Thursday, January 22, 2009

implusive feeling to blog, no reason, juz feel like to.

last weekend was kind of enjoy ~ ya i started to love the spend e weekend timing wit my family, ms ma, my friend.. except of god of flu interfered my weekends, that will be perfect.

Friday, went for some interview at central ard, aftermath ms ma's mum asked me go down drink ABC soup ~ shopped ard raffles city for cny clothes, bought batterfishchips x 2 to add cai for ms ma dinner ~ ms ma bring yukibaby down to pick me up, the si dog, excited for awhile after see me, and immed bo hiew me, ha, that is her when she is outside.. stay till nite time and took 107 home.

Sat, went out wit roy and jj, but i went out early to haji for shopping alone.. =) saw a few clothes, but din buy immed, dunno the reason, juz din bought anything, but down with serious flu out of nowhere. aftermath met roy ard 630 at somerset mrt, and we went jalan jalan, we both have the same feeling of buying clothes.. in the past.. we always damn hyper when looking at clothes we like.. but now.. we seems like lose the interest.. hahaa~ he say we old liao, damn ! foo him~ finally the late king aka Jj came.. he was late for 2hrs. -.-" faint. went to Isetan at Lido, saw a polo tee at fredperry outlet, was damn nice.. and onli piece left.. roy saw a button shirt black checker, and he bought it.. haha and for me.. i din bought anything.. cos i feel tt fredperry was kind of out of my budget now.. hmm but i bought another tee from a shop.. with a egg design ! haha ~ damn cute the design, i LIKE !!

walk down to taka to meet up wit ms ma and aud, they went touchup of their tatoo. poor ms ma, have a big lump of the tattoo ard, =( ended up dinner at pastamania, hmm.. i din order any, but i share pizza with roy and jj.. totally no wei ko at all.. and the hot milo over there is damn awesome !!

bid gdbye wit ms ma and aud as they gt other plan.. and bid gd bye as well wit roy and jj, cos i gt something on.. have to rush back home.. cos my poor no no ge was so sad, due to some reason. ha ~ ended up mj at my house, and i lost the most. nvm, not very big amount oso..

ms ma was late home, terribly late.. ended up, she couldnt join me to my best, xy bd celeb @ CCK, alone to CCK on sunday.. joined the ex-energie peeps for BBQ, they are still so fun ard, and craps alot !! having mj session with them.. i share with annie, and i lose abit on my turn.. when annie turn.. omg, she is damn godlike.. and ended up we won abt $10, spilte half aftermath. and burn candle for xy ~ afterward rush home to paint.. but mum say too late.. next day than paint ~

monday, meet ms ma for breakfast.. craving for 126 @ geylang.. decided to walk there, expect tt the wind will be cool.. damn, was kana cheated.. so damn warm !! HAHA !! we two fool, okie onli me walk under the sun~ due to some reason.. went up to ms ma's granny house.. haha~ *shy*

than walked down to 126 !! omg ~ damn damn damn nice!! but bill came, we both shocked. LOL !! nvm la, seldom like tt eat oso.. =) walked back to ms ma house.. and sent ms ma down to do facial ard 2pm, and home sweet home for painting !! now my room is damn greeny ~ those ppl scare to have myopia, can come my hse see my wall ~

per 30mins $1,
take 2hrs discount $0.50
membership whole year $500
(includes with beverages, meals, and free internet !! ) hahaa ~ SIAO !

so this few day juz rot at home.. and out for interview.. din really go out alot.. was damn lazy.. but save quite alot =) happy !!

waiting for my little green ger to reach home.. kinda miss her ~


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