Wednesday, December 31, 2008

last day of '08.

last yr i dunno how i celeb but by now i should be outside celebing.. im still in ns yet im able to celeb, ironically is after my ns life im into the social, im almost peniless to celeb this event. and now i have to make ms ma so worry tt she feel useless for unable to help me much.

dear, its not u useless, is i dunwan u to involves. dun worry 2009 i will settle everything.. and i love u. thanks for the concern. *muazks*

and now.. im at home.. watching tv.. really dun have the mood to go out. although frenz are nice to ask me out, but i feel that i will definitly spoilt the atmosphere.. sorry guys. hope u guys enjoy =)

okie man, i gona sit back and enjoy my tv celeb of countdown on both channel u & 5 and mayb 8 ? i not very sure. hahaha..

ms ma now is enjoying herself at bali enjoying the good foods ! jesus ! haha, nvm, shall visit that place again since she said the foods is nice, oink.




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