Tuesday, January 27, 2009

pondering with problems doesnt lead me to anywhere.
when would u be ready to face all this..?

sometime, somehow, someday..

when will i be relieved under ur smile..

Thursday, January 22, 2009

implusive feeling to blog, no reason, juz feel like to.

last weekend was kind of enjoy ~ ya i started to love the spend e weekend timing wit my family, ms ma, my friend.. except of god of flu interfered my weekends, that will be perfect.

Friday, went for some interview at central ard, aftermath ms ma's mum asked me go down drink ABC soup ~ shopped ard raffles city for cny clothes, bought batterfishchips x 2 to add cai for ms ma dinner ~ ms ma bring yukibaby down to pick me up, the si dog, excited for awhile after see me, and immed bo hiew me, ha, that is her when she is outside.. stay till nite time and took 107 home.

Sat, went out wit roy and jj, but i went out early to haji for shopping alone.. =) saw a few clothes, but din buy immed, dunno the reason, juz din bought anything, but down with serious flu out of nowhere. aftermath met roy ard 630 at somerset mrt, and we went jalan jalan, we both have the same feeling of buying clothes.. in the past.. we always damn hyper when looking at clothes we like.. but now.. we seems like lose the interest.. hahaa~ he say we old liao, damn ! foo him~ finally the late king aka Jj came.. he was late for 2hrs. -.-" faint. went to Isetan at Lido, saw a polo tee at fredperry outlet, was damn nice.. and onli piece left.. roy saw a button shirt black checker, and he bought it.. haha and for me.. i din bought anything.. cos i feel tt fredperry was kind of out of my budget now.. hmm but i bought another tee from a shop.. with a egg design ! haha ~ damn cute the design, i LIKE !!

walk down to taka to meet up wit ms ma and aud, they went touchup of their tatoo. poor ms ma, have a big lump of the tattoo ard, =( ended up dinner at pastamania, hmm.. i din order any, but i share pizza with roy and jj.. totally no wei ko at all.. and the hot milo over there is damn awesome !!

bid gdbye wit ms ma and aud as they gt other plan.. and bid gd bye as well wit roy and jj, cos i gt something on.. have to rush back home.. cos my poor no no ge was so sad, due to some reason. ha ~ ended up mj at my house, and i lost the most. nvm, not very big amount oso..

ms ma was late home, terribly late.. ended up, she couldnt join me to my best, xy bd celeb @ CCK, alone to CCK on sunday.. joined the ex-energie peeps for BBQ, they are still so fun ard, and craps alot !! having mj session with them.. i share with annie, and i lose abit on my turn.. when annie turn.. omg, she is damn godlike.. and ended up we won abt $10, spilte half aftermath. and burn candle for xy ~ afterward rush home to paint.. but mum say too late.. next day than paint ~

monday, meet ms ma for breakfast.. craving for 126 @ geylang.. decided to walk there, expect tt the wind will be cool.. damn, was kana cheated.. so damn warm !! HAHA !! we two fool, okie onli me walk under the sun~ due to some reason.. went up to ms ma's granny house.. haha~ *shy*

than walked down to 126 !! omg ~ damn damn damn nice!! but bill came, we both shocked. LOL !! nvm la, seldom like tt eat oso.. =) walked back to ms ma house.. and sent ms ma down to do facial ard 2pm, and home sweet home for painting !! now my room is damn greeny ~ those ppl scare to have myopia, can come my hse see my wall ~

per 30mins $1,
take 2hrs discount $0.50
membership whole year $500
(includes with beverages, meals, and free internet !! ) hahaa ~ SIAO !

so this few day juz rot at home.. and out for interview.. din really go out alot.. was damn lazy.. but save quite alot =) happy !!

waiting for my little green ger to reach home.. kinda miss her ~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

had a new haircut from lala, nth much different, but juz feel like cutting. haha. i told tt to lala, and she keep on laughing.

having a terrible headache rite now. gosh. might be stress might be not.. i dunno.. but i guess having a early slep will ease the pain, i suppose.

finally done my lens from ter, my degree din increase. duh, to my surprise. i tot at least my astisgma will increase by 50, but nope. okie, i did my lens for a very gd price. =)

hmm, meet ms ma on tue at harbour, she craving for pizza, and as a very nice bf, ofcos we proceed to pizza, haha ~ okie i admit tt i oso wanted to eat okie, =X was damn full. for goodness sake tt i have to do some exercise in the nite time to ensure im more comfy to slep. -.-"

met ms ma on wed again at harbour right after my interview, sent her home after dinner, and she sent me to the busstop wit yuki~ silly yuki still searching for me when i board the bus. haha. stupid dog =D

hope tt everything will be smooth.. i started to have stress on me.. next month expenses.. not me but my family.. hai.. juz hope everything could be okie.. my 2009 career is quiet gd in a way after reading from.. haah ~ but r/s is bad.. ms ma oso.. but nvm.. we both will cfm preserved till 2010 =)

ms ma, have trust in me okie..? =)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

okie man, job hunting for last week was a failure.. okie not to the extend of failure.. but not the job tt i really wanted to work for.. for me, i will wan the job scope/position will link to my previous job scope and at least i will be able to build up my resume datas. gosh.. what to do.. slowly find first...

cny is coming man.. and i got few planning going on.. or so call date. haha.

12/1 - meeting energie peeps for steamboat at usual place. gona be very fun i suppose.

