Saturday, June 30, 2007

Alright man, this week was cool ! ha, basically i have my open office cse again, but diff prog. this time rd, was sooo diff. the last cse i had, time flies damn fast.. i think basically its bcos of some source i guess. but this time rd, dun have ! time passed damn S-L-O-W !! but i learn things as well =)

well, wed nite went to AMK hub look for shuli, my shopping kaikis =), ver happy to see u attached. and i mean it =) ha ! we had dinner at pepper lunch, cos she WANTED to eat salmon from there, so.. ha, yah im easy-going man, anyway have a nice convasation with her during the dinner. its damn cool, after tt went to find my stuff. but in d end, she bought her stuff. HA !! and she always like to shppping wit me, duno y, mayb i juz find thing tt i think is nice when i enter a ger shop, and she will like e stuff. duh. but for heel, we have totally different views ! haha, tts tested and proved !! Duh~ thanks li !! i feel much more better abt ur nagging man ! and when u gona intro ur sch xiao mei mei for me ? HAHA !!

thur went to town to get my top from FCUK, gt discount~ cool. and went down to AMK Hub again for my shirt. met Sheng, my cousin who dunwan go home tt early, and looking for tank top as well. but hub dun have la, WEAK ! went bishan, found, but cannot try and quite exp oso, he scare waste $ ~ HA !! anyway im damn tired tt day !! really tired !! cabby home ~ woot.

fri went to watch TRANSFORMER. alrite guys, this movie is damn nice ! haha.. MUST CATCH !! we have 20 pcs of nuggets from MAC, and we realised tt its not enough, and i went out to purhase another 20pcs. HA !! my dinner was tt with a HOT choc from Starbucks. well, LIDO is damn cool !! they allow outside foods on the same level to bring foods in =) went to CP for the midnite shopping, saw a few ex-KK staffs, ha, those newbie nv see me b4, but they find it weird when i actually know they products quite well, and one ger asked me,"u work b4 KK ar ?" i replied, " ya, but im noob la =)" ha~ than another Kk staff, peimin actually said, "he work damn long last time de la, top promoter sommore." make me BLUSHED. -.-" i think tt time top was ZX ma, im juz workin for the pay onli. HA~

sat went workin at great world, supposing meeting Ed for dinner, she going back aust soon, but she acc her family tonite, well i understand well man, so i replied her, juz go acc ur family, we can always meet up the next time u came back, which might be half a yr later. HA ~ and I SAW HER infront of me. DUH !! damn qiao la !! she dun recognised me at all, duh, anyway set another time to meet her up again next week i guess.

went dinner with Han & co. the jap resturant tt sheng recommands. not bad, just tt abit disappointed when quite a few dishes of foods actually sold out. DAMN ! went to ICON bar, a thai bar with han they all, open a bottle. and i think i drink alot. i actually used tt to boost my courage, and msged someone. DUH !! and im happy la, at least a reply is there. thanks. i been down for days since tt days. and i actually used retail therpy to make myself feel better. OHYA, i bought a shoe as well from converse. DUH ! i guess i juz spend too much. but i feel better after tt, REALLY !! =)

tml i need to wake up damn early to pick up somthing, and off to work again at great wall again. next week will be short days for me as well, COS !! my mum coming back man ! took 2 days of leave to acc her. and most probably will give her a superb dinner ! =D mayb i cook ? or mayb eat out. haven really decides.

gona take my bath, and slep. NITE !!


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Your view of yourself:
you are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and dont like conflict. Bcos you're so cheerful and fun ppl are naturally attracted by you and like to talk to you.

The type of gf/bf you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you meet that person.

The seriousness of your love:
Your have ver sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with and unusual job.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll set for life.

How do your view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned abt your image and the way others see you. This means that you try ver hard to be accepted by other ppl. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not wat you wear.

Who is your true self:
You like privacy ver much bcos you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when u cannot find solutions to your own probs, but you would feel better if you learned to share yours thoughts with a person you trust

cool webby from

Sunday, June 24, 2007

i declared,



Friday, June 22, 2007

im damn down now.

if there is a hole, throw me in. im enough of ur nonsense.

stop putting me into ur shoes. NO !

i did a very very very bad bad bad mistake juz now, i actually replies jiayu's sms w/o really understand wat she meant, and i guess she quite turn off ba. i juz cant concentrate. im sorry ger.. guess "traffic" is red lights now. when than will i be able to see the green lights man.

i have been singles for yrs. 1 hand is not enough for counting, but thats doesnt mean tt im depso for it. i always looking for the rite one. and rite now, guess was "destroyed" by me. always do stupid stuns ! charater always the first in my mind, and we clicked, but mayb clicked onli in sms, ha, thats weird man! face to face, im definitly speechless. HA, how coward im.

really hope to get out of hse. OUT !!

really wish to play MJ !! y i reject man! damn it. haiz.. mayb play MJ will divert my feelings.

PS: actually the post now is in a mess, i duno wat im trying to say anyway and nvm as well.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Give her a morning call @ 9, and she gave me one at 1030. HA ! im damn tired la.. well dunno how the movie issit going on. see how man ~

seldom blog on this hr, esp when i juz blogged few days ago. hmm.. sales was bad mayb its my fault. cant really concentrate man. tts bad !

i love this feeling now, its like 2 way.. no more one way which make the whole "traffic" jam. ha! and her bd coming. damn. shall start findin. or mayb make something ? figuring out !

going back camp. damn sianz la. but not choice man. life go on. 1 more bugging yr and OFF I GO ! nv back to tt camp again ! =)

shall go now. gona late for work !!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

cool man.

suddenly tot of my belove blog, which i thinking tt i have neglected it for quite long.

juz came back from movie session with my cousin, sheng. kind of cool when i carrying a 1.8K LV bag. HA ! i will own tt some day man. woo ~ fantasic 4 not bad la. but the infront ppl + the aircon make the whole thing downgraded. ha ! ohya was on open office cse for thur and fri at ard tg pagar area, kind of cool. dun need stay in camp is gd enough ! =)

ohya the open office cse was damn bored, luckily thing is can surf net and jiayu smses ~ pass most of my time with it, thanks ger =) ha, jiayu is a ger tt i noe thru workin. din really tok at all during workin, but gt her msn thru frenz and starts to contact. ver cool ger, ha and lame as well =X overall nice ger la..

hmm.. wasnt really keen on shopping recently, dunno y.. GSS and yet i din really saw anything tt caught my eyes, damn. weird !!

changed a new job. like the environment. i think sales still suit me. altot i love my previous F&B staffs.. but i guess sales was my blood, ha quoted by sheng.

okie, tml will be going for my cse as well.. than evening will be pickup my da mei, shan for her bd celeb. gona as her request to a jap resturant for dinner and later on buy her a book tt she long to have =) somemmore she wana go orchard, okie la. for her age, i think is time let her see see wat town look like.

well, sat morning will be joining sheng to swim, i guess i need to tan as well. and work @ 12pm.

k la, gona slep now.. slept for 3hrs last nite onli. all thanks to kohwee's bd celeb. photos will update soon ! =D