was occupied by my family.. ate supper.. found a gd place to eat supper at pasir ris.. not bad la.. a least tasted better than cup noodle ? went back chalet & slep!! haha.. damn tiring..

And now im damn sicky.. dunno y.. sian lo.. e doc told mi mine throat there swellon.. tt y will sneeze , cough , strengthless.. time to koon.. tml test.. sianz. dunno wan go anot.. cos i gt MC!! =D