Friday, April 24, 2009

some updates.

but before i starts, just a random rant.

just now i was on e bus on d way home. a lady at a age likely to be 17, stand beside me. for ur infor im sitting down reading some acticles la. and she was behaving quite weird. so i at first thought she wana sit beside me, so lift my bag up. and empty e seat. but she din sit down, and instead she sat on another empty seat opp. me. nvm, the main thing starts from here. she out of nowhere pop beside me and ask me for,

her: "can u give me 20cents?"
me: *curious* y u need this 20cents for ?
her: i like to trvel ard, and i need money to buy things.

i was thinking, wat e hell she wana buy wit tt 20cents? actually i dun mind gib to her, but she look normal to me, wit all joints healthy, i dun see a reasons why i should gib her e money and if she needs, shouldnt she equiped wit a job, isnt better?

me: y u dunwan go work ?
her: i gt but job hard to find..
me: so u beg for money ard?
her: *looking at me* can u gib u 20cents or anything oso can ?
me: how old are u ?
her: 20++
me: *shocked, cos she look like 17* than did u go to sch ?
her: *abit sianz y i ask so much question* so can u gib me 20cents? or i go find others..
me: than u go find others lo, sorry. i wun gib it to u.

ppl might think tt why i like tt. 20cents onli ma. but in my mind was.. if we continue to spoon feed her, she will used to it, and she MIGHT do it rest of her life. im saying MIGHT. and why she starts to be like tt ? mayb she is despo for $ some days, and she ask some kind souls and they donated her e money.. thats why she thought tt, like easy money huh ? so she continue.. til now

but after i see her actions. i realise something. her IQ might be really low. cos her actions cannot explain what she trying to do. except of asking for ppl money.. and e best part is.. after i rejected her, she approached a old man at a age of 70 i guess, e kind soul gave her e money.. and she look back to me, give me e proud look. i dun understand what she trying to prove. and e next thing is, she scan her card infront of e driver. u noe when u reach ur place, u will scan ur card rite, she did it infront of e driver and stand beside him, w/o going off e bus. tt show tt she is not very stupid. and e moments she drop e bus, she approach another ah pek again for money. frankly speakin, her actions if she work e correct job, she might be better than anyone out there, cos she DARE to tok to stranger. hur, one pt for her. haha.

anyway juz a random post. cos if she is broken arm or wat mayb i will donate. but she is not.. and i dun dare to tell her tt, later she really think tt its a idea, and she broke her arm or etc, wah i machaim killer. AHAH ~ okie end.


went to boss hse for meeting, learnt his special formula !! damn solid. and i think i really nv regret knowing him, also as my superior..

irene last day working. quite sad. but i think is time for her to purses wat she really want in her career, afterall she cannot be chi teng's PA forever rite.. althought yes she was rewarded a gd pay becos of her attitude in work, not any cat and dog can take chi teng work loads. -.-"

a weeks have pass.. i haven close any case.. but open case quite a few.. and i happy and sad at e same time.. i closed two deals last week.. and sad part is.. my first 2 cases are stranger.. which i dun even noe them.. and they willing to trust me.. and put their money on me, to help them grow money, which im really appreciate it.. but ofcos end of day they are e onli one beneficial compare to me.

alright man. i gona out for appt. bye ~

to be continue... maybe.. =)


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