Wednesday, January 14, 2009

had a new haircut from lala, nth much different, but juz feel like cutting. haha. i told tt to lala, and she keep on laughing.

having a terrible headache rite now. gosh. might be stress might be not.. i dunno.. but i guess having a early slep will ease the pain, i suppose.

finally done my lens from ter, my degree din increase. duh, to my surprise. i tot at least my astisgma will increase by 50, but nope. okie, i did my lens for a very gd price. =)

hmm, meet ms ma on tue at harbour, she craving for pizza, and as a very nice bf, ofcos we proceed to pizza, haha ~ okie i admit tt i oso wanted to eat okie, =X was damn full. for goodness sake tt i have to do some exercise in the nite time to ensure im more comfy to slep. -.-"

met ms ma on wed again at harbour right after my interview, sent her home after dinner, and she sent me to the busstop wit yuki~ silly yuki still searching for me when i board the bus. haha. stupid dog =D

hope tt everything will be smooth.. i started to have stress on me.. next month expenses.. not me but my family.. hai.. juz hope everything could be okie.. my 2009 career is quiet gd in a way after reading from.. haah ~ but r/s is bad.. ms ma oso.. but nvm.. we both will cfm preserved till 2010 =)

ms ma, have trust in me okie..? =)


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