Tuesday, November 25, 2008

alright.. finally that the 10 day events had end, ya ended. tons of matters happened during the event, i shall say tt it really make me kind of eyeseeing, exciting, but dun suit my charater, oh well.. so be it.. anyway we hit our minimum target of 62 61 ( after i double confirmed the sale this morning), but i sincerely dun feel enjoyment in this event, neither did my team-members, somehow rather, we hit the target, but the sense of achievement seems to be buried by watever reasons that come across..

and.. yest nite was kind of a hit to me.. afterall wat i have done.. seems like ended up to be "backfire" in a way.. its really out of my thinking ranges.. i was totally stunned, blanked, or watever.. i juz suddenly felt soo.. weird.. u noe.. its like things tt i did.. juz "accidently dropped on the floor"okie i really cant find a better phrase for that.. so.. juz go figure out ba..

speechless was another scary moments for me.. imagine im always those talkative one, but i juz couldnt come out with any solution.. ya.. prob might not be lies on me.. but partly might be me oso.. why im soo nice or good? suddenly juz feel so sick of this heavy burdden.. i always enjoys to help one another, and its definitly brighten up my day.. but now.. i juz sooo feel like isloated.. and wished for a getaway..

but i noe i cant.. cos.. im juz sooo into u.. that i cant possible leave u alone.. its kind of weird.. but i juz feel that.. wat i could do now is.. to prove u wrong.. u wanted to be alone, i respect.. but when u needs someone.. pls dun hestitate.. im always there..

i wondering.. is this part of the stages..?

and i believe we could conquered it..


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