Tuesday, November 18, 2008

gosh, finally i had time to blog.. im been sooo busy for the past few days.. and i had sooo much to updates !! okie man, this entry might be long, i dunno how long.. for reading wise maybe will took u 3 days 3 nite.. HAHA JOKE ASIDE =)

okie man.. im busy recently for my 10 days event at suntec Bookfest 2008. and i gotta work from 930am-10pm everyday. ya ur eyes are okie.. more than 12hrs :( .. well first few days was kind of stress as doesnt meet sale target at all.. esp weekend which im really quite tensed up.. baby was sweet enough to give me a surprise visit which dunno why i had my spider sense and i found her while i walking ard.. haha. seems like im e one who giving her surprise instead.. LOL~ and she actually bought went down and bought me dinner.. damn ! *muazks*

anyway.. we had started since 22 Oct.. currently i think we are good and will be better i supposing... haha ~ and i really like the way she think.. her cares.. her understanding.. her everything.. =) she is juz sooo great ~ i really do feel tt im lucky enough to have found her.. afterall we been frenz for 5yrs? and we really "lost contact" in a way tt she had my msn, i had hers, but we juz din chat at all.. and tts go to 5yrs of today.. we are together, its still sound like bit of drama but hey u are not at channel 5 or 8 now.. haha.. dun change the channel either ! shh !!

on last thur.. we finally had the whole day together.. as i gona starts my 10days events soon.. she is sooo sweet to take leave to match my off day and we spend whole day par-toring.. haha.. and we had a crazy thinking.. or mayb is baby.. she actually tot of watching two movie on one shot since we cant decided which to watch.. LOL~ sillly her..

its started on 10am, where she came to my hse wit missed calls on my hp but im in the kitchen prep breakfast for her.. *ding dong* and here she came.. snap photo of me when im in my sleeping attire.. damn.. so unglam !! haha !! prep burger for her not forgeting her all-time fav sunkist orange juice =)

than we nua awhile till noon time, and set off to marina sq for movie !! hmm.. i must say tt the cartoon show is funny.. but inbetween the show those kids cheering, laughing.. i guess thats oso kind of enjoyment.. LOL~ okie i sound pian tai, dun bring kids infront of me. i will carry them and ran off.. haha ! so.. my mum was the crazy one.. wanted to eat the bread tt baby bought earlier on before for my family.. so.. we walked to central !! haha to buy the bread.. i always enjoy the moments wit baby while walking.. its juz.. so much fun.. haha !! and we had some camwhore pic on-going the journey to central !! lucky the bread still gt alot when we reached there.. and we settle oour dinner at waraku dinning. i must admit tat after tgt with her.. i gain weight!! gosh.. i wonder issit gf will always feed the bf untill fei fei to prevent others ger fall on her bf.. LOL!! dun worry.. i mei ren yao one.. LALALALA ~ so stop stuffing foood to me ~ *bloated*

so once again we walked to marina sq for our second rd !! 007~ haha i could onli said tt its not very fantastic and no climate at all.. baby gt her karma for watching 2 movie in a row.. haha, she snore slep soundly on my arm during the show.. funny her ~ haha !! soo.. i needed to rush back home for work allocation of manpower.. and baby needed to pick up her lappy.. so ended up.. she played wit my dai mei and xiao mei in their room.. and i settle my work stuff first before sending her back home.. =)

My dai mei and xiao mei

and when im done.. i join them.. ended up.. PILLOW FIGHT !! HAHA !! damn.. im sweating like hell.. nua awhile in my bed after the cruel fighting.. 3 Vs 1.. yes, my baby joined force with them !! betrayer rite.. =( LOL~ afterall.. that day is a tiring but..

playing wit my xiao mei

L-O-V-E day with my baby, Fanny Ma Shu Xian.. =)


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