Sunday, March 01, 2009

im in a tired mode nw. gosh, after bath do make me think clearer.


im totally speechless when there would be someone out there told me that, "there is nth to talk", my next reacts from my twist of tiny winny brain will be, this person have nth to tok to me, so mayb we shall end e convasation. but deep in e heart, came with needle poked, and lead to un-explain-able pain, if u will be asking me. yes, explaination was done by u. maybe everyone have the different way of thinking, we cant expect everyone to be e same, accept e same logic whoever have. "give and take"..


im like thinking, anything went wrong ? it might be a starting spark which undectable now, mayb now, but infuture who noes.

define of "nth to talk" : there is no such define.

so ans is, there is no wrong nor correct ans.

just ya, feel kind of uneasy during e journey..


went morning movie wit ms ma. watching " marley & me ", very nice movie with touching storyline and gd actors, okie and not forgetting cute and clever dogs. ( there is alot dogs interm of acting at different age stages ) , 4.9 popcorn out of 5. cos e movie caused my loves one cried =)
ms ma cried. which is understandable, cos i did as well. but not to e extend of weeping, but ya wet kind.. sent her home and off to woodland to look for irene for mugging. weather was cold, and a cup of hot choc made e wonder.

bascially, i failed 2 major exam which is m5 and m9, will be taking HI tml. not much confident, but will try my very best. will be retaking m5 on wed again. hopefully i could pass.

offered a temp job from e help of irene and ofcos her boss as a telemarketer, hope to ease some cash flow prob. =)

everything is fine so far.

ohya, sat went to msia for dinner/supper. and packed ms ma unorganised bed, she said she like it, gona obtained a charge from her soon. *point e cashier* haha~

gona back to mugging. bye.


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