Friday, May 29, 2009

few hours later i will be leaving this little red dot, and set of to our "neighbour" malaysia ~ "truthly asia ~~~ "

keke, well its is definitely are last min plan ( since wed !! ) to go there, ms ma sent me a msg that she wana take a leave to break.. so i suggest might as well have a short trip to somewhere else. so that goes on.. and now come our plan ~ =) genting + KL trips.

asking ard for the routes and going online to print the map, juz in case getting lost, and oso prevent any malaysian trying to be funny and bring us rd and rd. hurhur. but i guess its gonna be fun !! yeah ~

i gonna go pack my stuff ~ stay tune for the next updates of the msia trips ~~

Saturday, May 16, 2009

not feeeling very good now, mix feelings.. sometime im really that selfish.. gt to tune my mind.. when we always compromise one another, someone, somehow, will be affected by the decision. its is the common path for everyone in r/s.. but the problems came in when both of us are willing to sacrifice for each other.. ironic is.. we will compromise one another and end of the day.. there is no perfect ans for two of us.. perfect ans.. doesnt really exist, somehow.

busy and heavy time slot eating up the quality time to spend with her.. aint happy, but will try to cheer myself up.. afterall its juz a small problem that anyone out there will have..


ms ma was down with illness for few days.. acc her to see doc, feed her lunch, feed her medicine.. and i off to work.. nite time when im free for 2hrs, visit her again and off for my appt.. seeing her everyday getting better is something that i wana see... at least i wun worry abt her..

han had been laterly complaint that i have not meeting them, hurhur. meet them juz now for dinner @ changi village.. and watched the man u match.. the foods are okie.. but its cheap.. 50++ for 5 items include wit curry fish head x 2.

sunday will be a busy day for me.. jiayou ba mr teo.. everyone is looking at u.. prove the rest wrong.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

alright a little updates of me.

have not been very hardworking making my activites.. i guess i have to keep myself more on e ball.. but ya.. have e urge of "nuaing" haha ~ but ofcos i will buck up. yes i will..

had a long weekend, which feel quite gd and refresh. and i guess my godness of luck have came back slowly.. oh well, at least i won mj laterly (which i had lost since 2009 started for ur infor). spend quality time wit ms ma is another moments that i will like to cherish.. at least for now.. cos i had this feelings i might/maybe neglects her somewhere when im fully contentrate wit my career, and i know she will be e best supporting me, but it will be unfair for her, thats well.. time management will ring e bell, im silly enough to ask her "book" appt wit me when she really needs my accompany. haha, indeed its silly.. girlfriend making appt wit her boyfriend for date. gosh. who will wan their another half to b like tt..? she must be someone tt unique.. and i believed she is =)

fri, after a 3hrs slept from a midnite mj, rushed down to meet ms ma for breakfast for dim sum. the foods are really fantastic. okie, its my second time there, but e first attempt wasnt a "WOW" feeling to me. and it does make a wonderful starts of my day. thanks dear :) went to temple for "huan sheng", and bless for my next exam as well.. so went to bugis street jalan jalan and visited e new shopping mall @ bugis.. the place was huge.. and e aircon is cold enough for me. ahem. LOL. sent ms ma home and left her ard evening, meeting up wit a client at her house nearby, woodland. omg. but its worth it !! =)

sat was bored at home, and mj at nite @ my hse.. and winner is me =)

sun, went to watch xmen wit ms ma @ e new cinema near bugis. nt bad experience. ms ma love e place as well, except for e aircon. haha. ohya e price of tt cinema is cheaper than others for ur infor. =) went jalan jalan for ms ma tibits box, gt to refill for her, she &@#^@#-ing nth to eat during office hrs.. haha.. settle dinner @ bugis and set off to NTUC since ms ma's mum gave her voucher. ya and for me, i do "weight training" lo, while ms ma choosing e foods she wan.. HAHA~

and ms ma cooked macoroni( did i spell correct?) taste not bad !! haha, i bet she must have did it often.. =p next attempt is mr teo version spagetti. ~

gosh tml will be a long day, gotta go slep soon. wan an.