Sunday, November 09, 2008

gosh, finally end !!

ton of celebs and outing on-going.. make me soooo busy and packed.. but luckily wit my bro and baby ard.. i felt sooo love :)

okie man, some summary of fri, sat and sun as i mentioned previously..

friday was a day... that i dunno how to describe.. haha.. okie, firstly i went in to office with baby ai xin breakfast.. than pack pack, and off to Mindef, meet up with my promoters. and setup.. haha.. i spoke to the CD, chief defense officer ( issit O ? ha i cant rem), anyway its a officer with three stars la ~ haha, intro to him of our product.. sales hmmm.. sold two.. i dunno issit consider good.. but still its abit for the charity la. which i think is doing good deeds. =)

han came over to pick mi up from mindef, and sent me home to change.. i came back home.. saw my bed waving at me.. i siben tempt. and i go.. lie down LOL !! and ya, im late for meeting them.. han smsed me. "WTF U DOING" , after attmpted to call me tons of missed call =X

met them up and settle dinner at bugis. foods were nice !! mayb can bring baby to try next time.. than meet up with han's frenz.. go for a "short" chat.. -.-" ended up abt 12am than go in Ddl O, fainted !! surprising, baby and her sista come over oso.. so ya, get to see them finally.. they turn out quite easy going.. haha ~ phew ~ eh, ya except for some issue turn my day aint ver enjoyed.. after tt sent baby home.. and we chatted until 6am.. till baby stomach pain -.-" see la~ nv eat and drink ~ nag at u *non-stop remix*!! haf mac for breakfast and quickily sent baby back home to rest..

sat, obviously was a tired day for me.. went down office late. damn damn ~ conducting training with my promoters. and slack at office awhile and off to AMK for home delivery.. after tt go down to AMK hub look for my promoters and makan dinner @ S11. took a cabby to andy bd celeb after dinner... okie.. the celeb was not bad.. ya and behind everyone seems high, or mayb andy and ps.. so much stuns they did. gosh. cabby home

sun, did routine visit and meet baby for short lunch.. and off continue visiting outlets.. and when finally done, its abt 7plus ! damn damn ~ meet ah li celeb at partyword ard 8.. gosh.. but the process was fun !!! full of craps on and on la ~ no bad the celeb turned out to be =)

yeah, and finally i ended my busiest week, i supposed !

and... suddenly i having some mixed feeling.. to u.. i think now is mine own prob, i started to be sensitive.. and i think i shouldnt be in this way.. issit something good? or something bad? good is i care for u soo much ? and bad is.. i treat u unfairly.. ? gosh i dunno wat going on ~ i might need some time to make myself calm.. ya calm.. *deep breathe*


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