18/1 - my best aka xinying bd celeb, with energie group again. haha.. it will be a noon time bbq at her house? not cfm.

20/1 - meeting up wit ah li and leslie ong for dining session. gosh i damn long nv meet her ! haha she gona kill me.

well there are plans ongoing which yet to be confrm, like army group (ah cai & yunzhi ) shopping session for cny, mayb plan to go msia, or local on upcoming weekday. haha. and meeting up wit melvin & co. for chilling up as i promise, cos quite long nv meet them.. haha ! but han and chin i juz met them yest, at chinatown. okie details will enclose later. =D

and for my week that i ended.. i guess its quite enjoyable ! =D

for thur, ms ma was sick and she took leave to rest at home.. after my interviews end, bought her lunch/breakfast as she feel uncomfy to go out.. stayed at her hse till nite time.. homely session.. haah !

for fri, went for interview, and met les & hk for dinner @ chinatown.. went for dinner, and this two was so hungry till they order another burger and slice it half, half each. hahah ! bought new new mj set for xiao tian ge (teck song) bd.. haha.. than i went home for washup and meet them directly at leslie hse for mj session since bd boy wana play mj. haha ! but the big winner was hk the great. !! nb 十三么!! 自摸somemore !! faint !! his cards was soo godly. under his hand more power-de-ful.. okie im the big loser of tt nite. haha.

for sat, went to ms ma hse waiting for her to doll finish, and off we went to cathay to collect my movie tixs for "red cliff 2", after collecting out tix, ms mas wanted to drink something, and we went down to basement to buy milk+jelly. and we walk ard cathay for clothers of mine, not her.. and off we decided to go PS for walk.. shun bian buy yuki's canned foods.. wah so heavy !! ms ma was so fit.. that she bth and request me to carry for her, sometime.. HAHA ~ and we bought drinks from burger king, i din noe tt they have a king size drinks. hahaha. hmm.. walk down to taka for my craving !! ho ho ho ~ the basement mee !! and ms ma bought the korean QQ dunno wat. not bad taste =) and we settle down at a place for eating between wisma and taka. ha, the place was weird, ppl do nails over there.. mobile type. haah ~

so after that we wanted to buy drinks.. but we eneded up at taka basement atrium. hahah ! there have cny food fair !! ho ho ho ~ ms ma was soo excited. okie i oso. LOL ! the egg rolls... omg.. so nice !! and ms ma tested abt 80% of the pinapple tart. she not very happy wit it, haha ! her mouth.. *shake* we are damn cheap nice, that we test the foods, which stall is nicer.. haa ~

and once again, ms ma bought another drink lemonade. on the way back to cathay, something happen.. and plans changed !! after settling everything with my peeps and her peeps.. apologsie flies around by smses.. and cabbed to kovan to celeb my dad bd. having the fish head soup that our family all time fav, =) treated daddy the meal.. and ms ma and me cabbed to town back again to meet the peeps.. ms ma meet aud at PS, and me meet my peeps at cathay.. finally watched "red cliff 2" okie not bad !! hahaha and after show.. we walked down to eat prata.. treated the peeps prata as i feel very bad of the evening issue.. luckily they are such a understanding kind soul ! =D cabbed to ms ma hse to slep.. damn tired..

for sun.. is a ms ma day ! haha.. actually.. i juz slacked her hse the whole day till evening.. we woke up.. took yuki out for strolling.. than ms ma ta bao breakfast for the whole family.. and we eat together.. aftermath, ms ma wana was so nua tt she slept on my shoulder while im watching comic. haha, okie, she influenced me, i slept as well.. LOL !! nua till late evening and off we went to chinatown.. by the outcome of.. "guess punch" sissors paper stone those kind, duh ~ took bus over.. ms ma and my fav transport.. lol ~ went to settle dinner and looking for a bloodly hell atm machine for ms ma.. the entire chinatown is crowded wit ppl therefore... all the CASH HAD BEEN DRAW OUT !! damn. hahaha.. han called me.. say wana meet up and there he came to chinatown wit tong. woot, tong look more handsome today.. haha ! walk ard chinatown.. i sweat like hell.. and han request to drink?! went to the pub which is sooo cosy cos onli 2 tables have ppl.. total human being counted our group i think less than 10 ppl. LOL.. cards game.. sing ktv.. and home sweet home.. sent ms ma back home and i go home K.O

overall.. a wonderful weekend spent wit my loves one.. =)

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

6th day of 2009, it may seems short to someone, it may seems endless to another.. well, pleasing of one another are hard, or maybe impossible to please everyone.

i left my job, but the fucking company is trying to be funny and hold all my entitlement. i was really is a fuckup mood. and yet my love one, make me feel neglected. how wonderful was that ?

i dun expect a solution come out from you, but at least a listen ear? yes being a listen ear doesnt mean u dun need to talk.. im really feeling soo annoying not once but twice of this issue !

u might be have ur own problem, but if u are not in the state of talking, than pls kindly, yes i mean kindly inform me in the first place.. damn, i feel like an idiot toking on the fone w/o much respond, damn.

i trying to be understanding, but how to be when i noe nuts have happen to u, when u dunwan reveal (provided there is prob), or the least question i could think of is.. him again ?

i really dun wish to noe the reason.. something thing are better not to know than to be known.. yes i will be curious, human kind, who dun ?! even saint does that as well.. so wats wrong ?


"sorry" appear on sms. expected. but obviously its doesnt ease my flames.. mayb a winter weather from north pole might do the tiny little help of the scenario..