Saturday, May 16, 2009

not feeeling very good now, mix feelings.. sometime im really that selfish.. gt to tune my mind.. when we always compromise one another, someone, somehow, will be affected by the decision. its is the common path for everyone in r/s.. but the problems came in when both of us are willing to sacrifice for each other.. ironic is.. we will compromise one another and end of the day.. there is no perfect ans for two of us.. perfect ans.. doesnt really exist, somehow.

busy and heavy time slot eating up the quality time to spend with her.. aint happy, but will try to cheer myself up.. afterall its juz a small problem that anyone out there will have..


ms ma was down with illness for few days.. acc her to see doc, feed her lunch, feed her medicine.. and i off to work.. nite time when im free for 2hrs, visit her again and off for my appt.. seeing her everyday getting better is something that i wana see... at least i wun worry abt her..

han had been laterly complaint that i have not meeting them, hurhur. meet them juz now for dinner @ changi village.. and watched the man u match.. the foods are okie.. but its cheap.. 50++ for 5 items include wit curry fish head x 2.

sunday will be a busy day for me.. jiayou ba mr teo.. everyone is looking at u.. prove the rest wrong.


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