Wednesday, April 13, 2005


woot!! i went shopping alone!! power ma?! haha.. actually did tt b4 last time.. but really long nv shop alone.. LOVE E FEELINGS!! can do watever i wan.. go watever i like.. do watever i wan!! hee.. hmm.. Wit frenz is gd oso.. i din say tt bad.. but sumtime i dun like to talk too much.. & alone shopping i wun be talkin ya? unless to e staff or wat la.. tt different case!! Hee.. set off ard 4pm.. i too nua liao.. u noe wat im doing? im browsing chiobu pic thru friendster.. i go to e "search" -> enter age 18-21 -> female -> done!! haha.. now than i realised s'pre is full of babes!! Hee.. gt 1000 gers.. i search to abt 70pages i sianz liao.. too mani.. hurhur.. & tt 1000 gers juz under mine 2nd degree of friends.. which mean there r MORE OUT THERE!! OMG~ ok!! stop e chiobu things.. Lucky i set off in time.. its abt to rain ard 4pm.. hurhur.. took bus to e interchange.. than walk to take mrt..

Went to PS first.. cos tt mine main intention of cuming town.. bought mine facial wash recommanded by shuli.. haha.. happen to see sumone!! WEIMING!! tt ass.. he workin in PS.. i everytime forget he works there.. hurhur.. tok to him awhile.. than he asked mi to wait for him & dinner later.. agreed, than go back to e shop.. happened to saw junfa.. been long since i last saw him.. his hair dropping sia.. so ke lian.. & he repeated 1 module.. which happen to be his main module.. so late grad. He asked mi for jobs.. i will help him look out.. im now helping hx , wewe & even ting for e job hunting.. hurhur.. hope i wun screwed up.. haha.. After e dinner at long john, walk ard PS, accompany him to see clothes & gib him views.. hee.. Than his break ended after a hr.. And i set off to Topshop.. haha.. walk there.. lucky e weather was okie.. quite breezing.. hee.. Topshop no nice clothes sia.. but i saw 2 shirts.. one is this.. another is this.. hmm.. dunno wan choose which 1.. haha.. gona fully use e 20% discount.. hee.. Went to far east to see new design from After Life, but sad to say, they CLOSED!! so early sia.. its ard 7++ tt time.. hurhur.. went to coffeebean & tried a flavour tt i nv drink b4.. quite nice!! heee.. Than went to Ck tang.. u guess i saw whu? i saw DELIN!! omg.. he workin there.. & he seem cold to mi.. hurhur.. i asked him question.. i dunno he gt listen or nv heard it la.. but he juz keep on walkin? nv stop to talk to mi.. hurhur.. suan le.. i go on shoppin oso.. he wan like tt, i can oso walk away equally.. than went to taka, happend to see some old frenz workin there.. so tok tok abit.. & went down to B2 for sum snacks!! haha.. so long nv see e foods liao.. Than i walk back to PS.. i was walking on e lane opp. center pt & new OG.. e quiet path.. i love tt way.. so breezing!! & not much crowds oso.. If u gt time.. u look opp. , u will realised tt opp. of e lane ( which is e lane of center pt & new OG ) was so busy!! so packed.. everyone walks so fast.. hahaha.. interestin image.. & im 1 of e crowds sumtime!! so amazing.. hurhur.. than walk to PS find weming.. he say until 10pm than he can go off.. haha.. after i read ss's blog, noe tt she meeting weiming at PS!! hey weiming!! cunning huh u!! HAHA!! nvm la..

In d mrt, i saw a ger.. when i look at her, she was looking at mi too.. hurhur.. make mi paisei.. i was thinking do i noe her? hurhur.. than she sit down.. e 2 seater sits... i was thinking wan to sit anot.. but damn paisei!! HAHA!! in d end, i stand until NE 14!! hee.. & u noe wat.. she logged off at e same station.. hurhur.. when i logged off, i saw her watchin again.. -.-" i really dunno her sia.. but she quite chio la.. HEE!! Went home & help jolynn wit her com.. hurhur.. y everyone no protection de ar? so mani ppl kana virus.. mine com gt 3 scans for virus + 1 scan for spyware.. & daily scanning.. LOL!! kiasu? Mayb.. but i dunwan kana virus!! hurhur.. its damn troublsome.. more jialat than scanning e com.. haha..


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